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34 thoughts on “Kandice Kloss the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I think it's more of a disaster waiting to happen than it is “nothing wrong with someone finding you attractive”. I could be wrong. I've been wrong before.

    So sounds like the best thing to do is move in together then start sexing then start relationshipping then start dating then start getting to know each other. It's like a Benjamin Button type situation. Easy.

  2. You do what’s best for both you and them. You move on, find someone who won’t abuse you and keep you safe, while he faces the consequences of his actions and maybe learns to become a better person

  3. Oh you must have missed it, he already commented he has a side chick. His guilt though is over a one night stand with a stranger. So for him it is already a poly relationship. His gf just doesn’t know it yet.

  4. u/Randomaccounter2819, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Have you had a conversation with H about his behavior? If he is truly a friend he will understand and agree to at least be civil. If he won't go with that then he's not a friend. Unless you are breaking up, do not involve your friends in your personal life. At all. Mature people handle their own business with the right person. You overshare with friends and now want to involve your boyfriend in drama without attempting to resolve it. You have some sorting out to do. Good luck.

  6. Hello /u/Skepticbeliever10,

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  7. I'm giving her fault here, saying someone is ignorant is not a great thing to say haha. It's just a grey situation, not black and white. She absolutely is not a perfect person.

  8. Just got a job as a server? Where he runs people's credit cards? And he bought a credit card scanner?? And he's buying a bunch of stuff live?? Hm

  9. You need to slow down and think this over carefully. Do you really want to get more involved and have to police a 26-year-old who already is experiencing black out drinking to the point she has sex with strangers? This didn't develop overnight and she's probably had a problem for some time. It needs to be fixed before she gets into a relationship.

    I know you don't want to control her, but she has not done that on her own and I'm afraid you will be walking on eggshells anytime she or the two of you go out.

  10. But he is trying to pressure you. What if you really wanted to try a strap on on him (or any other thing he wasn't into) and he said no, but you kept asking him about it? Over and over, trying to convince him, downplaying and dismissing his reasoning for NOT wanting to do it? Would that be ok?

  11. Dump her and move on she is telling you with her words and actions that you don’t excite her in the bedroom. Find a better partner

  12. Something’s you can ignore, something’s you can’t But you have to decide. Remember this if you have children with him.

  13. I’ve tried lol, it always just develops into anxiety cause I know he’s seeing the same thing. It’s to the point even if I’m by myself and I see someone sexy it just pisses me off. I think it’s more of an esteem thing than anything

  14. The bare minimum is a partner visa which you'd need defacto status and a decent chunk of money to pull off. If you're not ready to move in together I don't know of any feasible way for her to stay.

  15. In my case we had gone on no dates, but shagged once and met up once after that. Had plans to meet up a third time. Later found out that my now wife had no concept of whether things were exclusive or not.

  16. For context, I'm a guy and I'm happily married. My wife has had 2 miscarriages in as many months. I tell you this so that you know that I completely empathize with your situation. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this and I hope you'll be ok.

    To focus on the situation, you're obviously not being unreasonable to expect what you're talking about. However, it seems to be a common theme with her in terms of being unempathetic. So while this might be the “most painful” situation in that regard, despite me absolutely agreeing with you, you also shouldn't at all be surprised. Doesn't make it ok. You just shouldn't be surprised.

    Either way, I'm not sure what you're worried about. You had a miscarriage; is it the end of the world in the big picture? No. But is it a traumatic event for a potential mother, especially one who's planning for a child, has dealt with symptoms for two months, and everything's seemingly been fine? Damn right it is. So should you expect your sister to reach out to you? Absolutely, and you shouldn't feel bad about it. Obviously you're speculating now, but if she does say you're too sensitive, what you do is tell her to go fuck herself. She's entirely in the wrong. She has a fucking cold. Not exactly traumatic, unless she treats it as such, which maybe she does.

    In short, stop feeling bad. Be direct and tell her how you feel. Don't back down if she tries to gaslight you. You're asking for kind words, not anything difficult.

  17. As others have said. What a Dick move the least he could have done is let you shower and clean his goo off your body. Do yourself a favor and lose this guys number. The way you said he is a boy is right. I hope you were able to get some satisfaction out of your encounter as well.

  18. You asked public Facebook groups for info about your fiance? I'm not surprised that he responded the way he did. Shouldn't you have an idea about whether this guy is a danger not already.

  19. Wow. I thought it was going to be that you either consented to sleeping with him in the past, or maybe other girlfriends had slept with them both consensually. But by the sounds of it neither of those happened.

    To put this bluntly, and I’m sorry if it hurts, his brother rped you. And your husband helped in that rpe. Both can get charged for this and is a very serious criminal offence (like I need explain that).

    “Oh but you were up for it at that time.” No. You were consenting to sex with your FWB/BF/husband. Not his brother.

    This is now the issue and not the “have sex with him for a baby” thing. This is now a moot point and no longer a conversation that you should be having.

    You need to think that past through HOT! How do you feel about it? Would you consider calling the police on them both? M

    He told you that information to get you to submit to his request – that is also abuse. And backpedaled with an apology when you didn’t.

    Me, personally, I would not accept any apology from him or the brother. I would tell him that it was over and I wanted nothing more to do with him. I could not forgive anyone for helping another essentially r*pe me.

    TO ADD: does the brother know he’s told you? Did the brother know that you didn’t know it was him those times? Maybe the brother is (in part) a victim of this as well.

  20. You're not over reacting. You're pregnant and want to ensure that your partner is really committed to you and a baby. That's not hormonal, that's instincts. He needs to prioritise you and not his sports team.

    He's treating you like you are baby trapped and he can now do whatever he wants because he knows you won't leave him.

    You want to show him this thread? OK, here's my message from one guy to another: Dude, make your wife your priority: she is going through the hardest thing a human being can go through naturally, and you need to support her and show her love and attention and affection. Stop being a selfish asshat and start caring for YOUR WIFE AND CHILD.

  21. “She cheated on me last year, and we got back together at the beginning of this year. It's been a rocky road since, and I struggle with the fact that she always seems to make excuses when she handles things poorly. Lately I've been at my wit's end because, in spite of the fact that I'm the one forgiving infidelity, she feels perpetually insecure. As a result she does manipulative things trying to secure herself and turn the relationship into what she feels like she needs it to be.”

    That's all I need to hear. In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger “GET-OUT!!”


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