@MissBlondeCuti1 (Mary) the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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@MissBlondeCuti1 (Mary), 23 y.o.


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25 thoughts on “@MissBlondeCuti1 (Mary) the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Either find God or find a new girlfriend.

    Relationships are about sacrifice. They're not about finding that “perfect companion”. The perfect companion doesn't exist because (speaking of evolution) we evolve throughout our lives. The perfect companion today will not be perfect 3 years from now. She will evolve which is exactly what she has done.

  2. No offence but you seem way too immature to be married, and that’s coming from someone only 2 years older than you. You’re going to have to learn that in some situations, like this one, that you need to choose your husband.

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  4. I give OP the benefit of doubt that this is the first time he's pulled this stunt, and the benefit of doubt that both partners didn't handle their original relationship expertly.

    I also give OP the benefit of doubt that, perhaps a small part of his ex legitimately wants to get back together, albeit however small it may be.

    He is definitely, actively, fucking up whatever he currently has with her. But, I would want my ex to forgive me at least once, if I was honestly being an idiot. And I think that's an appeal that everyone can understand on a personal level.

    But if he fucks this away as well, then he for sure needs to drop it.

    We just need to remember, that the only way you become emotionally mature, is by dealing with emotional trauma in a healthy way. And that not everyone has had the benefit of an active, obviously toxic relationship to learn how not to behave from. I know not to cheat, because I watched it ruin my parents' relationship. My neighbors parents relationship, I walked in on my exfiance with another man. I had an ex girlfriend confess to cheating, even though I wasn't pressuring for an answer while we were at Disneyland of all damn places.

    I don't know anyone who has gone through that firsthand like me, it's a little cruel for me to expect someone to understand the problem like I do.

    Normally, I say relationships end for a reason, but they do have kids together, if she is open to the possibility, I think it can be allowed under the right circumstances no?

  5. He is not just fine with him hitting her, he is fine with people around him being hit (whether by him or his mom). OP has to run, and don't look back.

  6. I don't think it was the last such action by her. Let's summarise she has pretended to be much drunker then she was to force you into situation she knew it would be difficult for you. After that she has been upset at you for… being in a difficult sitaotion she has put youin herself and not being able to magically solve it. She also got upset for you loosing your cold towards absolutely moronic and downright malicious actions.

    Yeah, unless she herself acknowlegdes what she has done was wrong she will do things like that again.

  7. He did you a favor, and I'd suggest you block him too and get help to move on. It's sad you say you'd still answer after everything that's happened. Put all the energy you've put into whatever that was into therapy and the outcome will be much better for you.

  8. Quite honestly I think you should let both go. I think you will be settling with either. But if you decide to pick one of them, go with what your heart desires

  9. Liking other naked women's photos that have no similarities to me at all, lying to me. Making Instagram accounts even though we both agreed not to be on there.

  10. How often do you text? It’s normal for couples to text several times during the day, I call my bf every day/every other day and it’s pretty balanced.

  11. You're so classy, I'd have dumped all my screenshots in the group chat and then left the chat like ✌️

  12. What do I do?

    Keep your distance from him, and don't let him touch you. Ke kind but clear eg “please don't touch me, thanks”.

    Sounds like he could have some neurodiversity plus other issues, but not washing is not really helping him and his siblings are doing him a disservice regarding this.

    You're not being classicist or elitist but if he's neurodiverse you may be a little unaware of how that can impact him. Having said that, he just sounds rude and needs coaching on social skills and hygiene.

  13. Ask to read her texts. If it’s innocent, she should be willing to share it with you. If she gets defensive then pack up.

  14. I was tested before I got into the relationship. I’m dead against cheating which is why I think this is bothering me so much.

  15. This is the first boyfriend I’ve had that I’ve introduced her to! We’ve been friends for about two years, but we’ve both gotten really close in that time. Thank you for responding! I appreciate it 🙂

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    She was dating this guy (32M) for 3 years before he went to prison for selling drugs. I met her a year later, that was almost 6 years ago. We got married 4 years ago, and had two kids together, a 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son.

    I've been going through a mental breakdown over this whole situation. Basically, a few months ago my wife started becoming distant, I asked her a few times what's up and all she really said was that she was tired and I believed her.

    That was until she started going out all night, telling me she's going to see her friends. This started happening more and more so I dug a little deeper and asked one of her friends about this situation, and she told me that she did not see her on those nights and that her ex just got out of prison 4 months ago.

    I was in shock, but I had to keep it together for the kids if anything. That was until yesterday my wife served me with divorce papers. We had a great marriage and the only reason I could come up with as to why is her ex. That was confirmed when I found his Instagram, a post of her and him with the caption “my ride or die, still with me after all these years apart”.

    I am heartbroken and don't want my kids to live with a drug dealer, I want to know what I can do legally to stop that from happening. Please help.

  17. Dude, she just wants to sleep around. You can't have a committed relationship with someone like her. She is taking advantage of you. Get yourself some self respect, move on, and don't look back.

  18. He doesn’t ‘struggle with aftercare.’ There is no struggle or attempt to change on his part. He uses your body to get off. He then cares more about his phone than your feelings. You feel used because you are being used.


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