MusiKin live sex chats for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “MusiKin live sex chats for YOU!

  1. God, I hope this is a troll. If not, run. His argument for pursuing a woman while out with his friends was, “They dared me to do it.” Aside from the ageism and sexism involved in their dare, he's prepared to cheat and tell you about it for the lolz. Dump this child.

  2. You gotta do what's good for your relationship. I believe the things that's going to make the biggest difference is yall ability to communicate your needs to each other. So for instance if for you (not because you heard it from anywhere else) want to increase your ability to have sex with each other, talk about it first. Are there days where you may feel more energized than others? Is it easier to have sex in the morning as opposed to end of the day? Would schedule work for you both? I've suggested people to take a day off work to make time to just be home and have sex and spend time being intimate. Most importantly do what's good for your relationship

  3. Showering everyday is like a ground level standard of hygiene. Yes, she absolutely should leave you if you can't even manage that.

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  5. Hello /u/Unjustly-justified,

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  6. You stop joking around, you stop being friendly, you stop going places together even if it's just for an after work drink.

    You keep it 100% professional. Civil, but distant. And don't shit where you eat anymore.

  7. When my husband and I started dating, we agreed that we’d have open and honest discussions about comfort if someone expressed interest more than once. We also agreed that it would be a negotiation until we were both comfortable with the boundaries set. I think we’d probably both agree that a platonic, quick hug would be okay but we’d listen if one of us disagreed.

    It’s not really the behavior but the inability to discuss….are you demanding “your way or the highway” type of things or are you asking to discuss? If the former, that’s not going to fly. If the latter, her response shouldn’t fly.

  8. If she sensed that you had ulterior motives she was right to be brutally honest about her own feelings. But it would be sadistic for her to expect you to continue to play the role of the supportive friend. It may be painful in the beginning to stay away from her but it's the only way you'll be able to move on so you can someday have a completely clean emotional slate to offer to someone who will love you back. The longer you let her linger in your heart the longer it'll be before you feel okay again. So embrace the hurt in the short-term, it's building the muscles you'll need for whatever comes next for you. Also don't be afraid to let her know that you just can't be her friend anymore. She's been honest with you so don't have to fear being honest with her. Unless she's an egomaniacal collector of souls she'll understand.

  9. Im not sure if my sleeping meds have that side affect but ive never sleep walked before and even if i did i dont know how i would get that all over my face and pillow.

  10. I can sort of see where you are coming from, but I can’t do that. I had a huge crush on her all the way through high school and she finally agreed to go on a date in our sophomore year. I never dreamed it would happen, and now she is going to marry me! I just need to find a way to not lose her and not spend so much on a new ring!

  11. Run brother. It will suck to get a divorce but I can almost 100% guarantee it will suck way more to battle for this marriage.

  12. This feels very unsympathetic and overly dramatic.

    It doesn't sound like he had an unfortunate accident he had no control over. Imagine the same reaction in a reverse situation or when getting your period.

    Why would you throw away sheets because they got poop on them? Why not just put them in the washer on a hot wash cycle?

    If you wver plan on having kids…you'd end up buying a lot of replacements if you throw away everything that gets poop on it…


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