Mary-mayers is horny!just look at this sight

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61 thoughts on “Mary-mayers is horny!just look at this sight

  1. I can appreciate that you’re hurt.

    Thing is, she wasn’t in the wedding party and you were. So that’s kind of a different level of commitment. (Unless she was? You didn’t mention that she was.)

    Also, she’s shown you over and over that she’s not going to be the one making the effort in this friendship. She’s happy to be a passenger but she doesn’t drive.

    Lastly, it’s possible that her husband has something to do with this. Won’t let her. Took all their money to put into the business and now she can’t afford it. Or maybe they legit need to be there to get the business going and it’s not a moveable date. A lot of things in Alaska are centered around tourism and that stuff has specific seasons.

    I think it’s fair to tell her that you’re hurt. And it’s fair to take a step back if that’s what you want. But I think that as we get older, we have these “cactus” relationships. Like….you don’t water a cactus often but when you do, it blooms. Similarly. Some friendships can just sit dormant for months or a year but when you do pick up a phone or meet in person, you pick up where you left off and have a blast.

    My best GF from college (back in the late 90’s) and I are like that. I was hurt when she didn’t come to my wedding also. I was there for hers a decade earlier and did all the things like you did. But honestly? It doesn’t matter much in the long run. That husband is gone now anyway and she is still in my life.

  2. Another major red flag. He’s trying to make you give up your friends and replace them with himself as your only support system. Don’t let him. You are too young to deal with this kind of bullshit. My suggestion is to break it off over the phone and move on.

    I say it over the phone so he doesn’t have a chance to try and convince you to change your mind being there in person.

  3. If my ex wasn't already married, I'd think you were marrying him. He jumped quickly and trapped her and now she's miserable.

    Do yourself a favor and run! There is nothing good coming for you in this relationship. His expectations will be his reason for cheating on you. I'm sure his ex-wife is as happy as I am to be free of him. You will never please him, because he isn't pleased with himself.

  4. Who cares what your ex thinks. If you are single the only person you need to worry about is yourself.

    Just don't be the guy to use people's emotions to get what you want.

  5. Next time she dumps you, do yourself a favour and stay dumped. This is not the way a mature, grown woman in her 30s should be acting. She needs to do a lot of growing up before she can be in a relationship

    The thing with people who are manipulative… They try make all the other times great so you put up with the bad times. And it shouldn't be like that. You shouldn't have to weigh them up like this. Of course, all relationships have their up and downs but this is excessive.

  6. Tell him to grow the fuck up. It’s such a non issue and if you’ve only been dating a year you’ve only celebrated his birthday once.

  7. I dunno, it sounds like you understand the situation perfectly. I like that you’re owning the problem, that takes guts and gives you a fighting chance.

    How to address it? I dunno if anyone can answer that for you. You would need to get at the root of why you speak before considering his feelings.

    Maybe instead of fixing it in the short term, you should give him permission to stop you when he sees you doing it. Make it a rule he can point it out and you won’t get mad. Over time it may help both of you communicate better?

  8. Have you said, in as many words, “it feels like you are choosing him over me”. If your dad is still expecting you'll get back together it makes some perverse sense to keep in contact with him.

    If he heard “it's him or me” I'd imagine it would be dropped fairly quickly

  9. I’m sorry, her OWN friends don’t want to be around this guy. You showed her proof. You expressed how bad he’s making you feel. Your partner should be defending you and prioritizing you. Instead she is dismissing your concerns and calling you manipulative…

    There’s nothing you can do now except break up, this isn’t something open communication can fix. You’ve communicated and she trampled on your feelings. She chose this guy.

  10. If you have any friends that saw? or sees you on a daily basis? That's probably the best advice you'll get. “Did you notice anything off?”. especially if it's a common friend.

    Otherwise? you probably fell foul of her past trauma. She got cheated on or some other guy played games with her and you “looking” made her think of that.

    It's the joy of dating as you get older… the dating pool is left with more and more damaged people. You can only do so much when accusations that you can't defend against are met with getting ghosted.

  11. We need to burn down the idea that now wanting an open relationship is old school. It's not, OP, and that idea is actively harmful IMO. Some people are poly, some are monogamous. It has nothing to do with how old school you are and everything to do with your individual preferences – and everyone has the right to have their preferences.

    Do you want an open relationship on not? If not, then I don't think you guys are compatible anymore, I'm sorry. This ginny cannot be put backing the bottle. If you do, go for it. But absolutely get rid of this idea that open relationships, or polyamory, are somewhat “progressive” and therefore morally better/more modern. They are not. If anyone tries to tell you they are, they are not arguing in good faith and they are not looking out for you. They are trying to coerce you into a sexual situation you do not want, which is always a bad sign.

