Mia-rous18 live sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Mia-rous18 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. You should be good enough but it looks like that isn’t the case. You both don’t seem happy so where to go from here?

    Maybe try therapy. There seems to be a considerable gap in communications and the level of trust that should be there in a marriage isn’t. Therapy could help.

    Is it a total loss? Possibly.

    Tell her you want to exhaust all avenues. Tell her you’d like to consider therapy and see if you can work this out. If she doesn’t reply and says no, sign the papers and walk away. No point trying to fix the unfixable.

  2. I don’t pay rent or bills or groceries as my boyfriend believes that’s what men are for in a relationship

    Lmfao you mean men’s mommies?

    Wow. There are even more layers to the fucked-upped-ness of your relationship than expected. Let me guess, does he believe it’s the woman’s job to run the household and do all the chores?

  3. I'm surprised she didn't collapse on the floor, cry and beg your forgiveness.

    Her cheating and long term cover up was selfish, entitled, deceitful, and showed zero empathy for you. And her cold response (it was just one affair and I haven't cheated since) is very tough and self centered.

    No thought then or now about your feelings. Zero empathy for you.

    Rather than deal with this for the rest of your life (you will never see her the same) , since there are no kids I suggest divorce.

    You're young. Find a life partner that is head over heels for you without the ?.

  4. U definitely didn't deserve it but either way if she won't believe u, u can't really do more than tell her that and not be a total jerk about it. U do have a right to be pissed tho but it's best to be civil

    Sorry being dumped sucks especially for such a stupid reason

  5. Yes, friendships should be pretty equal. I don’t think OP is being petty or shortsighted. It’s not a good idea to invest in friends who don’t return your energy- you’re just setting yourself up to be disappointed. Best to step back a bit in order to preserve the good feelings that do exist between you.

  6. Hahaha Nooo. Count your losses and be free. I'm sorry you have to take on this burden, but just cut it as a loss. Make it a clean slate. The minute you drag this out, means he can also potentially ruin you too. Maybe monetary maybe by social standing. But he can DRAG IT OUT. Just cut your ties, and make sure your lawyer has EVERYTHING in writing. Otherwise he can come after you for some dumb crap.

  7. Women are not obligated to be house slaves because children exist. Feel free to quit your job and be dependent on someone so you can online your Pinterest woman fantasy, But NO ONE is obligated to do that. Take your sanctimonious smug misogyny elsewhere.

  8. Redditor calls something ,which isn't even remotely related to controlling, controlling.

    More news at 11. Like seriously.


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