Katy the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Katy, 26 y.o.


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5 thoughts on “Katy the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You can have the preference of not dating someone who “travels” he can realize he’s not ok with that preference and end it.

    As far as blocking you, your post alone tells me you’re pretty irrational. He made the best decision for himself; preventing you from contacting him any further.

    If you’re honest with yourself do you really think you could have had a civil discussion with him? No. You would have cried and screamed and yelled and said how dare you “waste” two MONTHS of my life.

    Move on. Work out why you’re so clingy and controlling. I promise staying on this path will lead you to a LOT of what you perceive to be heartbreak.

  2. Everybody moves on at different paces. Just bc you were a mess at 3mo post breakup doesn't mean everybody is. His previous relationship was also 2 years long, included a stint in therapy for him, and they parted a few months after seeing if the relationship could survive. His relationship sounds like it was already on life support by that point.

    When I divorced my ex of 16 years I started dating w/in a couple months bc I had already mourned the relationship. It was already processed by me that it was over before we split. I wasn't about to waste more of my life bc other people felt it was too soon to date. I'm not them, they're not me. You weren't in this guy's previous relationship, you're not him.

    So it's not necessarily a red flag that he's dating 3mo post breakup. The only thing giving me real pause in your post is the why of his therapy need, but even that I get a bit since y'all just started talking and getting to know each other and that it may be deeply personal and he wants to know he can trust you before spilling that. And the fact that he DID go to therapy even though he's skeptical of it actually seems like a good thing bc at least he tried it to see if it would help. But how engaged he was with the process is unclear so that might give me pause.

    Honestly it sounds like it's too early to really draw any big conclusions about him. I say get to know him more, take it slow, and just be cautious.

  3. First of all, dump him.

    Second of all, dump him.

    Third of all, dump him.

    Any man that ignores your insecurities and points out other women to you (especially for a feature), is shitty. IDK how long you guys have been together, but seriously. Dump him. He's purposefully making you feel bad about yourself to the point you want cosmetic surgery–that he then gaslights you about!–this is not someone you want around for the rest of your life.

    Dump him.


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