  12. I never knew about Reddit. And I finished up my masters degree in January and I started reading this at night as a way to relieve stress. I’m gonna tell you if you read as many of these as I have, you would realize that the boundaries she’s asking for not unreasonable compared to other people. That your relationship is only dysfunctional because you’re not taking care of yourself. And all those things she’s talking about they happen in life all the time coworkers end up as your new wife so she’s scared. But since you already know you’re not ready for a relationship I would just quit dating her. I don’t know when you will be ready 30s pretty old by might 30s people were married and settling down in the suburbs.

  13. I get the feeling that you like this guy because he represents the excitement of freedom, the opposite of your reserved and restricted upbringing.

    With your circle of friends, it might be very hot to find a good guy with just the right amount of bad.

    Certainly not impossible, though. Have you looked outside your religious social circle? Would you date an atheist? Or at least have open conversations with some?

    …as you are here on this forum, but do have a deeper and more intimate conversation with a few to find out how other people online and love.

    Plenty, PLENTY more fish in this sea.

  14. So which is it, have open convos and establish boundaries or don’t because that shows mistrust and problems?

    Having boundaries is good. Discussing those boundaries is good. Being open about feelings is good.

  15. she probably wants to socialize with her coworkers who she doesn't usually get to spend time with. And if they're all out late having fun together and she's got to go home, she'll feel like she's missing out. Plus, free hotel.

    Not clear why you aren't also staying in the hotel and going to the after-events with her though. Have you asked her about that?

  16. Be the change you want to see the world.

    It will be very hot. And it will hurt. And it will suck for awhile. But one day in the future you’ll wake up, and realize you’re heading to brunch with your friends and you don’t have this constant weight of unhappiness strung around your neck. And you’ll say, “holy shit, I’m happy.”

    Good luck. You deserve better. You deserve more. Go out there and get it.

  17. She said to me a few weeks ago “I need an answer” and I said “I’m leaning towards going with you but let’s talk about it together. I would need to figure out how to tell my friend I’m not coming.”

    …and then we never talked about it. I didn’t talk about my thought process and she didn’t offer up a way to break the news to my friend. We just never talked about it again. Obviously that’s both of our faults but idk where that leaves me specifically other than in a shitty spot.

  18. It also encompasses sharing details of your relationship with others. I mean, sometimes in a moment of pique, you want to complain to someone else about a fight you're having, but you should try to present it in a fair light to both parties and talk to a trusted friend who supports your marriage, not someone looking to tear you guys down.

  19. I don’t think there is anything wrong with you disliking porn, just like there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with him liking it.

    More concerned that you seem to want to change yourself to accommodate him. That’s how toxic relationships start.

    Maybe this is just a bad fit?

  20. Yes I agree, maybe this is the problem as he actually told me before that he cant take those tantrums anymore. But first half year/8months I was sort of calming and understanding. He says he will do it(find a job,find a room) and then does other things rather than look for jobs and acts like its all normal…of course any person would have an emotional reaction to this behaviour, which just not correlates to his words being I really want to move and I am promising you I am doing it soon.

    How else would you go along those things and stay calm?

  21. He's wrong. Boyfriend and girlfriend and fiance do not have to spend every second together. Not sure what his reasons are. But you're not wrong. You need space and time to yourself. And if he can't respect that, that's a very big red flag . And I would halt your engagement right there and then.

  22. So his version of putting his liver to work is actually straight failing not working. He’s going to get worse if he doesn’t fix his diet, humans need proper sustenance. But he might be the type that needs to drop and end up in a hospital before he listens to anyone.

    My bf does keto but still drinks heavy beer every night to excess and wonders why he can’t lose weight and instead blames me for my cooking instead of admitting his habits are the problem.

    I hope your bf will see reason before he lands in the hospital cuz from the sounds of it, that’s coming up super fast now with the yellowing fingers.

  23. um ….

    he doesn't want to be a parent, and

    he's having lots of unprotected sex.

    I'm not even going to waste my time thinking this through. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  24. My mouth honestly dropped reading for this. I wish I had actual advice for you but the only thing I can think to say is run

  25. I see, its honestly and issue when a current partner keeps in touch with their ex. 95% of people you’ll date will agree that staying friends with an ex isn’t realistic. The other percentage in my experience have always had something deeply wrong with them.

  26. He’s going to be trouble. Secrets protect the guilty.

    Just pretend everything’s cool and you’ll be fine.

    Yes he wants to have sex with you.

  27. I’m actually so tempted to just wait it out and hope they break up again closer to the time but I know that plan could backfire very easily lol. Since it’s pretty far away (on another continent), it won’t be possible to just suck it up for 1 night and hope they leave the next day – he’s either there the whole time or not at all because of how far it is, otherwise I would just tolerate him for an evening.

  28. Some people (me) absolutely hate working out. I want to because I know I should but I’ve never been able to force myself to do it. I might get one workout in but I’ve never been able to make it a routine.

    I’m 45 now and I’m always planning on working out but I never do. I still haven’t figured out how to force myself to exercise.

