Mayimatsuda is horny!just look at this sight

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16 thoughts on “Mayimatsuda is horny!just look at this sight

  1. “No contact” doesn’t change because it’s her birthday. If yall wanted “NC except for bday and holidays”, you would’ve come to that agreement. Let it go.

  2. Um I wouldn’t be too worried because I have friends like this and they’re 100% functional mature adults who just coke a few times a year with no problems. Having said that if it makes you uncomfortable it’s something you should express and if she really respects you she will try to avoid it. I know because my bf is pretty straightedge when it comes to drugs and I don’t do it recreationally at all anymore because I know it would upset him. Also if she does partake in a little fun, there are fentanyl strip tests you can get to test the drug to make sure its free of any fentanyl.

    Someone doing coke 1-3x a year is like someone getting drunk 1-3x a year- it’s not something to be overly worried about. You guys are also kinda young and there’s a stronger appeal for thing kind of “fun”. I’m betting she’ll very likely grow out of this stage of life where she wants to go to festivals and parties and do drugs by the time she’s in her 30’s lol.

  3. You are stalking this dude and you should be happy he hasn’t called the cops. You sound unwell and you need a therapist and frankly to not be live

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  5. This is most vapid thing I've ever heard of. Tell her “Yeah I get you don't like my car, and?” see where it goes from there.

    Your car rocks dude. Is it the XRS?

  6. She was trying to cheat. Just because she wasn't successful this time, because 17yr old has more self respect than to get involved with someone who a, she works for, b, someone almost twice her age.

    She was testing the waters. I don't think she regards your relationship as highly as you do.

    Oh she regrets her actions now, does she? What about if she'd received a restraining order, or been told by the police “hey, this is harassment, leave her alone”

    It's far too damn late and she shouldn't have been so fucikng stupid to throw away the relationship. (Sorry, very close to my own problems atm and I'm rather sensitive)

    Anyone who looks outside their marriage doesn't deserve one

  7. It can be normal. I am still friends with my ex husband, we are separated for over 13 years. We have a son. Moreover because I don't have a lot of family, neither does he and when you have a child together you become family too. The child is an adult now, but that doesn't matter.

    It depends on the relationship, i can understand that its uncomfortable if there are still feelings involved, I would not like that either, that's definitely uncomfortable.

    But, to give another perspective: usually people have a type, and if you look beyond jealousy or insecurity, often times exes of partners can get along great, if that makes sense. So, if this man is going to hang around anyway, see if you can put your ego aside and there might be a friendship in there. I have liked all new partners of my ex hb too.

    I don't change partners a lot but my ex had 4 different relationships afterwards and he always makes an “official” introduction because he wants his new girlfriends to understand that I am part of his family. My fiance was a bit doubtful in the beginning before he got to know him but I told him, take it or leave it and now they get along amazingly, its almost a bromance.

  8. Well, I’m a big dude and I very active. Also tend to sweat more than I’d like to. But overall, just I love feeling “fresh”. Just a personal choice.

  9. Also like…. No one has their shit together in their early 20s. It’s okay for your early 20s to be full of uncertainty.

  10. For sure there will be a prenup and not his name on the deed. All this is totally acceptable. However, as she is already blackmailing him about their wedding to get the ring she wants, he can be sure she will carry on for all their marital life. “I want this, if you disagree, get off from my house / I will divorce you.” @OP how does your fiancée interact with your family?


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