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Room for on-line sex video chat kasandraxhot2

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43 thoughts on “kasandraxhot2live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Absolutely not. And the main reason is appearances. If that kid goes to school and said that he slept with mommy's boyfriend, your ass is going to end up in jail, getting beaten to a pulp by a bunch of murderers who don't play nice with pedos.

    Tell your girlfriend that you like her son but it's not worth the risk.

  2. Because I made it clear to him before we even started dating that I don’t date guys who travel. It’s just my preference. He told me I wouldn’t have to worry about it so I gave it a chance. Me and him are both anxiety ridden people and that just happens to be the one thing that’s very upsetting for me especially when someone promises they aren’t going to go. I shouldn’t have even dated him in the first place.

  3. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to share the person you're with. Everyone should have a relationship that works for them.

  4. Let go of this internet relationship. You are looking for sex and she is not going to have it with you. Let her go and stop harassing a girl who is been brainwashed by her family and religion to fear sex and her own body and pleasure.

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  7. This has a strong potential to backfire.

    It's generally wise to wait until after you've lived together to propose. Living together is a bigger adjustment than most people expect.

  8. Aside from the changing room situation, I wouldn't be okay with my gf playing hockey — full stop. Male or female. I'll never forget Wayne Gretzky telling Howard Stern that as a junior-level player, the week after he got his braces off, someone knocked a bunch of his teeth out.

  9. You could de clutter your house and sell what you don't want on Mercari, poshmark or marketplace. It will give you a small income to start. You can make jewelry and sell on etsy. How old is your baby? You can find a free daycare or low cost. I know you don't want daycare but what would you do if you left? You would need a job and a daycare. You can apply for housing and food stamps and welfare because you are not married and a single mother.

  10. there are things i'm still uncomfortable with such as guy friends and clubbing

    Then you are not ready for a relationship. You don't get to tell a partner who they can be friends with or what activities they can do.

  11. Yea, stop it, man. It's one thing to raise your voice in the moment, but tone it back down and don't swear at someone you love unless it's a joke.

  12. It seems like your GF has made the choice for you. GF's refusal to bend and give even a few days more, is her saying “it's my way, or no way”.

    You can't win with a person who has the attitude of “it's my way or the highway”.

    I would start a new life with your sister. But you need to make it clear to sister that you will only do this if she gets a GED (equals graduation from high school here in the U.S) gets her driver license and gets a job. You can and will teach your sister how to be independent, budget her money, drive and live independently. You can't teach GF a damn thing.

  13. My ex was exciting AF. The sex was fantastic. She almost ruined my life and definitely destroyed hers. My wife is boring by comparison. Yay boring

  14. The simple answer is you break up. This is your deal breaker and that is okay. She has lied to you for 3 years. She probably thought she’s locked you in now.

    I always wasn’t sure between 2 or 3, I had two very young and thought I was done, then I met my fiancé and on the first day he expressed how important having 1 child was to him and I said I was on the fence but if our relation continued to 3 months I would have an answer for him. He accepted. It took all about a month to decided I could definitely have another child if he was the father.

    Now here we are 3 years later, about to get married and 5 months pregnant.

    I’m sorry you were lied to

  15. I'm over two years sober and have spent my entire life around addicts. I know exactly what it's like. If you aren't comfortable with your partner drinking in the house, that's a boundary you need to set. Right now he isn't doing anything wrong. You are the one with the problem. Focus on you.

  16. ” I can’t stop hanging with my friends as being around them is the only thing keeping me together right now.”

    “When he was around today, I had a huge panic attack and cried. My friends never showed me any sign of support”

    I would say they clearly aren't keeping you together 😀

  17. I don’t see anything wrong here. Her “reactions” were harmless. If anything, if I was your girlfriend, I would be upset at YOUR reaction.

    First, she gave a very valid and reasonable explanations for the dancing. It was 15 seconds my god. And clearly she knew you would see her and wasn’t worried about it.

    Even if a younger man asked her to dance and she obliged – this still can be harmless. There’s many cultures/instances where dancing is literally just dancing! For the fun of it. Not something you only do with romantic partners.

    Your insecurities are showing and I wouldn’t want to be with someone who feels they have to watch me like a hawk and I can’t interact with the opposite gender for even 15 seconds without it causing an issue.

    You’re young and hopefully you grow out of it but really, if anyones reactions were in poor taste, it was yours.

  18. I think he is also living in a fantasy mode where he can only talk over text etc because he feels it’s not real real life. But it’s great he’s speaking to you. Just reply to him bluntly next time Hey let’s chat in person to figure something out

  19. Don’t do it. No man worth a shit is going to demand a threesome from his unwilling partner. I’m sure if you look at your boyfriend objectively, he probably isn’t really “perfect”.

  20. Whether or not they've been together for years or not a few years from now is still years down the road. And it's better to find out now than wasting a few more years.

  21. 37 years old and he's doing that? Amongst men, this is what we'd refer to as a “bitch move” and would make fun of him endlessly for it.

    Move on. You'll be better for it.

  22. A car is in no way comparable to sentimental jewelry, and if he's being jealous it's 100% justified, in the same way that you might get jealous if you found out them reading old love letters or something.

  23. Yep many time one is checked out. Other super loving and all in and wanted monogamy. But one wanted all the cake like some sort of chrisis. It was like they turned into a different person. Almost cult zombie like it's strange. Almost heartless it creeps me out.No doubt there something hidden.

  24. I can handle feedback. I handled well on a different sub where there was more mature people . I’m just correcting your false assumptions and y’all hate it

  25. Don't downplay this as small sacrifices. You wanted her to sell her car. What sacrifices have you been making?

  26. Firstly, don't blame that woman for what your fiance is doing. This is on him, not her.

    Secondly, I think it's clear this guy just isn't that serious about marriage with you. I think you should reconsider this entire relationship, not just the wedding date.

    And did you actually want an open relationship, or did he coerce you into one?

  27. Do not marry him. His making you feel terrible and he knows perfectly well that he is because you always communicate that to him and he brushes you off. His showed that you don’t mean a thing to him, and you deserve to go and live you’re life without that dead weight fiancée dragging you down. Get out while you still can!!

  28. But you do realize that in all those words, your husband explained how little he cares about anyone’s feelings but his own. He doesn’t care how this carrying on with her hurts her, doesn’t care how all this made you feel. It’s all him again refusing even a small ounce of ownership of wrong doing, or any remorse. In fact, some bizarre twist, he made this all your fault and her fault.


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