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To Start live! video press there
“Maybe he just doesn’t think that way.” Is absolutely defending him.
I appreciate the advice, and ofc please upvote so I can get others to see this post as well. I do think that’s what it is, I just feel bad bc it’s not like she’s doing something wrong.
But I'm trying to understand if you're saying that there is actually an issue with your marriage currently?
It sounds to me you've been reading subs about age gaps and perhaps that's making you question things. But are there things that have happened or are happening in your relationship that are an issue/worrying? Are you unhappy? Why do you think this might be because of an age gap?
If he didn't really play video games but did something else in “his play room”…
then he may have been a jerk for a reason..
Which doesn't really change him being a jerk.
He has been everything to you. He has completely taken over your life and had a huge impact on your emotions. And he is a pit of despair.
I've been roughly where you are. 19 years old, horrible toxic relationship with someone who treated me like shit. Her fault, but explained by depression and anxiety to an extent. I waited so long to end it because she was everything to me. I was used to the comfort of even a toxic relationship, and afraid to be alone, fearing it would be worse.
Trust me – its not. After a bit it is so much better.
What do people in your life think about him/this relationship?
The things you have to say on Reddit. Yes, being kicked in the face by someone who says they aren’t attracted to you is at least a couple of red flags.
He is a jealous and manipulative person. This will never end. He needs therapy.
It wouldn't affect you in the least if you paid no attention to it. Block her, go ahead. If she makes alternate accounts, lock down your shit so only people you allow see your stuff.
She has insecurities and issues that won't make a bit of difference to your life unless you engage. Delete, ignore, block, repeat.
You need to break this down into paragraphs if you want anyone to read this.
Sorry for the harshness, but I really wish someone had even mentioned to me that what was happening was wrong. I needed to be slapped out of it, metaphorically speaking
This seems like a basic compatibility issue.
It came up 10 months ago, and you said it was fine. He offered to quit, but was then given permission to keep his addictive habit for almost another year.
You're allowed to change your boundaries, but he's also well within his right to say no to quitting.
OP, this is straight up insane. It takes a solid two years of dating (ideally the second of which is spent living together) to really know someone well enough to marry them. The fact that you can't see that is why someone his age would be targeting someone your age is the very reason he picked you. If you let this just happen to you you will be divorced as soon as your brain develops fully so you can figure out that you've been preyed upon.
You are dating a childish individual. Tell him to get a fucking clue. You are an adult and do not answer to him.
You’re volunteering to take phone calls…in the middle of the night?
Oh to be in your early 20s and in love again haha
Break up. It's how she is and you're not going to change it. Definitely not after only 1 year and they're still supporting her.
Are you sure he isn't doing this with the intention of punishing you?
Put your profiles on private.
And stop for a time posting on Pinterrest.
Oh nah if that was my girl I would have ended it Straight away
Not even a month, one week!!!
Too early in the relationship, neither of us are ready for such a large step.
I rlly hope she dumps you
his insecurities about men that I could potentially talk to but don't really exist
Aka, his insecurities about himself
You are 24 years old!
Youve known each other for less than a year.
You moved in together way too soon (out of situation)
Her daughter is just getting to know you. (is her dad around?)
You have not processed your loss completely.
You are not financially steady.
And you 2 are already discussing having another baby? What is the damn rush?
This has so many red flags.
No decision needs to be made now, unless you are 100% a no and she is 100% a yes.
You need to go to therapy and deal with your loss and fear. It will help you figure out and deal with many things.
I wouldn’t say there’s any other red flags other than that. When it comes to communicating my feelings when I’m upset or something, he’s quite good at that that so kinda baffles me as to why he ignores the other aspects ?♀️
OP here. First of all, thank you for the comments, I really had a laugh with some of them.
I really, REALLY wasn’t going for “somethink sexual happened” scenario, I said I was weird, not sick ?
