My (23F) boyfriend (23M) gave me the ick

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Me and my boyfriend took a break from sex 3 months ago. We haven’t had sex until last night. We were kissing and we both got turned on so bad and thought of having sex and we did.

I don’t usually moan (I do but in a quietly way) but last night I was really feeling it since he was fucking me from behind (and I loved it). I didn’t even notice myself moaning since I was living in the moment and was extremely feeling it.

During that time, my bf stops because he was about to come (literally lasted 10 seconds) and told me: “Can you stop faking it?”. That question turned me off so bad and literally gave me the ick. Didn’t even let him touch me after that.

How am I supposed to enjoy sex without him thinking that I’m faking it???!

After sex, I talked to him about this and he still was convinced that I was faking it. Which, I wasn’t.

EDIT: the reason why I stopped having sex with him was because he refused to wear condoms and I refused to be on the pill because of side effects I had when I was on it. I know that I can get other type of pills to prevent pregnancy but I have PCOS and I’m trying to balance my hormones naturally. IUD is not even an option because of my pain intolerance.

submitted by /u/Ok_Discussion9903
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