My husband (33M) is shocked that people find me (31F) attractive

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My husband (33M) found out that a good number of men and women consider me (31F) very attractive.

Not to toot my own horn but I put a lot of effort into my appearance. Naturally, I’m pretty average but with all the effort I put in, a lot of people find me beautiful.

My husband recently found that out and he’s really confused.

He’s been watching a LOT of anime and his standard of beauty is a cartoon with a face of a 12 year old and the body of a grown woman.

He came up to me and asked if I knew that people thought I was beautiful.

I told him that a lot of people consider me beautiful and the world didn’t end when I was 25.

He’s been behaving very oddly since, almost incredulous that people find me attractive. I’m offended that he’s shocked.

How do I get over my husband being shocked that I am considered beautiful? How do I approach him about this and how his question made me feel?

Edit: He says they don’t look 12 but I’m uninformed because I don’t watch anime.

Edit2: He was recently diagnosed with autism and ADHD. He said that he didn’t realize he was engaging in an emotional affair with his coworker until she kissed him because he doesn’t understand social cues. He was flattered initially because he never thought anyone besides me would want him but he told me after a few days because the guilt was too much.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-noon4474
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