Kitty_hotx on-line webcams for YOU!

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Tip fast and make my boobs bounce and my pussy squirt, when i will feel good you will see me naked #bigboobs #lovense #milk #squirt #lovense #bigboobs #milk #pregnant #squi

42 thoughts on “Kitty_hotx on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Why are you trying to push her into having oral? You've made it all about you. She doesn't like it. Stop pushing her to let you. Oral for her is not about you. How would you feel if she pushed you to use a toy that you don't like?

    She doesn't have to like oral. Even if she did, she doesn't have to have it every time if she doesn't want to. Her pleasure is all about her and what she likes, not what you decided she should like. This isn't a hill to die on. No one wants to be with someone who constantly pressures them into sex or a sexual act.

  2. This definitely sounds like a medical problem. She should be talking to her doc about it. I know it makes you feel bad but I highly doubt it's a matter of putting you last.

  3. Tl;Dr. That seems like a long story for accidentally hitting someone in the balls. But breaking up over it seems extreme.

  4. Thank you, haha. I’ve come a long way but it’s definitely been a rocky road, still is sometimes. It’s weird to think about where we’ve all been. I hope the OP gets out as soon as she can, no person should have to endure abuse

  5. I think maybe that was a lie on her part. I've been to plenty company parties and you're allowed to bring your significant other. He needs to dumb her ASAP. She isn't sorry and this won't be the last time she'll put this stunt. Go live somewhere else.

  6. There’s over 400 comments now and I haven’t read every one, so I don’t know if anyone else mentioned this, but…have you thought at ALL about the kind of world this hypothetical kid will be forced to exist in long after you’re gone? They will most likely have to deal with some truly gnarly, heinous environmental problems that are going make life very unpleasant for everyone as this century progresses. Why would you intentionally produce a human—who didn’t ask to be born—and subject them to that suffering?

    The best thing you can do for this kid is to NOT HAVE IT.

  7. u/whoremoness, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. u/exit_planz, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. u/Potato-w-love, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. Hello /u/GuiltyThrowaway444,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  11. I'm going to go against the grain and say that it's understandable to lose sexual attraction to someone who becomes obese. There's weight gain, and there's significant weight gain due to overindulgence.

    Honestly, I needed someone telling me that I needed to start thinking about weight loss. I had seen it in myself, but I didn't do much about it until I was told about it. I just kept wallowing.

    However, I wish that the person who had told me had done it in a better way. So, I would definitely really think about how to tell her. Basically, you're worried that the weight gain is not good for her health. 60 lbs is not a small amount. Maybe see if she has an underlying condition. That was my issue.

    I do not agree that you're supposed to be attracted to someone at any weight or unhealthiness. Gaining weight severely harms your body and limits what you can do. It also shortens lifespans. There are always circumstances where someone should definitely be given some pass (pregnancy, an accident, physical injury, etc.). But in the end, you don't have to feel attracted to someone at every weight.

  12. RA's are often pretty clueless, and equally powerless. Go over their head and make an appointment to see the Dean of Students (or whatever similar role there is at your school). Come clean about your being trans and also detail all the things your roomie is doing. Tell her it is severely affecting your anxiety level and ability to function at school.

    Chances are there's a vacancy somewhere in the system that you could move into. I strongly recommend that you do so.

  13. Frozen food is just as healthy, if not more sometimes. I’m confused how meatballs could be that unhealthy. It sounds like you’re more concerned about her weight gain than anything.

  14. Totally agree with what people are saying here, just a side note:

    In my tables, if a player can't play we mostly reschedule or make their character absent, but in the rare occasions we have to use the character (with another player controlling it and the OG player's permission), we have an understanding that the absent player's character is “immune” to death. If the character fall to 0 hps, it falls unconscious, but auto-succeed on the death saves. It's really not okay to kill a player character when the player is not present.

    So either that table sucks, or it was some kind of a power play like others suggested.

  15. He doesn’t know if the wants to go, he keeps telling me he doesn’t know anyone and is unsure on how they act. But he said that’s why he didn’t ask me right away

  16. I understand that. What I’m saying is the dad didn’t need to bring it up if he can’t handle that other people won’t share his views. Literally the only way the dad would’ve been happy is if the boyfriend either agreed or kept his mouth shut. It’s a dick move on the dad’s part.

