Kristal Connor is horny!just look at this sight
26KFingers play at goal // PVT Available // Look at my tip men, ú //Enjoy winning with my games, try it! // // Follow me on IG: @k_cr01 twitter: @kristal_c01 #latina #lovense #bigtits [Multi Goal]
Fingers play at goal // PVT Available // Look at my tip men, ú //Enjoy winning with my games, try it! // // Follow me on IG: @k_cr01 twitter: @kristal_c01 #latina #lovense #bigtits [Multi Goal]
He’s an abusive prick. What kind of partner leaves his wife and kids at an amusement park with no way to get home or to a hospital in an emergency?! That’s not a father who loves his wife and kids. That’s an abusive POS narcissist.
Make a plan and get out of this trash marriage. You and your kids deserve so much better.
You don’t trust him, he’s not interested in the relationship, he doesn’t care about you, he just wants a place to live… you already know what you have to do.
Straight up tell her to fucking stop. Stand up for yourself when someone makes you uncomfortable.
Your gf needs to work on her insecurity, you were with your ex for 4yrs and she even lived with your family, obviously they won't just cut contact with her especially since the breakup was amicable. You honestly have no right to tell your family to stop seeing your ex, they consider her a friend. Both you and your gf need to suck it up, it's not like your ex is trying to get back together with you lol.
OP he showed u who he was after the first year of dating. Do not buy a house with this man. He has zero respect for you or your relationship!
Cheating is never the answer. Fucks sake. Grow up and never do this again. Tell everyone this affects. You don’t get to just hide this and feel like a good person later. You’re already a shitty person who cheated and hurt someone. So at least tell the truth.
you also should look at the fact that you feel bad when she’s sick. I’m someone who used to take too much responsibility for how other people felt. It’s a lot of emotional labor and it did lessen my sympathy towards other people. You aren’t to blame because she feels sick, you can still be kind and caring for her when she is sick without taking on the blame or responsibility for how she feels. You didn’t make her sick. You know she’s going to get better, it just takes her a little longer than it takes you. So I would add that while you’re working on being mindful. You also work on not taking responsibility for other peoples feelings and my guess is she doesn’t need you to feel bad for her, she just really needs you to give the tangible support that you have been giving, like buying a box of Kleenex on your way home or making soup. And then trust her to know what is best for her body. Just like you know what is best for your body.
Sounds like she’s trying to gaslight you in being bi for her own personal gain or reasoning. Maybe she has a crush on you and has no idea how to say it? It sounds weird and uncomfortable.
I’m a little older than you, but I’ve come to realize some people you thought were your friends simply just aren’t anymore. I personally wouldn’t continue the friendship if that’s how it’s gonna go. Life is too short and I don’t have time for people who constantly disrespect my wishes.
Don't buy a house with someone who has cheated on you before come on girl.
He's not trustworthy.
Omg, guys still do this? I remember back in high school (10+ years ago), one of my ex-boyfriends friends being upset with me because he started dating my friend and didn't know her ex was black. He said I should've warned him. I was so confused. He said that was information he needed to know before dating her.
I genuinely didn't understand what the problem was, and then when it dawned on me what he was saying I was mortified. I immediately told my friend so she could break up with him. He was such a douche.
I thought men outgrew that disgusting mentality
This is dumb. If you don't want to see it, tell her it's a gift from you, but to go with her closest friend who's a taylor swift fan. Otherwise you'll be a debbie downer all night. Though to be fair, her production values are second to none. I'd go for that alone.
Gross. Just tell her to cut it out. “Yes mom. Bob is nude. Stop drooling over him already. You’re grossing me out.”
The more I hear the more I’m glad you got out. I’m so sorry this man hurt you for so long, but I’m so happy to know that you’re out of there. Heartbreak takes a while to heal, but at least you have the support of those around you.
There's something missing for me, too. I just don't understand why the stakes are so high here, or why this is such a big deal at all. He keeps describing seeing the ex as a gamble or a risk he's not willing to take. ?? Why?
This would crush me man. Sorry you have to figure this out. Communication man don’t keep it inside creating crushing scenarios in your own mind. Give her a chance to be honest and explains
This coming from an insecure manchild?
You don’t seem to be interested in dating right now. There is no need to push yourself to do it. It’s not even been a year. Take the time you need. And don’t be scared to reach out to a professional grief councillor/therapist.
Lol I sometimes talk to myself in frustration when working from home, all day long, and my therapist assures me it's normal lol
Yup… that too!
He does have some job opportunities for spot jobs but I guess not enough.
Dump her the night of the concert.
He will do it again, he refuses to even acknowledge what he did.
