Lola Bunniii is horny!just look at this sight

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Give Me that Morning NUT , ?

37 thoughts on “Lola Bunniii is horny!just look at this sight

  1. Stand up for yourself. No one has the right to say to you/do to you what this bully is doing. Stay with your SO or don’t. The real long-term issue is you having the self-respect to let anyone speak to you in a way that is demeaning to you or the things that are important to you. Get comfortable with telling people loudly to go fuck themselves and standing by it.

  2. I mean it’s possible she could message your gf either true or made up dirt about you to sabotage your relationship. But she could have done that without following her first and there is still not really a way to stop that no matter what. I wouldn’t stress to much about it. If you’ve been hiding anything from you gf about your past now might be a good time to come clean. But to me it sounds like at best someone who follows anyone they end up in contact with and at worst some snooping on the new gf.

  3. We were still living together as he was in the process of looking for somewhere to online. It was messy. We were still friends and partly we hoped maybe after a break from one another we could repair things. She was aware we had split and was understanding of things. She seemed sad we had broken but was happy me and my now boyfriend were still friends.

    I met up with someone a few times behind his back (I didn't want to rub it in, but he questioned where I was once and I ended up telling him. And I'd already agreed to go on this holiday with the assumption he would be long moved out but he ended up having trouble finding somewhere decent to live so eventually moved into his mum's house which led him to break down and tell her about this new man in my life + the holiday). I did originally ask him to keep family out of it Incase we did work things out but he doesn't have many friends so he said he felt he had no one to talk to.

    He asked me to try again and I wasn't sure. I did mess him around regretfully. He accepted me going on holiday and told me he would wait for come home and make a decision to try again. I said okay, but he asked for me to ring him twice a day and message too whilst on holiday which I mostly stuck to. One day I was poorly on holiday and didn't ring him like usual and he kicked off and that's when he told his mum that I'd got with somebody else.

    After that he lived with her and continued to contact me and visit me and ask me to try but I wasn't sure for a long time. I asked him to leave me alone as it got too much but he said he couldn't lose his best friend as well as his girlfriend and I felt guilty. He's a nice person and I've known him since my teens, I didn't feel I could cut it off. I was weak. And eventually I felt he deserved a chance, he said he would change things and he has been genuinely trying, I have been trying too.

  4. That’s great advice and honestly I think it’s more or less what I responded him with, but for some reason I’m still in my head about it. I guess I’ll give it some time and if it still bothers me I’ll reopen the convo with the formula you suggested. Thank you 🙂

  5. you are enjoying the situation, there is no trust or respect in a relationship that has been broken up more than once,

    From now on, there will be relations outside, you will also suck.

    this is your normal

  6. Long distance is very difficult. Just break up and enjoy college without trying to maintain a long distance relationship.

  7. Yes I understand that. But if she’s not stupid and this isn’t something you normally ask to do she’s going to know you’re snooping. I wouldn’t let someone snoop in my phone so I could prove something. Now I know they are suspicious and if I’m not doing anything , now I’m pissed. Have you considered just talking to her??? And if you’re not happy with the convo break up. You obviously don’t trust her and if you can’t discuss your concerns what’s the quality of the relationship? Give her a chance to talk to you and then decide how you feel. Don’t play childish games

  8. Hon, just because he comes from a nice family doesn't mean he's a nice person. You sound like you are in an abusive relationship. He is emotionally abusing you. You do not deserve this treatment and the things he is saying are not true. You can do better than this nasty little boy.

  9. They offered no proof, and made excuses when pressed for evidence. Absolutely fake, and likely done with the goal of damaging your relationship. Take an extra look at anyone close with a habit of wedging themselves between you and your wife.

  10. You should be buying yourself new shoes, running shoes, if he thinks what he is doing is ok, he has past history of at least emotional cheating. He’s emotional cheating right now and I would not be surprised if there’s some physical cheating as well, you really need to decide if he’s worth the heartache as from this post he doesn’t sound it.

  11. Absolutely the best advice there, I had a friend that developed early onset dementia, and it set in QUICK. Almost before we noticed that there was something wrong. Get her to a doctor!!!!!!!

  12. There are these new things called “banks”. He should be keeping the money there not at the house. At the VERY least, fireproof safes are a thing as well. Him threatening to punch your teeth in was uncalled for and a huge red flag. It will escalate, it will get worse. It took my ex 8 years to escalate to the point we got to when I moved into the DV Safehouse. Leave. Don’t tell him your intentions because he will likely draw you back in. Contact your local health and human services dept and see if there’s a Safehouse you can get to and what resources are available to help you get set up in a safe place. Be careful. I’m so sorry you’re going through this

  13. Now I feel like absolute shit because ok I wanna break up with her but she's going through this work crisis

    No she's not. She's choosing to quit, thats not work crisis, that's her own choice. She has to online with the consequences of her actions. If she got fired or a natural disaster destroyed her work place or a pandemic forced us all to isolate or something, that's one thing. But she's choosing to quit.

  14. This needs more upvotes, as someone who is the same way I (M35) can verify this is something that can and does happen. I fall super naked and super fast myself, and I also unfortunately have trust issues when it comes to relationships as well, which is why I am voluntarily single until I am ready.

  15. She plans on living with him for a while too. There’s no way this whole thing isn’t malicious.

  16. He tells them he’s in a relationship and not interested in them. He doesn’t need to show them a picture.

  17. Stop dating immature people and move on…You don't need to help him through this, he can do it all on his own as he ages. You see, you dont run into more adults that dont have sex as you age, you run into less…he will get the picture pretty quick.

  18. he has already expressed that he will not move back with me. i appreciate your comment, it’s good to see someone else say what’s been on my mind. it’s naked to accept when i’m just telling myself

  19. What a terrible question to pose on a post where the OP is clearly describing an abusive partner..

  20. She doesn’t need 8 months to process inappropriate messages that she should have immediately told you about.

    Worst case scenario – she has been cheating on you. Most of the time that they are golfing, they probably aren’t golfing.

    Best case scenario – she likes the sexual attention from her friend and they’re just flirting. Totally inappropriate and unacceptable. It will eventually lead to something more.

    Out of respect for your relationship, she should go no contact with that friend. Out of respect for yourself, you should leave her and move on.

  21. I mean, you can keep it to yourself because you know that's what your partner likes. I don't like every single article of clothing he owns, or every single hat or shirt. I keep my mouth shut so I'm not a rude ass to him tho. I don't have to like it. He does. It's about respect…

  22. Yep, 100% ghost his ass. The more he tries to contact or hook up? Take it as a win, still ghost him, but take that as a sign of how much he needed you. If he doesn’t pursue you at all, you know he’s 100% a POS and doesn’t deserve your attention let alone your time

  23. As someone else alluded to- knowing where you are also let’s her know where you aren’t. Like you’re not about to come home unexpectedly and catch her up to something.

    You could arrange to go out, head off and then after a while switch your phone off and come home.

  24. Because somewhere along the line in that relationship he’s put it into your head that’s exactly what will happen! Ya might want to seek out a therapist!!! They’ll help you navigate undoing the damage or at least mitigating it!

  25. You’ve been the rock for quite a while. He’s asking you to sacrifice for yet another new change. His history suggests it may be short lived. Even if it isn’t, it is reasonable for you to have the chance now to ‘take a selfish.’ He needs to be the flexible one.


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