Kisulay on-line sex cams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Kisulay on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You should tell her that sure, you “should be able to see these things” just like she “should” be able to get a job.

    It is unreasonable to expect every couple to have the same exact standards of cleanliness. You two should agree to a certain standard (no dishes in the sink overnight, clean the bathroom once a week) and the person who is pickier- that's me- does a few of the extra items that bother me more, like a smudge on the mirror.

    But this isn't about cleaning. You are working and she isn't, which means she should be doing like 90% of the chores around the house. Tell her to get a job and that you are losing hope on having a wife who is capable. She is verbally abusing you by making cleaning out to be that you are a bad person, and honestly if she feels that way, she should leave you. But of course she isn't going to do that, because why would she? She gets to live for free, expect her partner to still do most of the stuff around the house, and she can abuse you when she is in a bad mood.

  2. Nope break up asap! I was also recently in a car accident (not my fault either) and I broke my arm and two fingers. You know what my boyfriend did? Got to the hospital ASAP, took care of all the insurance stuff and giving police statements and contacting our friends and family to tell them what happened and stayed by my side the whole time.

    In the weeks after he took care of me completely since I couldn’t do much at all. He bathed me, dressed me, cut up my food for me, did all the chores, etc. I can’t ever repay him for how much he did for me.

    If your boyfriend can’t even be bothered to text you a full sentence please drop him. You deserve so much better!

  3. This is a time you have every right to choose who is going to be there to support you. There are seats right outside for the rest. Put your foot down.

  4. I know there’s a ton of comments here already stating this, but I’m gonna make another one so OP gets the same message from as many people as possible.

    This guy is a fucking psycho and you need to cut him out of your life. The fact that his reaction to your story was anything other than “thank you for trusting me with this” and to then try to comfort you in whatever way was best for you, let alone to then ask for a bj, is so fucked up. He should be ashamed.

    You need a partner that can support you while you heal, not some douchebag that’s thinking with his dick all the time.

    Like so many have said here, please for the love of god and for your long term mental health, get away from this “man”

  5. This sub thinks that 18 year olds are all children. People should be mature at 18, but they are not because infantilizing teenagers got normalised. I've known mature 18 year olds and 24 year olds who seemed like they were 14.

    However he lied to you on purpose. Specifically about things you care about, so you won't be able to make an informed decision about whether you want to date him or not. He's not really that great.

  6. Same same. Some people have bad vibes that only I (and usually one other woman) can suss. And when it all blows up I remind myself, I'm not a bitch. I can just smell when there's an asshole.

  7. While porn may have warped some minds, locker rooms are not sexual places, infact I'd argue their the worst sexual place on Earth.

  8. I have a friend – a good, close, friend – whose fashion sense is embarrassing. So embarrassing that people stare. So embarrassing that it’s sometimes humiliating to be seen with her. So cringe.

    You know what I tell her? Nothing. That I’m embarrassed to be seen with her is on me, even though her clothing choices can be objectively awful.

    Bottom line? It’s one sweatshirt. Suck it up. Hopefully it’ll fall apart in the wash.

  9. Thanks. I have never been pushy about it. Only have asked about it maybe three times in our relationship. But I think I will take this approach when I feel the time is right.

  10. I am surprised at how well the policy is working considering he calls you a bitch and a dishwasher. Point is, don't push divorce as a last resort.

    You accept disrespect once, you're given it always.

  11. Either someone else is using that parking pass or you are dating an insane person.

    Send him money for the pass and get it from him. Can you report the current pass missing and pick up another directly from the office? Or purchase one yourself?

    Or better yet run from this person.

  12. Has he been actively trying to get a new job?

    I wouldn’t give him another chance, personally. You having to support him financially paired with his “It’s just a job.” comment speaks volumes and comes across as incredibly immature on his part.

  13. Just tell them straight up “Im going to cheat on her, are you sure about this?” if they want it still after that then they made their choice. ??‍♀️

  14. He waved his giant red flag in your face and you’re still wondering what to do???

    You owe yourself a bit of love, care and respect!

    Walk away, and don’t look back! You can’t fix him!

  15. His frontal lobe isn’t even done developing yet my dude. Ya know, the area of the brain that focuses on decision making. Even at twenty he has a few years to go still! He hasn’t even gone through college and learned who he is and who he wants to be. I’m accusing you of being in a relationship with someone far too young for you developmentally, not pedophilia. It is interesting that was the first thing that came to your mind though.

  16. I think breaking up was the right thing to do. It would only have gone downhill from there.

    It's good that you got out early! There will be wonderful guys who are sane about this.

    If he was 'love bombing' you, piling on the praise and going on about how amazing and special you were, that's the normal 'hook' to get you invested enough to stick around for crap like this.

    Good luck with the next guy!

  17. I agree it wouldn’t be a comfort to the mom, it would make this harder on the mom. She’s doesn’t need that. All the focus right now should be on the mom. Afterward op can deal with the cheater. You make a good point about the mom’s mind being at rest. That’s more important right now. Op will eventually be ok. Right now there are more important things to focus on


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