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21 thoughts on “Lillian-Adam online webcams for YOU!

  1. Just because she's comfortable doing things with you doesn't mean you have to let her peg you.

    Hopefully you're not coercing her into anything but it's pretty messed up.

  2. She's manipulating you. Hard to accept but that sounds to me like guilt tripping. Instead of recognizing that both of you do have a problem, she immediately shuts down and starts to guilt trip you until you have to reassure her. Sorry, but it's not healthy at all. “This shouldn't be the one issue stopping us” well, it SHOULD be, because how tf can you marry someone you're not compatible with? If it's important to you, then it's important! Your feelings and desires are totally valid! (But apparently your gf thinks that the only valid feelings are hers) I'm sorry OP, but if you don't end this relationship and get engaged and even get married etc, everything will stay the same because she doesn't want to improve. I get the mental health thing, but you've talked a lot about this, there are self-help books, there are some websites where psychological help is free or at least cheap, there are support groups etc) she doesn't need to wait for therapy, she can start to want to get better by herself (talking from experience…)

    Also, all this is from someone who actually waited until marriage. My husband and I DECIDED to do it that way and also almost failed hundreds of times because we actually demonstrate each other we felt sexual desire for each other.

  3. Encourage her to wait 30 days. Journal all the reasons why she wants it done. Speak to 3 trusted friends/family. If she stillllll really wants it done, then research at least 3-5 practices, interview 3 surgeons. Go over the financials. By that time she may back out voluntarily.

  4. It was a joke but it may have been the final nail in the coffin. Have you made comments like that before? Maybe she feels like you don’t take her anger seriously when there’s conflict. Maybe she’s sensitive. We don’t know but I’m sure you can reflect on the relationship and figure it out.

  5. I would just tell her someplace over lunch or quiet that you like, or as a friend but you’re not interested in her that way. If she asks why you can say first off you’re in a relationship I’m not interested in getting in the middle of anything like that and secondly, we work together it’s not a wise idea. If that’s not enough, tell her you’re not gonna move forward with anything.

  6. Hello /u/Imtheproblemheree_,

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  7. marriage is a contract. its not about picking someone, locking them down, and literally not providing for them.

    my entire point with my comments was to show that most people dont even know why they get married and just think they should do this because everyone else is.

    the way he describes his marriage literally sounds like a gf, but hes getting mad that she wants to be provided for, which is the LITERAL POINT OF MARRIAGE. (im not saying she shouldnt contribute at all, but hes acting like what shes doing isnt normal for a marriage when this totally is. this is how marriages always have been since the recent decades)

    if you wanted a girlfriend and didnt want to commit to marriage, then thats totally acceptable. but dont lock someone down then think you arent going to have to do anything for them.. thats wildly comical if you think thats reality.

  8. I was thinking maybe this could be passable if they were loose, longer boxer shorts with 0 risk of popping out. Tight boxer briefs and a teen girl make this way weird though

  9. We have been through a lot but always find eachother again. We are in love and do everything together and have so much love for eachother and want a future together, how can I just throw that all away? If this break only lasts for another week, wouldn’t it be worth it to stay even though its really hard right now?

  10. Why are you making decisions like buying a house before being engaged or married? You realize that marriage protects the house and if you divorce, you can force a sale. If you buy now, you cannot force sale and he can stop paying his 1/2 of the mortgage, and you are responsible or your credit tanks… you never buy anything ever again.

    You even signed the documents when he was saying that he wants you to change your name and then just said to stop talking about it.

    You are making huge decisions that can affect your finances for decades and tying yourself to someone that sounds immature and manipulative.

  11. I have Type I Bipolar Disorder. You definitely should not let his lack of interest in you hurt to much. Bipolar Depression can really trap a person in their own head.

    Can you afford to buy him a month of appointments from Better Help? It's between $240 and $360 a week and it's all live!. One way or another, he needs to be seeing a therapist and he can NEVER be without a psychiatrist since he needs to me on mood stabilizers and probably antidepressants for the rest of his life.

    That las part is a reality that a lot of bipolar people have trouble with. Bipolar is like diabetes. You will always have it and you will always need medication for it.

    As for you, a therapist is also a must. Nobody should ever let symptoms like you're describing go without professional help.

    Your bf has an ingrained neurochemical disorder. There's nothing you can do about the symptoms themselves, but you can push him to get the help he needs.

  12. I can't give you the answer of what to do next. I can assure you though, that whatever you choose will be FAR easier than if you get married or have kids and then choose to leave later. And you will, because alone time with your children will become a problem, too. My mom and I couldn't go do things without him calling because we'd been gone too long, even if it had only been an hour and we were going to a movie. She had to stop college and anything else. It's not because he wants time with you. He will accuse you of cheating, he will then start to make sure you feel like nobody else would want you, so you won't want to leave because he's doing you a favor by being with you. It will not improve, it will only get worse.

  13. I was going to reply the same. Gas burners and microwaves are quite dangerous. My mom would cover her food in foil and put it in the microwave. Fires can be started in ovens as well. It doesn’t sound safe to be leaving your mom alone. I took care of my currently 96 yo mom by myself for two years and it was mentally and physically exhausting. Dementia is a cruel disease and it’s so emotional to watch someone you dearly love slowly deteriorate. My two dearest friends finally held an intervention and convinced me that for safety reasons and my health that it was time for mom to live! in a memory care facility.


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