Kitanaray live! sex chats for YOU!

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こ, んにちはユキ Hello my kitties (´• ω •) Wanna have some fun? Goal is dildo in doggie ♥ [GOAL MET]

14 thoughts on “Kitanaray live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. >>They tell me that I need to come out as gay, or I won't be affirming their identity. They also tell me that any refusal to acknowledge that I'm queer is transphobic, and that I'm displaying internalized homophobia by not coming out. They've also said that my refusal to acknowledge that I'm queer is unsafe to them.

    I know they are going through a lot, but this type of pressure to identify as is abusive. Saying that you have internalized homophobia by not coming out, when you identify as straight, is gaslighting. You do not need to sign on to something you don't believe in order to affirm their idenitity? And if you are now unsafe, how about they break up with you? This is a lot of abusive pressure in an area nobody, not even your partner, has a right to so intrusively tread. Your identity is your own, and nobody has a right to pressure you about it. It's OK to no longer be compatible, and to support them as a friend but no longer as a partner.

  2. I believe you love her as a person, but I don't think you're in love.

    You've known her for six months and you're not in a relationship. I think you're most likely infatuated with her and fascinated with the idea of being with a woman for the first time. You haven't spent enough time together to develop real, deep, enduring romantic love. What you're describing sounds like new relationship butterflies.

    Do you have many close female friends? Is it possible you're conflating this intense emotional connection with romance because you haven't had a friend this close as an adult?

  3. i have been an atheist for a very long time, i'm not informed on religion. i don't know if the abuse thing is real or not but if it is i had no idea

  4. People have love languages and feel loved in different ways. How you feel loved might not be what makes someone else feel loved. You have to take both how you love AND what makes the other person feel loved because at that point it isn’t just about your feelings.

  5. Honestly, you need to find another way. Opening up a marriage like that will kill it. It won't just be random casual hookups. He can promise this to the moon and back and inevitably it won't turn out this way. There is way more than just a physical aspect which is what everyone focuses on. There is an emotional aspect as well that neither of you are prepared for. If he finds a steady outside partner, are you really prepared to share him like that? You might as well kiss your marriage goodbye because it's more like fwb than an actual marriage at that point. It's also incredibly difficult to close that door once you open it. If he finds a steady stream of sex outside of your marriage, he is not going to want to give that up and will most likely be spending a fair amount of time with that partner doing other things besides sex for that emotional connection.

    He is being selfish in suggesting this because it's so disrespectful to you. You are also being selfish in that you are not actively finding a way to satisfy such basic needs and desires. You are leaving him hanging and expecting him to deal with it. Of course he is going to suggest going elsewhere! Seriously, go to your doctor and get your hormones checked as a first step. Based on your age, I would say this is hormone related and easily fixed. I know sex feels like a chore right now but you could also easily make more effort in this. At least offer sex a bit more often so he is not as frustrated and making these suggestions. Suggestions like this are a sign of desperation and a cry for help.

  6. So you won’t let her pay for you because of your pride. What about her pride? Why is she not allowed to take pride in her ability to treat her SO to a meal? This was her dinner to celebrate her acceptance to a program, but you refused to participate because of your pride? What she wanted was to go to the dinner with you, not for you to pay for your meal, but you ruined an otherwise nice occasion because you couldn’t handle her paying one meal for you?

  7. is it regular thing that she is telling what to do when she is not around?

    Are you always need to do what she is telling you to do?

    Is she your mom or girlfriend?

    Do you neglect some activities because of games? Is she telling you to stop playing because she sees that you are lagging in your life because you are too concentrated on gaming?

  8. Well done! While you’re getting past the aftershocks, and to help in case you get any impulses to unblock or get back in touch, consider looking up a book called “Why Does He Do That?” By Lundy Bancroft. It does a really good job of breaking down and explaining the sort of dynamic and pattern of behaviour you’ve described. You’ve achieved getting out of the abuse; having a concrete reminder of the patterns to reread can help with the next step, staying out, and the healing after.

  9. Tell her that you have no interest in violating her privacy. I’m sure it upsets her and that you don’t treat her the same way she does you, because it would be much easier for her to justify her actions if you were doing the same thing. Unfortunately, for her, you’re taking the highroad, and that is difficult for her to deal with.

    She has many illogical, fears and insecurities. By allowing her to look through your phone whenever you want, you are enabling her, and I need a roundabout way, not respecting yourself.

    It’s hot to put toothpaste back into the tube, but if your relationship has any shot at a future, you need to “unwind” some of the policies that have been allowed to exist. For example, the hypocrisy needs to end. What hypocrisy, you ask?

    “ I’m your boyfriend. Do you trust me?”


    “ then why do you need to look through my phone?”

    To make sure you’re telling me the truth

    “ I think we need to revisit the meaning of the word TRUST”.

    Maintaining some individuality and privacy is healthy. The fact that she can’t handle it is her problem. You’re allowing it to become your problem. And if you’re afraid of her reaction, so you keep your mouth shut, and just keep the peace… You’re not being honest with her or yourself.

    Making a mistake about it, she’s got some real issues. But she’s being very upfront about them. I’m wondering if you are thinking and feeling one way, but letting her hear what she wants to hear because you know how to react otherwise. People will treat you, however you allow them to treat you. If you don’t stand for it, they won’t do it. But if you let her walk all over you, she will walk all over you for as long as you allow it…


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