It’s just that sometimes his mother likes to “remind me” how close they are/were when he was a kid. For instance, out of nowhere she starts telling how he LOOOVED breastfeeding and he would grab her boobs as a baby when he wanted to eat or the other night I was giving him a massage and he was trying to tell me exactly where to push and she just nudged in and started massaging him, literally while my hands were on his back, so yeah she really can be overwhelming but he never, really never ever did anything weird or said anything like that or made me feel like I have to compete with his mother (tbh that would be a dealbreaker definitely because I just don’t have the energy for that type of things).
But this is first situation where I think it’s weird he went yeah there are more rooms and there is a TV in living room (someone asked) but let’s get ready for bed and go to your room to sleep. It wasn’t like they were watching TV and fell asleep, it was literally an option. Like I would never choose to sleep with my father if I have two more rooms to chose from, but again, we don’t have a normal relationship so I can’t really compare it.
But since there are way more “it’s completely normal” comments, I’m going to go with that one ?
You don’t want him to feel rejected, but you’re rightfully rejecting him already bc of his unacceptable behavior. Leave him.
Well, it sounds like you dislike him as a person so it's kind of unsurprising that you wouldn't want to have sex with him
I just went solo traveling and mostly slept in mixed dorms, so a bunch of men have seen me in my pj’s. While traveling in hard climates I mostly didn’t wear a bra even outside. Then my bf and a mutual friend came to join me and the three of us shared a room which means that this mutual friend also saw me in my pj’s plenty of times. And guess what, my bf was totally okay with all of this. He even encourages me to not wear a bra lol. So no, not every men would agree with your bf.
Ever tried a three-legged race? You run faster when not tied to someone else.
Whelp, I don’t know what else to say. Enjoy lojacking your partner. Even parolees have more freedom than him/her/them. They truly have my pity.
If you have such a strong dislike for the way she presents herself to the world, you DONT like her.
Don’t ever date someone if you’re entering it with plans to change who they are or a hope that they’ll naturally change.
There’s nothing wrong with what she’s doing. If you’re not secure enough to handle her, that’s okay! But that means you should probably leave her alone
So take the $40k you are spending on this wedding and use it as a downpayment for a house…just for you.
I am a woman, I imagine not of the same culture as you based on the wedding expectation (I'm a white American, so we typically just have the rehearsal dinner and wedding), but there is no way I would expect or want to be in a relationship with a person who didn't want to contribute jointly in a relationship.
The first problem here is a complete lack of empathy by your fiancee. She doesn't care that you are stressed, she doesn't care that you are struggling. You don't want a life partner like that, who would just ignore your concerns and try to guilt you.
Second problem is she is only making demands. She wants you to fully support her, but also pay for anything she wants, and live! where she wants. None of this is reasonable. Can you imagine a future with a partner who will only make demands and not base things on what is practical? The perfect example is her expecting you to move while your job and business- that she wants to rely on for full financial support- is somewhere else?
Third problem is, this is an antiquated view of the world. Why should you go in to debt and struggle to fully provide a life for someone who has a job and is capable of working? Both of you work, both of you contribute equally to the bills, you save together, you build a future together. There is no rational reason for this worldview, and it honestly just makes it harder to succeed. If you both put your money together, you can buy a house quicker, build up a savings, and set yourself up for fiscal success, including if she was to stop working to raise children.
But instead, she is going to have a bunch of money for herself, while you struggle? And that is the final and biggest problem. How can you see a future with someone who treats you like this?
He’s likely finishing earlier because he likes you and finds you attractive. Tell him not to get down on himself. If you’re into him too, then let him know. It might just set his mind at ease a little and he’ll regain a bit of confidence.
Honestly there’s a lot to the story I’m missing out, I wasn’t checking for infidelity I was trying to check out if he was lying about something else. Neither option is great but I never thought he actually cheated on me and he’s never given me a reason to think he has.
yeah, you are right. i didn’t really think about it like that i guess. my ex boyfriend used to taunt me with insta and hard tik tok girls and tell me i needed to look like them. so i guess i’m just bringing in a little trauma from that.