  17. sorry i barely got past the first paragraph. thats enough, that amount of disrespect is enough to breakup about, TWICE over. this guy is a dickhead and you dont deserve to be with a guy who accuses you of Not Working On Your Relationship when he spends the whole time belittling you and accusing you and Shuttin Down (ie not just sitting there taking his insults like a punching bag).

    he wont get better! he accuses YOU of breaking HIS MARRIAGE when if it wasnt you, he'd have cheated with Someone else, makes fun of you, and manipulates you with guilt and weird obsessive racism! he will continue to be like and get worse AND will probably cheat on you too!

    cut your losses, leave him, and never be the other woman again!

  18. I never assumed I was the biggest. It was a combination of having it confirmed and knowing she prefers that which had me thinking like that

  19. Not necessarily. If I’m not exclusive with someone I assume they’re sleeping with other people and take precautions; always have them wear a condom and ask for both of us to get tested regularly. I also ask, because I like transparency, but I would never assume exclusivity without talking about it first.

  20. I’m definitely never going to give advice. That would probably be the last thing I ever do, as in she would kill me by a look alone. So many times I just draw a blank and say I’m sorry. Which makes me cringe. I’m perfectly cool with her needing alone time, but I don’t want to come off as I don’t give a shit because I do

  21. She just met him 4 months ago in class. Would you let your SO go on a “dinner date” with someone they just met? Why isn’t OP invited?

  22. Question: Did Mike know Mariah was your friend before meeting her/upon meeting her or did he find out you two were friends afterwards? Because if it was afterwards, you don't have a leg to stand and even if he did know prior, your still standing on a very weak leg. People are allowed to change their mind regarding who they like/find attractive, especially when the person they had a crush on isn't interested and they then meet someone who is. Just because you rejected him doesn't mean he immediately saw your friend as a chance to get revenge, he might genuinely like her which caused what feeling he had for you to disappear. This isn't an uncommon thing. It's actually pretty normal.

    Honestly, I would wait and see, if he tries to give you his number again after the date with Mariah or he does something like kiss her or be overly affectionate with her in front of you. If gives you a smug “look what your missing out on' look or says something to the same affect, that's when you know he's trying to make you jealous AND that's when you tell Mariah.

    Right now, you're just going of an assumption, which might very well be wrong and could cause a lot of hurt to your friend, over nothing. Just hold your horses for a bit, and see what happens.

  23. Sometimes it takes years. Both my ex-boyfriend’s it took me years to get over both of them. Sorry.

    If you want to force yourself out of it you could always start dating other people.

    But I don’t do that.

  24. It's not “punishing their partner” to recognize that they don't want to raise this particular child, and that if they don't want to do that, the healthiest thing is to divorce. Divorce isn't a punishment; it's something that happens when people's life paths diverge.

  25. Don't judge him on his ethnicity / nationality, but rather judge him on his own merits. The thing that concerns me here is that you're looking at him as an Egyptian Arab, rather than just “Joe” (or whatever his name is).

  26. ???????????. I can’t believe, at your age, you even need to ask. Can only assume you have not had many relationships if you can’t recognize he is mama’s boy thru and thru. Find someone who puts YOU first.

  27. Wise words that will never ever serve you wrong:

    Never take or send any kind of photos that you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see.

    Then you’ll never ever have anything out there that can embarrass you or be used against you.

  28. Not the first time, not the last time. You’ve stumbled onto his ‘innocently’ having an escort page up on his phone and now you’ve miraculously stumbled on his first (and failed) hookup with a sex worker? You know this isn’t a first, it’s very hot and it hurts and I’m sorry.

    This would be too much dishonesty for me. It isn’t about the sex really imo, but the sneaking and the lying that come with cheating are too much for me to get past.

    However this plays out I hope you find your happiness, good luck

  29. So don't let anyone do that to you next time.

    Don't worry about not letting anyone do it to you this time. You already lost that battle. So stop trying to win a game that already ended and focus on the next one.

  30. Why don’t you feel comfortable sharing your location with your wife? What she did was wrong but there are all sorts of problems in your marriage. Seek marriage counseling.


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