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23 thoughts on “Meryrosse live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Lol. When my brother started exercising every day I didn't even know until I noticed some extra muscle, and I live! with him – he'd been doing it daily for two months by that point. He still doesn't talk about it, two years later. People who don't talk about it definitely do exist

  2. As someone who’s gone through multiple breakups lol, my advice is delete all those pictures her contact everything, I’ve been staying up thinking about the same girl over and over and what I could have done differently but the fact is time doesn’t wait for no man, understand where things went wrong and start bettering yourself work out do things you enjoy actually live! yourself I know it sounds weird but if you don’t love yourself how can you expect others to, there’s always someone else out there it may not seem like it now but I promise you when your happily married in the future you’ll look back on now and laugh at the situation, stop looking for the love you owe yourself in other people you’ll only hurt yourself time and time again, also before a woman ends a relationship trust me they had already made up their mind long ago so don’t let it get you too down, it’s ok to be sad but don’t let it turn into depression write the problem down and then work on the solution you won’t get anywhere getting hung up in the problem.

    This is all easier said than done at the end of the day you’ll never make everyone happy so atleast make yourself happy you deserve that much and your only 18 find something you enjoy and go at it because trust me you don’t wanna be 30 wishing you could go back, find out the man you wanna be at 30 then work on all the things you can do to be that person

  3. Why are you dating a 30 year old man when you are barely old enough to drink???

    You're at different stages of life. And if you're not, then he's immature or problematic.

  4. If your paths are meant to cross again, social media won’t matter right now. You’re not sabotaging anything. Get rid of her for now so you can properly mourn and then healthily move on.

  5. Your child would still have his biological parents' love, just from separate households if you leave him. It isn't like your own situation with your step-dad where it sounds like he was your primary or only father figure. I think you would be happier than staying with someone who treated you the way your husband did – And that will rub off on your kid, they can sense tension.

    Your husband threw you out when you were pregnant, spread lies about you, divorced you, and slept with other women, and now snaps his fingers and expects you back with him and back to how things were. I don't know how you could ever, nor should you, forgive someone who did this to you.

  6. Thanks for sharing your experience. That sounds like a really sad feeling to recall from your college days. I wish strangers' parents across the internet would just wait a little longer to toss out their kids' stuff and space. Seems like it's a theme I see in reddit posts that comes up more than once

    Sucks that your comment attracted a troll :/

  7. It’s not a new thing but I don’t think his snoring has ever bothered previous partners, he can fall asleep almost instantly but then on and off snores very loud. I’ll have a look into the sleep study, thank you

  8. OP was a 25 year old man when he impregnated a 17 year old child. Now he’s on here acting like he performed some magnanimous deed. The child’s mother, who was practically a child herself likely had no idea what giving her baby would entail. OP should be making every effort to include his daughter’s mother in her life.

  9. I feel that way whenever the story is too in-depth. It's like how liars IRL will over-explain everything, well 'creative writing' posts are along the same lines; the story development is more important than the facts, and they're often full of entirely unnecessary backstory or build-up.

  10. Everyone has their boundaries. You have stated yours. Will she abide by them? ?‍♂️ Who knows. I'm in the minority but I'm letting my wife explore herself.

  11. Yeah, honestly… she's been tolerating him for too long if anything. That's not how you should be treated by your spouse! Forget spouse, even a friend shouldn't be treated that way…it reminds me of the bullying I faced at school for a while tbh. Misconstrued the words and then laughing at your face together? Yep.

  12. It’s not that he doesn’t want to have sex. It’s that he doesn’t want to have sex the way I want to. Where I’m the one getting fucked by him. My boyfriend is non-binary (I didn’t know how to put that in my post) so our gender dynamics are like traditional by any means. I don’t mind being dominant most of the time, but once in a while I want to be submissive. If that makes sense.

  13. I went on one date with this dude and on it he told me I wasn't his type. I wished him the best of luck and went home. Fuck that.

  14. No, she’s his friend. He needs to set boundaries with her. And if he can’t or won’t, he’s the problem.

  15. He was talking to women very late at night on a social media with a bad reputation. He also agreed not to use it anymore when his gf mentioned not being happy about it. He admits even though he agreed to that, he still goes on it to talk to women. No wonder the gf has a trust issue. We are getting trickle truth out of him.

    And no, you asked me if I was an adult as an under handed ad hominem. I am adult enough to notice that. I will tell you what else I am adult enough to do. I am adult enough to have learned a long long time ago not to be a black and white thinker. Therefore I am adult enough not to assume the following:

    She obviously went back because of a bruised ego after being used. You read ALL this into the sentence “the guy trashed her. Then she come back to me”. Most adults where I come from see the statement as vague and full of multiple interpretations. Your interpretation is one of them. It could also mean she was abused by guy, and eventually got back with op, the guy could have cheated on her, she made her way back to OP, and so forth. We have no idea what she was thinking or why. Your interpretation is not the obvious one, the paragraph is absent of details necessary to demand it as the obvious one. We don’t even know the time frame between relationships, or who asked who back out.

    ”It’s obvious OP has low self esteem because he says he just can’t leave her and is doing everything to make her happy after she made it clear he is her backup plan.”

    Only in a black and white thinking world is the phrase I can’t (which is all he said) an “obvious” indicator of low self esteem. In my half a century worth of adult experience, I have encountered many couples where one felt they couldn’t leave for numerous reasons, self esteem being one, but not the only one. I knew a very confident alpha male, A personality guy who didn’t leave a person he should have either, because the woman lived off him and had no life skills. As far as making her happy, after apologizing for being caught talking with women late at night after agreeing to not do that again, he apologized and acted like what a typical boyfriend acts like (for some reason you act like it’s above and beyond) but continued to sneak behind her back and go on the media, and still does. And I missed the part where she or even he made a clear and precise statement or action that showed him to be the back up plan. Could he be? Sure, it is possible you are accurate. But the info provide, which is very little at best, very vague at worst does not demand or beg your opinion and assessment to be the only possible conclusion.

    ”Any adult with a modicum of life experience would realize this.”

    I don’t doubt that an adult with a modicum of life experience would have a very rigid sense of thinking. An adult with an abundance of life experience would not usually be so black and white, with such stringent room for interpretation, and take a post as vague as this one, and think they know with great certainty, all the ins and outs of this relationship, what someone did not share their side of the story is thinking or motivated by, diagnosing an OP because they simply can not perceive other possibilities for why they stay, demanding that only their interpretation is the only possible one with such great veracity that they try for sly back handed ad hominem when they realize another adult won’t get on board with it.

    Meanwhile, we continue have a vague post, omitting many details, including circumstances of how he even wound up back with the girlfriend, never mind a time frame, who has trickled more facts in by later openly admitted to still doing the night chats with multiple women even though he promised not to anymore. This same person who also thinks singing a song together is cheating, and has yet to provide any proof at all that his gf did any more than singing while in a relationship with him. I don’t find it the least bit absurd or childish, or proof of lack of life experience for anyone to not jump to full on conclusions and interject narratives in this situation. If you want to think otherwise, I do not mind. You are not going to compel me to black and white think anymore than I can compel you to grey think. From this point on, thank you for your thought provoking discussion, much appreciated, but until I see much better quality of details, I will have to stand by my agreement to disagree with you. Good day and good night.


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