What kinds of conversations are these? If they're just deep conversations that any close platonic friends might have, then you're probably reading too much into it. But if they're about romance/dating specifically, I can see why that would feel like mixed signals. I think it would be fair of you to ask him to avoid discussing certain topics with you.
You need to ask yourself this question:
If you have already won then why react to the person that lost?
Reacting to her at all is only going to fuel her into thinking you’re intimidated and insecure in the relationship you are in, which will cause her to amplify her antics and cause unwarranted stress and drama to your relationship with your husband. Who cares what she copies, what she says, and what she does, because at the end of the day you’re the one with a unique personality and individualism that attracted your husband to marry you while she is unoriginal and is lacking in individuality to the point she has to copy others to have a functioning personality.
Don’t let her bother you, just laugh at her antics and delusional behavior in private and act like you don’t care about what she does. Even if she confronts you just play like you’ve never noticed anything and that it’s weird that she is still hung up on the past after all these years instead of becoming a better person. She honestly will looks like a fool if you do all this, and you will look more amazing to everyone around you including your husband.
“You know I have trust issues from my past….”
“…so now let me create some trust issues for you. Really spread it around.”
Perhaps something happened to him in a big city when he was little, or to a relative and it scared him when he was really young? In any case his fear doesn't seem to be something that you can “convince” him from not having, it seems more like a phobia or something based on a traumatic event, it doesn't seem to be coming from a rational place and thus, it cannot be rationalized away
I think your problem was pride. You wanted so badly to prove your friends wrong, so much that you were willing to risk your relationship. Your pride is really high and this is a humbling lesson for you. At this point I would let him go because it would be too unbearable to stay with him, and remember how good he banged my friend each time we’d have sex. It’s definitely over. Lesson learned
You are incredibly lucky that your boyfriend is so forgiving. There is a show called I May Destroy You and in one of the episodes, this girl participates in a spontaneous threesome with 2 guys and when they say goodbye they walk away in the same direction and give each other a high-5. In that moment she realises the guys lied to her, they were friends who knew each other and planned it and she realises the encounter was on the sexual assault spectrum. What you did to your bf, essentially pimping him out to your friend without his knowledge or informed consent, was the same thing. I hope you are able to grow from this moment and grow up fast because no one deserves to be treated like that, it was very morally wrong.
my guess is not about the 10 years. it's more about the “initiative” because you have to ushered him to propose. probs in day to day life you're the one who takes the initiative all the time and more dominant which make you start to question “do i need to do this for the rest of my life?”
Im sorry. It wasn't intentional. I just fucking love her and she's perfect and i just want her to know that. Im an idiot. You're right though
What do I do to lessen the blow? The truth is that our personalities aren't compatible. But do I say it's because I want to keep things professional? Hes aware Ive dated a coworker in the past. Doesn't that bar me from that excuse? How do I proceed with work related activities when we have to be alone together? I'm already internally cringing just thinking about it.
I'm glad you mentioned this. I was already thinking about discussing texting as an option in the future, and I think this confirms I was on the right track. Gives him a chance to think stuff through and removes the emotional element from it.
Tell him everything you told us, and don't ask him if something is wrong, tell him something is wrong and that's why you're leaving him
This needs to be the top comment. Imagine posting an M4F on Reddit and then getting upset that your wife is has a friend with his arm on her shoulders.
It was easy enough to do 16 months ago…
You don't sound insecure. This woman has no respect for you.
Omg what a sleazy asshole! You must have been so pissed! When I was on them (or LSD) I was very hyper and witty, making smart ass comments all night and being the comedian and prankster. lol
You need to tell your family they did a great job of making a wonderful BF break up with you.
I'm doing alright. Told my family. They're going to help when the time comes. Still working on school and going to talk to a lawyer soon.
So… he's a hypocrite that keeps breaking your set boundaries and keeps lying to you.
Why are you with him again?
I’m sorry that you are feeling troubled at what you saw. You must have many questions for your bio mother.