You're right. While, it's not constant, it did give me pause as well. I cried about being pregnant but have accepted it. It's been us talking about what works for us communication and behavior wise in a relationship and trying to figure that out for a long term relationship and if it works for us together. We both think a lot about things and just kept a stream of open communication whether it was positive or not, and we had been working those out anytime they came up and had very civil discussions. Unfortunately, this conversation about the pregnancy has been the first one we've ever had that we didn't come to an understanding. That said, I'm afraid you may be right that resent may come of this. Probably more from his end. I will do my best not to be and understand his position. Thank you for replying.
If he won't even acknowledge the full gravity of what he did, he isn't sorry and he WILL keep doing it. I stayed with my ex through two years of serial cheating and should have left and not looked back after the first time. You're 27. I GUARANTEE there's someone better out there that won't treat you this way.
If your summation was the whole story, I'd be partially on your side. I am, however, of the belief that no one should ever compromise what they are comfortable with sexually. A loving partner will not push someone to do things they are not comfortable doing, even if they consider their requests mild. But even that point aside:
1.) They are having relationship issues that make OP feel emotionally unsafe in the relationship.
2.) She is still recovering from a pregnancy and an abortion, which can be a physically and psychologically devastating experience. She spells out that she is struggling with it.
3.) His requests have triggered past sexual trauma for her, both in their content and his method of asking them.
With all those factors in play, I find the advice to compromise at this moment unwise at best. Hence the yikes.
And, what slightly-older-than-OP woman was he cheating on in order to first get with her.
Tell her that he's grooming her. How does she know for sure everything he's saying is true? Ask her why, if he's conservative Christian, he's seemingly about to have affair an with her? Why would he go and commit the same sin his wife is supposedly committing? It's obvious her feelings are getting in the way of her using her brain. Tell her she knows that she shouldn't be doing what she is doing because she wouldn't keep asking for advice waiting for you to say differently if she didn't. Warn her too that what she's doing could also ruin her career.
Have you considered that she isn't into you and that's why she doesn't smile? I'm not the girliest and I smile at people I like. You're essentially at work in you program and I implore you, nay I beg of you to not do whatever it is you're thinking of doing. When you're done with the program and still want to ask her out go for it.
Dude, you suck. Thats not nice.
Also an autistic person who has sex as a special interest – OP boyfriend is clearly inexperienced and more importantly a jerk.
How it ACTUALLY works when two people are working on improving their sex life: talk about turn on, kinks, try to come up with good scenarios that work for both people, discuss during what you like, discuss afterwards what you may or may not like. No judgment with any of it.
Break up with this delusional girl. Oh wait you're the delusional one thinking this is even remotely okay for a gf to do
This right here.
I think you should go in for the kiss and see how she reacts
She is trying to be a cop too, so she'll be sure to turn that abuse right around on regular citizens
That is abusive behavior. Drop him and run. It doesn't matter how much you get along otherwise. If they insult your intelligence on a regular basis, and talk down to you, find someone else.
You are suffering depression.
You should see a therapist. You need to fix the mind before you can fix the body.
As for your husband, he sounds very loving. You should be grateful. As for why he doesn't want to leave you, some people actually take the “Until death do us part” stuff seriously. Crazy right?
You know there's more to a marriage than sex and physical attraction. Some people actually like the idea of having a partner that they will grow older together with. Someone who will be there for them when they're old and frail, and no longer have the physical beauty of their youth.
If attraction was the only thing to hold a marriage together, then people would divorce whenever their partner reached a certain age. Which some people do — but then it ain't real marriage.
But regardless, your husband does seem to still be attracted to you. Otherwise, why would he want the lights on? That whole line, “I only have eyes for you” may seem cheesy but it is true for a lot of men. For guys like that, when they are in love, that is enough to make them very attracted to their partner.
And you've been together 7 years, which means your guy is past the 7 year itch. So it seems like you hit the jackpot, and he's there for the long haul. Probably the hardest thing for him right now is your mental state, not the extra pounds.
But that doesn't mean he can perfectly understand what's going on in your head. That's why you need a therapist to help you sort that out, and help you rebuild your confidence.
F is behaving this way because he’s not over you and still sees you as “his” and doesn’t like that you’re trying to move on. This is honestly unhinged behavior if he’s stalking you to this degree and trying to ruin K’s social life as well. The only reason he started all this was because he found out you were friends with an ex-friend of his. Not even dating, you’re were friends and he flipped his lid. He sounds like he could get a dangerous fast, so please please never meet this man alone. And also contact the authorities the next time he shows up at your work and make it clear to your boss he is harassing/stalking you. You should be allowed to be safe at work at the absolute least.
OP must like being abused. That's the only explanation for this relationship.
She doesn’t enjoy what you doing, and your response is to tell her she’s bad at sex?
Well I’m pretty sure you won’t be touching this woman anytime soon so I guess you got what you wanted.
Just let it go dude. She's not your property. Making a big deal about it would be a great way to lose her completely.
What an absolute trainwreck of a person you're with.
