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45 thoughts on “Lisa_park_20 Instagram the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. When I said that she does everything for me I meant just positions that maybe she doesn't like that much, nothing more than that.

  2. Thanks!! Ya, dealing with one sided friendships is so heartbreaking because you love the other person!! You could always even just mute your friend on social media until you have the guts to fully remove

  3. Of course he's not trying to hurt your feelings. That's because he doesn't care about your feelings, interests, aesthetics, opinions, or comfort.

    He isn't interested in you as a person, he's interested in having a girlfriend who matches the Perfect Girlfriend ™ in his head, and he won't stop until you turn into that image.

    This is a good time to break up. Six months is long enough to know this isn't some passing thing; this is just who he is. You can definitely do better.

  4. Hello /u/Nervous_Month_381,

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  5. Omfg do not change your plans for some guy you’re dating at 18. Follow your dreams and achieve your goals. There’s billions of men on the planet. I promise this isn’t your last chance for a relationship.

  6. What happened to you OP could probably be called “unnatural,” right? There’s no avoiding “unnatural” things, especially in your sex life. Your bf pretending he has the high ground in the argument for more sex based on what he thinks is “natural” isn’t it.

  7. Some people have only been holding their food addiction at bay using maximum willpower – until they get a partner and can finally relax.

    It’s likely that this is who she is and she will continue to get more and more obese.

    Decide now if you love her enough to have this partnership be your future.

    It’s okay to break up without a reason. Six months is an okay time to say “this isn’t working for me, bye”

  8. if cops have to be called to resolve your conflict, then this is beyond saving. She's doing you a favor to finally break it off if it means peace between you 2 forever

  9. That is a great ideia. The problem is that my city doesn't really have much events or activities yk. Also I don't really have time for a new hobby as I'm having exams soon. Neverthless that was pretty good advice that I will put to work as soon as I can, I mean there's gotta be some event in my city where I can meet people! Thank you

  10. Someone with that big of an age Gap can be trained to put up with b******* that somebody his own age would not listen to your mother you will thank her and give her hugs and kisses when you tell this man you do not want to date him

  11. Hey OP my heart goes for you if you are telling all sides of the story. If this is really how your family is treating you then it is really bad and you should express it irrespective of whether they listen or not. It is perfectly fine for your family to invite her to your family function but ignoring you sends red signals. I see there is more to it than what we hear here

  12. It sounds like this relationship has run its course. But before you end it, I’d sit down and talk to him about what you’ve posted here: you’re tired that he makes you make all the decisions and it hurts that he never wants to do anything with you. Encourage him to talk to a therapist again.

    But if you’re very clear and nothing changes, leave. It’s great that he’s kind, but kindness alone is not a sufficient reason to be with someone.

  13. Exercising together is often successful. Go to the gym with him.

    He may have some problems with executive functions, especially those affecting initiation of actions. It could result from depression, a head injury, or it could be innate.

  14. Ya the timing is definitely suspect. Husband lost interest after op turned 20…and dated a 17 year old when he was 27? Predatory.

  15. OP i am so sorry. As a pregnant woman currently Jesus i get it. Me and my husband both were trying and don't get me wrong i am very happy but fucking hell pregnancy is alot! It's scary and as someone with mental health issues I've cried more times over the last 6 months than i have my whole life. It's alot to go through but it was my choice.

    Like not wanting to carry was yours. No one has the right to take that away from you. Not your husband no one. Mine sees my physical and emotional struggle and literally said its fine if we just have one because he sees how difficult pregnancy can be.

    The fact your choice was taken away and you were deceived by the one person you should be able to trust with everything is so fucked up. Please take care of yourself and keep away from that man. Wtf did he think the endgame would've been?

    You getting pregnant finding out and resenting a baby? That just adds so much more of a fuckery to how fucked up it is.

    I hope you get some help and support from those close to you. ?

  16. You can’t be sorry for the same thing. Is it really that hot to be nice?? I’m around annoying people at work everyday and I can manage.

    Throwing the “it’s a joke” thing is never funny. If you have to say that then it wasn’t a joke. ?

  17. That’s very true. Do you think I should forgive him this time and hope that he won’t do it again? I also will never find out if he does it or not either way. Even if he apologized now, he could do it again in the future. I’m confused and I don’t know if I should give it a chance or just leave it at that. Because it is a big deal for me, now that I’m thinking about it. So many people are suggesting me to let it go and say it’s completely okay but I just can’t stop being upset about it.

  18. Sounds like you’re having a bout of social anxiety. Pretty normal in college. Again, unless you did something creepy or inappropriate, you should keep going to your club meeting.

  19. I assume that she somehow convinced him to move in together with the dog she already has , since he told her to move out if she wants another dog .

  20. It depends on 2 things, 1 what do those words mean to you. And 2, do you actually believe that you love him.

    If you do, then no not too fast.

    My sister in law knew she loved my brother from the first time she met him. 10 years and 2 kids later and they are still going strong, and I’ve never seen my brother more in love or happy than when he is with her, and she still tells him she loves him every day.

  21. I'd be really surprised if he managed to slip you enough to knock you clean out, without you feeling off or noticing the taste.

    Bur honestly, I'd really consider getting out of the relationship before you sink more time into it. I grew up around drugs and Xanax users are the absolute worst.

    I have seen countless people pull themselves out of addictions with the hardest drugs, but never ever, not even once have I known someone that could stop taking that Xanax bullshit.

  22. You don’t get to say anything. You’re there to listen and to answer any questions he might have. But you lost your moral authority over your son long ago.

  23. Dude, pleeeease listen to this thread. You deserve much better than her. She’s abusing you and you can’t even see it.

  24. Your insecurities are showing.

    If she has multiple, unique, or colorful tatttoos, she probably gets complimented on them all of the time. This sounds like it’s standard reply.

  25. That dude is a moron. Tell him to grab some generic viagra from one of those telehealth sites on the internet if he can’t get it up. A months worth is cheaper than a date.

  26. Some people have to create drama in their personal relationships, it's their cope. Her love language is drama.

  27. She does not want to be with you any more. She is homesick, found a community, and then had to move. She is dealing with that, and it seems that you are an increasingly distant memory. Make it official and move on, friend.

  28. Somewhere in my basement is a small backpack full of condoms from various festivals. They've been in there for the better part of a decade now.

  29. Whoaaaa whoa. Whoa.

    Hunny, this lady is using you. You dated for a couple months, she lost her house & car and moved in w you? Now she's using your car and your space then complaining when you wanna check the weather or text your mom?!

    Her past baggage isn't your problem. If any rational human being was in your position, they'd feel unhappy and unfulfilled as well, esp if their SO was chastising them for recalling good memories with old buddies.

    She is isolating you away from your mom, your friends, and everyone else for a reason- so that you have no where to turn & no one to tell you how crazy this relationship really is. She's pulling the wool over your eyes so she can continue to use you. You are 100% allowed to have friends, and 100% allowed to hang out w them without her. That's healthy. If she isn't supportive, she needs to kick rocks.

  30. Also why would you make someone chose or rank their loved ones?? That is honestly so cruel and like she wants drama to happen.

  31. Also why would you make someone chose or rank their loved ones?? That is honestly so cruel and like she wants drama to happen.


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