    In high school I frequently “forgot” my uniform so I didn’t have to do PE class.

  29. The way she reacted when she saw you there and then immediately corralling you outside without introducing you tells all you need to know.

    She didn't want them to know you are her BF, and I doubt she would have told you about the number swap if you hadn't witnessed it.

    You should probably start mentally preparing for your exit.

  30. I've been in her shoes too, you want to be friendly with people, smile and hold conversation. But then you're a pick me/flirty/must have a crush on them/desperate for attention. So you don't and now you're a cold bitch. Tell me? What is normal behavior that won't get picked apart? Apparently smiling isn't ?

  31. You show them the conversations or texts or whatever shows that he confessed. Your association doesn’t mean you’re guilty.

  32. Why do you even have to consider this? Lol if I found out my gf was sleeping in other guys beds without me knowing I would INSTANTLY end it

  33. Why was your dinner getting cold while you were doing the dishes? Why not eat first? Was he forcing you to do it if so then get out fast. If not then why on earth couldn't they wait till later.

    Anyway hes depressed and needs professional help most likely. Probably also stressed from the career move as well as paying for a majority of stuff. Seems like a time for you to get out and him to figure stuff out alone. After just a year things being that bad, not a lot of hope for things to get better.

  34. If you have a good boss, a good leader, they will take this seriously. This doesn't create a good, healthy, and safe workplace. Your coworker is 30 and pulling a “prank” that is harmful to his teammates.

    Your boss should make the decision on the resolution here, not you. If he tries to put that responsibility on you, that's a red flag. There are certain team conflicts where you should give your opinion on what should happen for a resolution, but another coworker's discipline is not one of them.

    Minimum, your coworker should be written up, have to do some sort of intensive training, have his hours docked for a period of time, he shouldn't be on shifts with you anymore, and he should need to apologize to you. Maximum, he should be let go because he is a poor employee due to creating a bad work environment where his coworkers can't trust him, and he makes his coworkers feel unsafe for laughs.

    You should cover your bases and look for other employment in case you are not supported by your boss in a way you SHOULD be.

  35. Same here, I run a business and I’d take this very seriously. I am not sure if I’d terminate after the first offense, I’d have a conversation first. If the guy understood his mistake and genuinely regret it, I’d keep him but warn him that if that was to happen again he is gone. If he’d play it as no big deal – I’d terminate him.

    I don’t need any kind of potential liability, shooting, possible mental break down, or animosity between employees in my company.

  36. If you report him to the authorities for some sort of scam and you are knowingly part of that scam, then you can in fact be charged with a crime (assuming it is one)..Just walk away from the whole thing

    still I am just flat out blow away that this sub holds so many accounts with absolutely no history, after moths/years..amazing to me. never see it in other subs, just this one for some reason. so odd

  37. I am sorry but you have to do it for your own good and stay away from your friend as well. I believe your fiance is an idiot thinking that it should stay as it is after all of this. Do you know if you could report this to their hr department?

  38. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I started talking to this guy. We've been speaking a little bit under a month(3 weeks and half). We met up 2 times now.. 2nd time we met he cooked for me and he's very sweet. But he's been telling me he loves me& is very affectionate. He talks about marriage and the future with me. Having kids..He already was talking about how he wants me to be his girlfriend and that I'm his and he's mine. he was begging me to stay over nd sleep (2nd date)but i told him its too soon. He keeps telling me how much he loves me etc and kept saying it when we were together. Told me” please don't leave me “. Just woke up to a “I love you so much” text..

    I feel like he's moving way too quickly. I want to give him a chance but I'm worried a bit. Idk if what I'm feeling is normal ?

  39. See a therapist.

    You cried, that’s not the end of the world and it shouldn’t make you feel emasculated or still be wanting her “to be punished” a full year later.

    Listen, her bedside manner sucked but she was a doctor during a global pandemic and I’m sure your issue just didn’t rank that high on her list of things to do that day.

    With respect, get over it.

  40. I mean… I dont blame you, and would absolutely feel the same way. Your bf (ex bf?) needs therapy, and that uncle absolutely should not be around children. It sounds like that's not going to happen, so I think you made the right call. If it happens again, to your potential child, would your bf brush it off just like that too?? Also, if the whole family is displaying this toxic trait, that it's on the women and CHILDREN to guard themselves against predators, that's an even bigger issue. What if your child grows up thinking this is normal and goes on to do something similar because “all men are predators” and they “couldn't help it”?? It's all kinds of messed up thinking and you're right to feel the way you do about it.

  41. Know what’s fun? You and your girl can explore other women TOGETHER!! Crazy concept but hear me out…the fact that she’s into women is yet another thing you guys have in common! If she wants to fuck around without you toss her to the fucking side and let her have her cake without you waiting in the wings. Give her the freedom she’s requesting, hit the gym and know that you dodged a bullet.


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