Man, everyone has their short comings. Doesn't mean getting cheated on is ok, nor does it mean it's ok to keep that vile of a secret from your friend.
Imagine you were him and he was you…..WHAT WOULD YOU WANT YOUR BEST FRIEND TO DO?
It's funny because I'm literally reading his post at face value whereas you're making up all of these hypothetical scenarios and justifications to absolve OP of any responsibility for his situation.
There's zero point in debunking every single one of your points, because they might as well be about a completely different post altogether. Why don't you re-read it, so you can actually see what their sex life consists of?
Either that, or maybe get acquainted with the female anatomy. Read a book about sex that explains how women orgasm. You're talking about “strokes” and “speed” but that's already off the mark. Because the fact that sex to OP is simply penetrating her until he orgasms already shows that he is not prioritising her pleasure AT ALL.
This. It makes me so sad because good sex is such a wonderfully fun art form full of so much pleasure for both parties when it's done attentively, with intention, and with mutual enjoyment being the goal.
OP just sounds like he wants an interactive fleshlight while his gf doesn't seem to know how to communicate what she needs/likes either.
I long for the day when people understand that foreplay should be just as enjoyable as the orgasm–for both parties–and penetrative sex is just one of many many MANY routes to pleasure.
I understand it’s silly, and I’m not going to repeat my other comments, but I’ll be fine in a few hours and was just a bit upset because I have to beg for a “happy birthday” from him on my birthday, so just a bit of disappointment.
Its nude to give an opinion when you don't know the real problem. You need to stop believing his bullshit and find out what the real problem is. Time away is never just “time away”.
What is he even unhappy about? Does he wish he was single , hate being a Dad , feel too responsible, no longer feel attraction to you? If he's being vague he hiding somthing imo
If he can't / won't tell you the truth then its because its somthing BIG.
There will be evidence if you look for it…follow the money or internet/phone history or just consider all the possibilities deep down you KNOW when somthing doesn't add up. What is your sex life like?
Most likely problem….Fallen for someone else at work or on line.
Debt…Look for gambling ( that would include bitcoin , day trading anything where he could have lost money and be afraid to come clean.
He's gay and now he has completed his family is ready to explore men.
Or He just wants to divorce you but is too much of a coward to do it cold.
You should use the week to find out the truth!
You're going to have to decide how important marriage is to you. Can you be happy with a lifetime commitment without that piece of paper? Is marriage more important than the relationship you currently have?
If it is, that's totally fine. You're allowed to want to be married. But you can not make him want to be married, and it doesn't sound like he does. He can say it all he wants, but his actions have to match his words, and they do not.
If marriage is something you feel like you need in order to be fulfilled, you may have to be willing to walk away from this relationship so you can find someone who wants the same things.
DTMFA. This whole stringing you along thing is bullshit and you need to stop being the victim of it. Walk away with what dignity you have left. This is embarrassing and needs to end, please.
I should also mention some other issues from a comment in another post…
When we were FWB and I was interested in dating him we were talking about the age ranges we would consider dating within so I could get a feel for if he would date me. During the conversation I made a comment that my friends joke about our age difference sometimes. And he got uncomfortable and said he never thought about it until I said anything and I kept repeatedly telling him that no one thought he was bad for it and I told everyone that he was very respectful and treated me well but he went silent on me and wouldn’t talk about it further and kept mumbling and acting super depressed no matter how nude I tried to cheer him up or tell him that everyone I’ve talked to about him loved him. Then shortly after we went to his bedroom and all of the sudden he was wanting to get super sexual and wanted to film me giving him a blowjob.
We were FWB for a short period of time before we became FWBs again a year later and the reason we stopped the first time was because I came over and told him twice that I didn’t want to do anything sexual and then we both got high and hung out and he asked me to do stuff anyways after I previously said I didn’t want to and I felt pressured so we did. I felt uncomfortable about the whole thing and I ghosted him and we reconnected later, became FWBs again, and then started dating. Now when we talk about that period of time he gets really depressed and cries about me ghosting him, but when I try to talk about why I did it and what happened to me he says he doesn’t remember that.
If he is a good man, please leave him. You are horrible.
have them check ALL your thyroid levels. Sometimes a problem with thyroid is missed because they don't check all the indicators.
It’s not complicated. It’s only been a few months. She’s lied to you and has been talking to at least one guy you know of. No need for confrontation – just end it
How exactly do we know that she is his girlfriend?
This guy is garbage, don’t waste any more time on him.
This is a reasonable boundary to set. Get some help.
huh? i’m terrible bc i’m not willing to give my body to him when he hasn’t done anything to deserve it? okay.
I would be shocked if they didn’t have full on sex. You never get the full story up front. Did you ever talk to Tom
How often do you stand him up for dates?
