MonaSoom online webcams for YOU!

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One thought on “MonaSoom online webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm guessing that your age and professional inexperience are causing you to doubt yourself so let me put your mind at ease. I'm a 58 year old woman who has worked in every kind of environment you can imagine. This guy would be considered a massive fucking creep in every single one of them. None of what he is saying or doing is okay, normal or acceptable in any workplace.

    If you follow your line of thinking that maybe he's just 'being friendly', does he tell your male co-workers that they're good looking? Hug them? Put his hand on their knee? On their neck? Send them the 'wolf whistle' emoji? If he were to 'wolf whistle' at one of your male coworkers, what do you suppose their response would be? Or if he put his hand on a male coworker's knee? Their response would probably be something along the lines of what the fuck are you doing??.

    Because there is nothing okay or normal about what he is doing. Right now, he is testing you. He does these little things to gauge your reaction and to see if you let him get away with it. Then he does a little more. And then a little more. He's finding out how far he can go and get away with it.


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