Kami-fuenmayor-ts live sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Kami-fuenmayor-ts live sex chats for YOU!

  1. 100% on agreed on this being the final shot.

    On the topic of latching on to me, he used to be a very social guy. Big friend group, always together, etc. He moved away to a larger university that was better for his major, and just has struggled to make connections ever since. He couldn’t spend a lot of time away from me (phone calls, texts, driving to see me at 2am because he couldn’t be alone). The lack of social life kind of made him “home bound” in a sense. If it wasn’t to see me, then he didn’t leave his apartment. It wasn’t healthy for either of us. He was co-dependent. I was losing my own social life because I was spending too much time with him…I wanted him happy and it was difficult to see him so miserable, but it took a toll on me. However, when we were apart for that year, he seemed very independent. It’s like when he has me, he can only focus on me. I hope this makes sense?

    The statement about being patient was because I told him that I was working on getting the spark back. Sorry, I get that wasn’t clear.

  2. That is really creepy. I guess it’s good that she spoke to you first. If you let her know it makes you uncomfortable and she persists, that says a lot.

  3. I commute 3 hours a day for work. The 30-40 minute commute or 1 hour in traffic is NOT an excuse. That a BS excuse and not a valid one.

    I’m gone from home 12-13 hours a day everyday.

    If you really care about your wife, your marriage and future together, you ABSOLUTELY have to make the effort.

    I’m probably reading too much into your stuff but do you really love your wife- have actual feelings or do you walk around feeling empty on the inside towards her and others and got married because it’s what you were “supposed “ to do? Are you depressed, on the spectrum, have other issues? – no need to answer just to think about.

    Not making more of an attempt to be there is so cold and empty feeling. I’m pretty sure things aren’t gonna end happily when you MIL dies and your wife has more time to process your lack of caring and support.

  4. Let them get over their anger and tell your bf not to do that anymore in the future. (Expensive gifts). Your sister is feeling angry cos she’s feeling like ? she wasn’t able to get one for for her child (most likely cos it was out of her budget).

    My parents never minded when I got a great gift from family cos it was about me … not them. However each to their own.

  5. If he’s telling you that you’re overreacting instead of listening and trying to make amends, that’s already bad sis.

    I would seriously reconsider this relationship. Following through with a knife to someone’s throat has no other end besides death.

  6. the only other date i’ve ever been on was with my (now) ex when i was like 15. so when we were children? i don’t even know how to act right lol but i’ll try! but i think i should take it slow too but wow i’m nervous!

  7. Your post history is concerning. Are you sure you are mentally healthy enough for a relationship?


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