Kim-woods on-line sex cams for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “Kim-woods on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Man that's awful. Why would you even want someone so callous and selfish as a partner after this? Yes, she lost her dog. That's awful and hurts really badly. But you've just been told your father might never wake up again if there's a complication from an important surgery. Estrangement or not – that's heavy news to get. Especially being tasked with the duty of informing the whole rest of your family as the messenger?

    And she essentially implies your father is lying about this and calls YOU selfish for asking for support when your actual blood relative might never wake up again if something happens? Or at the very least is having some MAJOR health issues right now that are more serious than was let on in the beginning?

    I'd be taking space from the whole relationship tbh that's so selfish and so cruel.

  2. You’re right. But you’re also not. Not when after everything happened with the first incident, I got sober and quit cold turkey the next day. I sought professional help for the things that I had going on that had nothing to do with him that might have contributed. I went to NA meetings, AA meetings, and other group sessions. I started medications to get me on the right track to getting healthy and better. I’m home every day and he comes home to a clean house, animals taken care of, and hard food and backrubs ready. From the beginning to now I’ve done a 180 and owned up to my shit and became better because of it. Cause that’s how you show remorse and accountability.

    Cheating was never my problem because that was never my intent. Drugs and alcohol were. I fought to be a better person for the both of us and our relationship cause it’s what I want. We were doing so good until he sought someone out purposefully.

  3. Yes, I had to see it by myself. He eventually left for good this morning under the monitoring of the police. The guy who came to help him take his stuff is the one he had lent money… Well, he has made a clear choice! And as for me I won't allow my fear or my guilt control my behaviour anymore.

  4. You need to be more mature than this to remain in a monogamous relationship, remember- physical touch and emotional connection with another person that is not your partner is always going to be classified as cheating in this regard. Imagine her with another man doing as you are- you’d likely make a bigger deal than what you are doing right now about your own actions. Do your partner a favor and end things before karma does it for you.

  5. So you sexually assaulted her and when she tried to defend herself you physically assaulted her too? How are you dense enough to think you’re anywhere in the right here?

  6. I don't understand. You had plans to go out but he wasn't putting any effort into planning what to do? Were there more plans that needed to be made?

  7. For the last 3 paragraphs, there’s nowhere OP mentions that he slapped her and feel any sorry about it. OP’s unconscious reaction is slapping her not once but twice. Even after she initiated to apologize, he had no idea what he did to her. Learn some more about CONSENT and SELF-REFLECTION.

  8. Tell your fiancé to get over it. You might want to think about a dog. No one even gets near my house that I don’t know about.

  9. He is being overly controlling, you'll both still essentially be beginners after you go on this trip. If he can't handle his girlfriend being slightly better at something than he is, that's his problem. Let him be disappointed. This is not the 1920's.

  10. I told her how her friendship with this guy ended the moment he opened his mouth, with or without me. That seemed to resonate as she now claims she doesn’t need any more time and wants to work on things with me…I don’t really believe her now. We’re meeting for dinner on Friday and I told her I need space until then. She knows I’m considering ending it. If she hasn’t said anything to him by Friday, while knowing I’m not guaranteed to take her back, then I’ll for sure end it. If she has, well it’ll depend on what she has to say, but I have to know she cut this guy out on her own accord.

  11. Can you imagine reversing the situation and have you saying that? Would she take you back and forgive? No. She wouldn't. No one would. That lame excuse is all she had plus the fake tears. Cmon my man….you can do better than this weak willed 403.

  12. We have a new wedding date(same month as the original date), she and her son are moving in next month, and we’re starting to plan the wedding/our lives together. We’ve been talking a lot about things, and who we want involved.

    When is this “wedding date”? Do you actually take time to see how you will be living together for 6+ months to see how you interact in day-to-day life?

    I’ve known they were holding a grudge from way back when we were having our difficulties, and they weren’t the biggest fans of my fiancé. H

    Did you also tell them that you've driven drunk a few times already?

  13. Get your own house and move out.

    He is perfectly happy and content living the way he is. He is 30, not 16. This is who he is.

    I predict a house together will fall into disrepair and you will have junk cars on your lot. It is a mentality and way of life he is fine with. You are not.

  14. If you're in a 2-level house, how is it that he can hear you on the phone?

    Eww. Hopefully it's not hidden cameras or them immediately going to her door after they do the deed.

  15. There was no consent from this side, and if your previous sessions were WITH protection. This is S.A.

    Break it off before she baby traps you. Also get tested for STD.

  16. This is likely the tip of the iceberg. Does he have credit? Own a home? Utilities? Likely all of that and more he used your SS number on.

    You need to turn him in for identity theft. You need to get on the credit reporting sites and find out what else is under your number. As far as his excuse about your mother stealing his tax info? Not buying it. He could have gone to the SSA or the IRS to get his number. If he was self employed he likely took his taxes to someone else to do them and they would have records. My guess is after the divorce he had a huge tax bill he didn’t want to pay and basically retired his number and used yours.

  17. Agree with this. What OPs girlfriend did definitely fall under forgivable offences under said circumstances but in the end it's also up to OP if he can forgive and trust her again.

    As for the girlfriend she needs to remove herself from situations where she gets too drunk even though I agree there is a possibility she got drugged. Something that might be good to do is having a party with safe friends and test where hers/yours drinking limits are.

    By my own experience strong liquor is the generally the downfall of all. Nowadays I never do more than 1-2 shots and even that is super rare. In my early 20s however I spent many a night praying to the porcelain god.

  18. Read your post. You are not into this guy, at least nowhere near as into him as he is to you, and you should just end this, even though it's only a real thing in his mind and not reality.

  19. Maybe the fact that you had your animals in your own home was fine, then the idea of 7 cats and litter boxes in his own home with you just didn't sound as appetizing anymore. It wouldn't to me either.

  20. You should tell him, maybe he'll be fine, maybe not. But at least you can save your time instead of him knowing later down the line

  21. Thanks dude.

    Like I'd booked some tickets to travel to watch my football team play here in the UK. It's a lot of money so I put it on my Monzo Flex.

    A day or two later I went to the pub to watch said football team play, later that day we had a video call with her dad just a catch up and she just blamed me for everything Ripping into everything that I do. Like in front of her dad, it was shocking, I'm a placid person so I didn't rise to it or anything she says ever.

  22. I'm sorry but his ADHD excuse is the biggest load of bullshit. You have a selfish lover problem. My boyfriend and I both have ADHD we can both focus enough to get eachother off. Infact it's a rule I get at least twice as much before he has his. If he cared he would make that effort to focus on you to make it happen for you. Have him focus on you first and you need to have satifaction before him. If he can't just and just loses focus just shut all down. Tell him you can see he isn't focused, it's ruined the mood and you want to stop. Don't give up and pleasure him otherwise he will never learn and just expects you to skip to penetrative sex everytime.

    If that doesn't work tell him how it's affecting you. It may be harsh on him but sometimes it's the harsh truth that makes people like you bf be less selfish and be better.


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