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28 thoughts on “KASANDRA-HOTSEX live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I wasn’t comparing anything. Just stating that the vasectomy procedure, although relatively quick and simple (as in not complicated), can still make people nervous, especially if they’re already fearful of medical procedures.

    The stuff women go through for their reproductive/sexual health is wild though, learning about all that stuff for the first time definitely put things in perspective for me.

  2. Only reason why I think she really does have feelings again is because well I’ve been told by multiple people and it’s just obvious really

  3. Communication goes two ways.

    It was a first date. If she had a spark, she should have contacted him. Obviously, she had his contact info.

  4. USA have such a strage legislation when it comes to CP. How can it be illegal if it’s a photo of myself on my phone??

  5. At this point if he’s always giving you a negative reaction.. stop expecting a positive one. He’s a dick and you will need to get a job just to get out of the situation. You need to leave him and find someone more compassionate and caring.

  6. Thank you for the constructive response. I don’t have much more to add, you’re right you know.

    Therapy sounds so far off, I don’t think I’ll be able to drag myself to something like it.

    Again, thank you. It means a lot to me that a internet stranger took valuable time out of their life on my issues.

  7. Anger is a stage in grief. There are several stages to grief and everyone grieves differently. Just because he's chosen anger doesn't mean he's not grieving….

    Yes, he's being an AH but never say someone's not experiencing emotions because they're not like you.

  8. Fuck some of the shit you read on Reddit.

    If the genders were reversed most people would say it's not at ALL a red flag!

    If we took the advice of Reddit, guys like me who've had oral herpes this I was a child would never believe any woman would EVER date me (yet I've been with dozens upon dozens of women who I've disclosed my situation to).

  9. OP's comments do seem like the builder was pretty professional, but the crew was having a conversation about their wives (which probably suckered the husband in, and is unprofessional). I'd probably overlook client oversharing as well, but if OP were to get even a small discount that would a silver lining in my book, and it may communicate to the builder 'clean the attitude up, we're in trouble,' which if that happens ALSO reinforces to the husband as he continues working with them that smack talking your wife isn't the way to make friends. OP also has the luxury of more tactfully paraphrasing any or none of this to her heart's content. I'm just a random redditor outraged on her behalf and seeking blooooood

  10. Marriage and engagement and popping the question should never be a surprise. You should be talking about this stuff… openly and honestly. If it’s what you want, you need to express that to him. And if he says he’s not on the same page, then decide.

    No one here is a mind reader not can we guess what he’s thinking! Neither should you!

  11. What indicates that my dates are all over the place? I know exactly what I want, I just don’t know how/where to find it and I definitely don’t know how to embody the characteristics that would attract it.

    And yes working on losing weight as well. I want that for myself. I would like to lose 20 lbs. but most of the weight has been pretty recent, as I sink further into depression over singleness.

    Not sure what to tell you about my personality. I consider myself an introvert mostly, but I enjoy lots of engagement when it’s just 1 or 2 people at a time. I’m shy with new people but once I open up, I think my unmet social needs take over and I just want to connect more frequently than they view as “normal”. I have been called draining more than once. (But I really feel like people are only as needy as their unmet needs). I need work in the “warmth” and “charm” departments in terms of first impressions.

  12. You need to sit down and have the conversation, but you need to start it with “It’s abusive of you to mention suicide when we have difficult conversations, I need you to not do it again”

  13. You made the choice to focus on your relationship.

    He made the choice to be better in his manipulation. He buttered you up with the whole “I love you” speech just so he could try this shit again.

    Eventually you’re going to say yes. You always take him back, no matter what he does or says to you. He’s going to keep pushing until you break.

  14. Plus she'll always be stuck with him because they have 2 kids together! But nah, let's blame the sis whose hubba we stole. Classy!

    I'd be petty and be like “Well, you took this guy from me, so you get what you deserve, soz! Bye, since y'all are AMAZING trash!” and go NC into the sunset

  15. Listen to what you want and need. Also it's usually only a few people that tell you the hard truth as it were.

  16. Lots of factors, I'd say just try it out. Be supportive and hopefully he'll be respectful and understand it's not “just a dog” cus that'd kill me personally

  17. This is not as hard as you think, honestly.

    You can be kind and honest at the same time. Just tell her that you think she's a really nice person, but as you've gotten to know each other better you just don't feel like there's a great romantic chemistry between you two, and you don't want to continue dating.

    Also, please take this to heart: you owe her kindness and honesty, but you are uniquely unqualified to offer her further emotional support after you break things off. She will feel hurt, and that's okay–she will survive feeling hurt. She needs to get support from literally anyone but you once you break up, and don't feel like you can only leave once she “understands” or “agrees” with your reasoning. 99% of relationships end in a breakup, and the whole point of dating is to test your compatibility. There doesn't have to be some glaring flaw or terrible act to end a relationship–most people you encounter will be nice, decent people, but you're not obligated to date anyone just because they're nice and decent.

    Tell her the truth, but say it nicely, and then leave and wish her well. Let her feel her feelings and get support from other people in her life. Go forth and meet other people, and hopefully you'll find someone you're crazy about! Good luck!

  18. Full disclosure that I’m not married, but “is faithful and helps with the kids” is not an exceptional husband and father, that’s baseline. He’s not extraordinary because other husbands are worse.

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to leave because it’s not working. And you shouldn’t be held hostage to staying with a spouse because you think they’ll retaliate if you leave (like becoming a crappy co parent again)

  19. Full disclosure that I’m not married, but “is faithful and helps with the kids” is not an exceptional husband and father, that’s baseline. He’s not extraordinary because other husbands are worse.

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to leave because it’s not working. And you shouldn’t be held hostage to staying with a spouse because you think they’ll retaliate if you leave (like becoming a crappy co parent again)

  20. Lol I've been with my partner for almost a decade and he never grabs anywhere intimate spontaneously. I would hate it if he did. The suggestions you gave are what he does. Somehow we still figure out when the other person wants to have sex. You seem to be making a lot of people feel insecure by having boundaries that you communicated in a healthy way. It sounds like your boyfriend just feels bad that he didn't realize you didn't like this and might be hesitant to initiate sex as a result. But people get over that. It's not the end of the world. A lot of people are attracted to their partners and love sex but don't have it as the center of their universe to the point they want their crotch grabbed out of nowhere. That doesn't mean you need a therapist jfc


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