Yeah… he’s making me feel so bad. Constantly calling me “shady” and saying I have no business being in there. It really hurt my feelings..
Throw her into the proverbial dumpster, get into solo therapy.
Any particular reason you are thrashing this dead horse? Is he the only human male with a pulse within driving distance of you?
Just move on already.
This feels like reading the plot of some young adult Netflix series.
In the real life, it doesn’t matter what a frat thinks of Jake. If you think Jake a a nice human and sweet and kind, I don’t see any reason why the frat of Brads option should matter? Why do you care what they think of you?
You never know, Jake could be the next Henry Cavil/Gerard butler or whomever floats your boat, with a nice personality and someone you would want to take home to your parents and then spend the rest of your life with. College/university is such a short part of your life. The people who are meant to be in your life beyond that should be people who aren’t toxic and make you feel like you should make decisions about your life to please them.
None of this is your fault
Not so much this sub, but a lot of places on the internet I've seen people, men mostly, act like the orgasm gap is a woman's problem. I've seen people outright say things like “you should take control of your own orgasm” or “your orgasm is your responsibility” in similar conversations.
Generally I've not had the best experience pointing out misogyny on the internet, again not necessarily RA but certainly on Reddit.
Hahaha but aren’t we all hiding something if not many things, when we close the bathroom door?
(Point taken though)
Or ask the wife's husband. The husbands friend will know that he is throwing him under the bus trying to save his own ass. Hopefully the husband will lose his friend and OP in the process because thats what he deserves. Cheating asshole
You are a hero
How did your mom pass away? Maybe I watch to much dateline but that behavior after her passing is insane…
Dump the therapist, work on getting a restraining order and If you have the ability and means consider moving.
“Something like this has only happened twice before” is a whole lot of words for ”This has happened three times now”. What makes you think there won’t be a fourth? Fifth? Sixth? With increasing intensity? Time to go, OP
This man was two decades older than you. This wasn’t a relationship, this was highly inappropriate and quite frankly gross on his part. You were isolated from everyone else and only had him to rely on, that’s not healthy by a long shot babe. You have to let go of the idea that he is or was every going to treat you right because chances are you were a sexy roll in the hay for him and not much more.
That’s a long amount of time. I’m not gonna wait years till it’s too late to do anything about it.
I get the struggle i suffer from anxiety too. I hate confrontation but I've had to learn to not be a doormat. You get what u allow from people. If u constantly allow trampling over your feelings and boundaries… it will continue to happen.
She used something that was personal to u against u. Come now her “u should come clean” comments. She sounds insecure af and thats not something u can help her with. She thinks ur not trustworthy.
Relationships are about trust. How are u gonna trust her to not do this shit again. She took pictures.. to hold over ur head as wht? Evidence?
Do u realize how weird that shit is.
U deserve respect and god a right to privacy my girl my husband doesn't go around checking my phone and it's not a girl thing because ive never had a ex gf do that either.
An invasion of privacy is an invasion of privacy and her trying to get u to admit to shit u didn't do is childish af. She felt she had the right to behave tht way.
And I know that we were young but it all just came out of nowhere and changed my life in a really unhealthy, expensive, and damaging way. All so suddenly. If it were me I would have at least been more mature about it and honest instead of bittle it up until it became a breakup… and i really dont think its this complicated anyway. She left me to be with some hotter guy. All those years and she just left to be with some guy we barely knew for 5 months.
I think the letter is a good idea. Some leyline of communication that opens up how you feel because he genuinely might not know.
If you wait until you're strong enough to leave, you'll never leave, there will never be a right time. If you know you have to leave, then just leave, regardless of how strong you feel.
She is going away to college so that is that. An LDR is a loser, especially with all of your uncertainty. By the time she returns, you will have become interested in someone else.
Not as bad as ops husband but my mother did this as well, just very dramatic moaning while unloading the dishwasher, huffs and puffs and groans while bringing in groceries.
For her, she expected her children to read her mind and anticipate her needs instead of just asking literal children to do chores.
“I took you to the movies and made sure you had a good day and you couldn’t even give me 10 minutes after?”
Is he implying de HE doesn't have a good day when you guys go for dinner or a movie? Disgusting & disheartening, tbh.
You should definitely have this conversation with him, or show him this post.
Thank you for your advice, but the thing is I don't think I will be able to love someone as I have loved her the fact that we have shared and planned so much with each other and her acting like this is really heartbreaking and nude to digest she is so perfect in every other way that it is really hard to let go.
It's blatant disrespect and a lack of care about your relationship and feelings.
You are a booty call. Sex is exhausting, so if he has no energy for anything but sex, he's just using you and trying to manipulate you into giving him what he wants. You're worth more than that.
That sounds like a cop out answer. Either that, or all these women are with the wrong man. Eitherway, it's on her to make a decision about being with man she isn't comfortable being honest about or has to fake it for.