My boyfriend (33M) and I (33F) have finally picked out an engagement ring and he said, “Since I’m buying it can I get out of paying you rent this month?”

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Is this fair? The ring we picked out is slightly under the budget we’ve been discussing for the ring this whole time. He lives with me and pays me rent each month that takes care of 80% of the mortgage payment but I still have our condo fee, all of other bills (internet, gas, electricity, water, streaming services) and groceries that I pay for so it’s not like he’s contributing more toward us living. I do make substantially more money than him but he has quite a bit more in savings than I do right now because he sold his house to move in with me and made a decent profit. Am I being greedy and unreasonable? Or should I just buy the ring myself and ask myself to marry me?

Edit: saying “80% of the mortgage” poorly explained this. What I mean is his rent total equates to 80% of the mortgage, but I don’t have an expensive mortgage. I pay for 70-75% of our monthly expenditures and he’s pays for the rest with how much his rent totals up to.

More additional context: Ring is $3k. We both agreed on this. I offered to pay for half at one point and he refused. Now right before we’re about to buy the ring he’s asking this question about not paying rent.

Edit 2: Thanks everyone for your comments. We are going to have a discussion when we’re back home later. I apologize for not explaining the financial situation with how much we’re both contributing correctly in the original post and any confusion that caused. I’m not going to respond to any additional comments because I’m a bit overwhelmed by how much this blew up but I appreciate all of your perspectives and I am grateful the responses were not all one-sided.

submitted by /u/Confusednoises777
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