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32 thoughts on “Molly Jackson online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I don't know that it's remotely fair to even describe that as trauma, pal. That line of thinking assumes that, no matter what happens, households who fit the “one wife, one husband” mold are the only acceptable ones.

    I've known folk from single parent families who had the most caring and encouraging parent ever, and people who had both parents who have gone NC due to their abuses.

    Honestly, and with benefit if the doubt, it sounds like someone messed you around and you're trying to find a simple answer as to why. The problem there us people ARENT simple, and it's really not as simple as the “Girls without father figures are more promiscuous!” Soundbite I suspect you're looking for here.

  2. So my read on the situation when you caught her is that they were up to some hanky panky and one of them noticed you and they scrambled to make it look like they hadn’t been banging all day. The hands down the pants story doesn’t make much sense, so that was probably a quick excuse she made and has to stick with. She started crying when she you came in because she got caught and now had to face the consequences of her actions, and that’s why she’s still crying. If you hadn’t caught them in the act would she still be seeing him? I think you know the answer to that.

  3. Comparison is the thief of joy. Even if you achieved your genetic maximum perfection, there would be something else that some woman would have over you. Michael Jordan wished he could play baseball. Jealousy is to your soul what rust is to iron.

    The most important detail I read in what you had to say was that your boyfriend feels that you are the most perfect woman for him. That's true because the knows it. No other woman has that. There are plenty of women who are more curvy than you but their personality is crap so they can't keep a guy like your boyfriend. Consider all that.

    You need to reframe and redirect your thought patterns. There are things you can change, and things you can't change. Focusing on things you can't change isn't healthy, it's not kind to yourself, and it's not useful. Whenever you think about curves or other women that your bf might potentially be more attracted to, try to quickly focus on one of your good qualities because you have plenty and that's way more helpful to you than thinking about something you can't change. Hope this helps.

  4. I (26F) am in a monogamous LDR (32M) for 6 months. We met live! and have not met in person yet,

    this is not a relationship

    *head desk*

  5. All you had to do was listen to what he said he if you opened the relationship. Also you could have read any of the tons of reddit posts about the outcome of opening relationships when one partner doesn’t want it. Leave him alone.

  6. I understand how embarrassing and horrible this is for you and I truly do feel for you.

    However, I'm a little confused at you describing yourself as 'hurt'? Adrien is hurt. Even if you have been in a long relationship, there is still real pressure to impress your partner's family and be liked and accepted by everyone. It must have been awful for him and I think you need to reflect on that a bit more as your whole message seems to concentrate on how you are feeling about the situation. He will be more likely to accept your apology if it is genuine, heartfelt and not self-pitying.

    Something I wanted to ask as well was why you immediately thought Adrien was trying to assault you? Isn't this someone you know very well (considering they are engaged) and have been around a lot? Has he ever given you any reason to mistrust him before?

    Try to see this from his perspective (and your sister who must have been horribly embarrassed). When you have truly put yourself in their shoes, only then apologise. Do not say anything that you have said here about 'being sad at how your dad worded things' or that you were sad your sister didn't check up on you. This apology needs to be about them. Your sister was correct to trust him and obviously knows him well.

  7. Hello /u/randomcash555,

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  8. Dude, she is lying to you. She hooked up with other people. Which, isn't really a big deal since you were both broken up, but it sounds like she is still with one or more of these people. Get some self respect and leave.

  9. I think it’s a bit presumptuous to assume that others should share the same desire to be a mom or should even been thinking at all about their fertility timeline, especially if she has such an extreme anxiety about being pregnant in the first place.

    I agree that she should move on from this dude, but as a child-free person myself who is also terrified of pregnancy, even if she gets her anxiety/OCD under control I don’t think that it’s safe to assume that she’ll ever be ready for it (and that’s okay!)

  10. You're not in love with her. You're crushing on her because she's doing her job.

    How do you handle this? By spending less time with her and keeping all conversations professional. And by not reaching out after graduation.

  11. At that age 10 months is far too soon. Further, it should be a question of whether you’re ready, you should just know. Trust your gut and bring your own condoms

  12. you'll be going back for more apparently.

    Yeah, unfortunately I am going back to school and this is the only way I can pay for it. I currently pay $1300 per month for my apartment and electric bill. When I move home I'll only be paying my mom $700, so I have more to put away for tuition. I would really like to avoid it but I'm having a naked time saving anything each month as it is, and the $700 should really help my mom. I'm not the same person I was when I lived at home and I think I will be alright, but I'm not putting up with any of her shit.

  13. You’ve been dating for 3 months. That’s not long term, that’s barely beyond casual dating. It doesn’t sound like he was ghosting you initially, just being incredibly flaky but he did communicate to cancel at the time and ultimately let you know his priorities are elsewhere. He’s ghosting you now because you haven’t been listening to him. The relationship wasn’t as serious to him as it was to you, his priority before he leaves are his friends.

    We’re running out of time if we want to see each other before he leaves

    To be honest, it doesn’t sound like he wants to. People make time for what’s important. I’m really sorry, that definitely sucks. It’s time to drop the rope and let him go.

  14. If you told her you want her to be happy and have another child with her despite circumstances, I imgine the facade would fall, and once she thought you really mean it would be very happy about it. She has “said” she doesn't want more children. She has said it probably, for your sake. For her it is sacrifice that makes her increasingly frustrated.

    Say, you love right? Would you suck it up to make her desire for bio children fulfilled? You already have yours and she bears the responsibility for that, shouldn't you do the same for her, as naked as it may be?

  15. Is English a second language for you my guy? You keep typing out sentences but they make zero sense.

  16. Been there done that. Down to the same ages. He ended up trying to kill me.

    I would recommend breaking things off. This sounds harsh, but no normal 27 year old wants to date a teenager without sinister intentions.

  17. Why have you stayed with her this long? It sounds like a very imbalanced dynamic that you're not happy with.

  18. Tell her and break up with her. You know you’ll keep doing this to her. You should get tested for STD’s, and if you had sex with your girlfriend after your happy ending, then she should get tested too, since you will have potentially exposed her.

    Then get treatment or remain single.


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