It’s not unusual that you wouldn’t see a mention of yourself on her FB. She gave you up so you could have a better life. Maybe for her, your adopted family is your family. It would be odd, I think, for someone to post about a baby they gave up. But I understand that seeing ‘what might have been’ is upsetting.
You are 18. She knows you exist. You have a right to contact her if you want to. Whether it is private message via FB, a letter, a call, that is up to you. Ask her if she would be willing to talking to you. Tell her you don’t want anything from her except maybe some information. Then give her a chance to digest the request. Her husband and kids may not know about you.
I’m glad you have a good adoptive family – they are your family. Your bio mother could be too, if that’s what you both want. You need to prepare yourself that bio mother may not want to reopen that part of her life. Maybe all she can give you is medical info.
Good luck, whatever you decide!
Why would you trust a heterosexual man and women to do psychedelic drugs together and assume they wouldn’t get horny or want to touch each other. How naive are you?
No they sedated her in the psych ward because of how upset she was at being committed, not because of what she was posting on social media
Does he think your type is “ugly”, so he must be ugly too? And who even calls other people ugly? You were together with them, so you found them attractive in some way. That he just cares about the looks… How shallow and this with nearly 40.
You don't need to fix anything. I mean you did nothing wrong. Your bf has some problems but that is his problems. If he is so insecure that this already cause problems and he can't talk about it. And with nearly 40 he should know that you don't have partner out of a mold.
To go talk to your actual partner about the issues over complaining to random people for them to fix it? Yes. Taking to your partner will work out a lot better for you most of the time.
This isn't about relationship advice. Just because he caused the break down doesn't mean he gives his half to you… it's easy for him to just say “no” later on and then you lose your two weeks, hence why I'd actually talk to your friend now.
It's a common thing. There's so much out there that when you find a picture or video that you especially appreciate then You want to bookmark or save it because you might never find it again.
It would be way more alarming it they were non-nude but hard pictures of people you know
He’s being extremely sus. The fact he’s never told you about her and then said she was a lesbian ?♀️?♀️ I’d be asking to meet her, why not all go for dinner if you’re so friendly with her and work so closely with her? Gauge his reaction from that suggestion.
If he behaves like this, but would clsim to not like you, it would be a big warning sign, that he has some big emotional issues… or he is not in women in sexual way in general. Not necessarily gay, could also be asexual.
Either way, there is no disadvantage to breaching this topic, by telling him you like him, and would like too see him as a couple.
I thought he was different and more mature but now I found this out
Same. Fuck a trauma bond, nobody needs that sort of nonsense in their life and that’s exactly what she’s setting him up for.
Telling someone their behavior is inappropriate is not the same as invalidating their feelings and I wish people fucking understood that. Your boyfriend is childish, and it's super annoying how he played the “this is why guys can't express themselves” card. ?
I had an ex that never intended on marrying me. When I suggested I get my eggs frozen (after 4.6 years together) as I had just turned 30 it scared him and he took off.
He got his next girlfriend pregnant twice but he eventually left her. She’s now a single mum.
Maybe your boyfriend doesn’t want to marry anyone. But it’s just so selfish to lie to you and string you along. He’s wasting your time. You leave it too long and you won’t get to meet anyone else because you’ll be too old.
I do know someone who was with someone for 10 years and he refused to marry her. They broke up for a year and then got back together and eventually he did marry her. But he made it clear to her that he wanted to stop working and have her financially support him and his new business (the business was teaching people to surf – he wanted to surf all day and not have to go into an office).
I’d break up with him if it were me. He can move in with his imaginary girlfriend he creates in his head.
Duly noted!
Gender roles always look mighty fine to me when I see some rich asshole tell his partner they have to split everything down the middle. I don't know how women end up in relationships like this. That's a genuinely selfish man who can't even be generous or share with the person he loves most.
I probably would have tried to subtly push him down a flight of stairs on our first date so I'd never find myself in a relationship with an abuser like this. I consider this financial abuse.