Leaah-Moon live! sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Leaah-Moon live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I totally would too honestly. Its so sad too see that we will try to be there so much for our bfs and they will just ignore us all day and not care. Really frustrating and sad. Im sorry you had to go through all of that 🙁

  2. Too much porn can overstimulate one if it’s used addictively to masturbate which then leads to desensitizing sexual function. Thus the lack of sexual interest. IMO porn itself is not harmful. Men think about sex way more than women do. But too much of anything is not good either. For me my issue would be the betrayal of trust. But don’t throw the baby out with the bath water either. You say you understand addiction. Treat this the same way. Would you leave him if he relapsed with substances? Former addict here and active in recovery (decades clean and sober)

  3. You need proper support to learn to parent, both you and husband. Family therapy would be the way forward.

  4. Thanks for the advice. I approached the student guidance counselor, (coursework guidance counselor we get at the start of our freshman year) and he has taken my report in, and has called the girl for an immediate appointment with him regarding the situation. I think I should not have to pursue this matter further beyond speaking to the dep. Dean about how this situation should play out.

  5. It's weird tho. I always get along the best with woman like her. I found it also interesting that my therapist encourages me when I try to stay with her because that's the best way to learn. But redditors always think it's the best to move on. Yeah I know, rn I probably only want to hear what I want to hear. About the no sympathy part, she just makes me feel worthless at times because she just is better off at some areas in life, it's really frustrating.

  6. Why is Betty still so involved with your relationship with Amanda? 24 years old is an adult. You don't need to speak to or spend time with Mary at all. So, why are you doing that? You said you always abandon your wife to be with Amanda ( and her mom). What's up with that? You are in family therapy with Amanda and Mary, but it should be with Tiffany and Amanda since Amanda has a problem with Tiffany, and now her sister is born. She needs to learn how to be a part of a blended family and stop trying to have you and Mary act like you are together and a nuclear family unit.

    You have gone above and beyond for Amanda. Stop letting her and her mom manipulate you and guilt trip you when you have done nothing wrong. It doesn't matter what you do, your efforts will never be enough for Amanda. She has you running on a hamster wheel. And she is going to make you choose between Kelly and her. It is not wrong to love your wife and newborn daughter. But, I guarantee you that Amanda and her mom will try and convince you that you are 'abandoning' them, yes THEM. You need to stop blaming yourself for the relationship you have had with Amanda and start putting the blame where it belongs – on Mary. You can't change the past. Let it go. You have a future with your wife and baby… and hopefully, Amanda. But that's going to be up to her depending on if she can accept your wife and her new baby sister.

  7. Is this even real? You didn’t consent to sleeping with the brother, you were under the impression you were sleeping with person A, and didn’t agree to sleep with person B.

    Your husband and his brother raped you. This is called premeditated rape.

    Maybe you’re still in shock, or maybe it’s a troll (I truly hope so). But there’s not even a question of ‘has this happened to anyone’ or ‘does it matter 10 years later’. I am baffled you haven’t charged him with rape yet. You’re insane if you think there’s any chance this can somehow ‘work out’

  8. Cheating is cheating. It's no different if she slept with a man or a woman. If you don't think it “counts” because she slept with a woman, then you need to reevaluate your biphobia and figure out why you don't think sex between two women is a valid as sex between a woman and a man.

  9. pattern from someone of the opposite sex

    So were he a female, what would change for you?

    I would caution care and mindfulness as you navigate the relationship between your partner and his roommate. It’s clear that your partner has a great degree of trust and confidence in this individual, and clearly values the friendship. I don’t know, your partner needs to be bit more assertive here.


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