Lina the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Lina, 20 y.o.


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10 thoughts on “Lina the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well, at least the OP will be well aware in the future they shouldn't expect extended summer dogsitting from anyone and they should plan better I guess!

    But they shouldn't have to act now as though they have a dog, and they shouldn't be responsible for organising dog boarding. The parents are asking too much, and the partner is using the OP as a meat shield by giving OP the burden of yes/no. It should of been a measured conversation between partners with both opinions brought to the table, not shoved into OP with the not so subtle implication that if the answer is no it's all OPs fault.

  2. Yeah, I'd never have a relationship with a cop. I often think of those stats saying that cop families have 2 to 4 times more domestic violence than the general population, and they have guns, they know where the shelters for battered victims are, and the cops you'd call for help if you're a victim are your abuser's friends and colleagues. I always used to think that I'd never be in a relationship with a cop but maybe the road cops in my country weren't so bad as the others, and then the road cops caught a guy for not wearing a helmet on a bike, put him in their car's truck, turned the car into a gas chamber and executed him on video, then tried to steal the election by blocking the roads and stopping people from voting in areas that skewed against the far-right.

  3. You can't fix an issue he doesn't know y'all have.

    Stop lying to save someone's feelings. Why would you have a partner you can't be honest with out of fear of them dumping you?

    If his dealbreaker is this, I'm sorry but he has issues.

    Not all women can orgasm from PIV, and some don't even from oral.

    You've stated that at the end of your last relationship you couldn't orgasm either. What happened during that time? It sounds like you may have a mental block that makes it very hot for you to orgasm with a partner.

    These issues can't resolve without communication and work. If he is not willing to put in work because his ego can't take it. He isn't worth your time.

    If you can figure out the moment your mental block went up, it can help you be able to work through it.

  4. She gave me permission because she was looking through mine. We have discussed that flirting is cheating. And that we could never be poly.

  5. I mean, my partner and I know each others passwords to access our phones, but we don't routinely look through each other phones…..

    Even when she has my phone or I have hers to make a call or something, we don't like, pause to go through the phone. A relationship is supposed to have trust, if you're both into going through phones and asking to respect privacy etc then it's like you dont have that?

  6. It's gonna be very hot, and there is no best, easy or kind way to do it, especially when you know she will be unkind to herself. If she threatens to kill herself, let her know you'll call 911.

    I suggest you do it in a public place, without too much explanation. You've already spoken to her numerous times about her mental health, and it's destroying your mental health to continue to support her.

    Can you let her family or friends know once you've dropped the bombshell?

    I also suggest you go NC – continuing to be friends or to support her once you've broken up will only destroy her further. And drag you back into the maelstrom.

    It seems cruel and heartless, but it might be what eventually forces her to seek help and to get better. You are no longer the right person to help her do that.

  7. Don’t wait anymore for him. Love yourself enough to know your wirth and what you want. Even if he wants you now or sometime in the future, he is leading you in a merry chase. Stop letting him lead and walk away while you are young.

  8. I never said shit about your “secret boyfriend” or that poor child your bringing into the world from a affair

    I said YOU Y o u Are a cheating POS person an I have no sympathy for you hoping everything goes horribly


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