JULIIETASANZ on-line sex chats for YOU!

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striptease with oil all over my body [Multi Goal]

24 thoughts on “JULIIETASANZ on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Wow. That was a very premeditated thing to do. Has there ever been any hint or indication that he might groom children before?

    If it was genuinely meant to be a joke then I'm speechless. It is certainly break-up worthy.

    Oh, how old are you, OP?

  2. If she needs to work on mental health issues, she needs to do that on her own. Dont sit around waiting for her, hoping that she will miraculously cure her own issues. Is she working with a therapist? Did she ask you to wait for her while she is in therapy?

    You are young, you will meet other women who are in a good mental space to have a relationship and be a good partner. The ex you are so hung up on is not that person right now.

  3. Get a lawyer. Get sole custody. Make him pay. It's the best outcome given his bullshit. That guy is unable to raise a child or have a healthy relationship.

  4. Too many comments to read through, but wondering if your girlfriend is expecting a proposal? There’s a lot of stuff you are not saying between the lines. Is this your way of buying time and proving commitment, without giving in to something she is expecting?

    30 for women is often a turning point where a long-term boyfriend who is not proposing can become problematic. It seems like instead of grand gestures she didn’t ask for, you could try better communication.

  5. Nah don’t worry you’re all good. Okay even though this is a good idea, a few weeks ago when I made my original post it was about me not being able to get hot when getting head. So I don’t know what to do.

  6. What could she possibly get out of messing with me though, like it did definitely make me doubt my relations with these women, and I was more shocked in that these people I call my friends would rather talk to my ex (who is a mutual friend) rather than be upfront with me

  7. The best I could muster was “this feels like a lot of pressure on me and I don’t think it’s a good idea for you and him to stay the whole weekend just come tomorrow” and she kinda was like maybe we won’t come at all and acted upset

  8. That was an actual, obvious joke. This one was not so obvious, and sounded like a threat from someone not quite all there….

  9. I don't know any women (of my acquaintance) who think like her. That's just crazy!!! Even if she was joking, the fact that her mind works in that way is enough for me to suggest you break up with her to protect yourself.

  10. And if/when he doesn't like you, this feature will be worse/ugly again, according to him. A compliment isn't worth anything if it involves putting someone else down imo.

    Your BF shouldn't be commenting on people's appearances in such a negative way, it's bad manners. This girl isn't for his viewing pleasure, she's just living her life. He shouldn't have to be told this lol, pretty immature behavior tbh. It costs nothing to be kind.

    I would feel pretty uneasy about a comment like this, and I would not be ok with it. A respectful partner will build you up without having to tear anyone else down. If he only doesn't think this feature is “gross” because he likes you, that's very conditional. I'd be worried your BF would use it as a putdown if he was unhappy with you. You don't need that kind of negativity or stress.

    I would talk with him and be straight up about how this is unacceptable. Sometimes people are just ignorant about how to behave properly. Teenagers are just learning how to become adults, which is ok. However, if he doesn't shape up, I would personally ship out since I'd find those flimsy compliments not something worth tolerating. Finding someone that loves all of you is so powerful and worth the vetting of poor partners.

  11. You don't need a reason to break up. You don't need to justify it. She doesn't owe you anything.

    Grieve it and move on

  12. I honestly think the same thing as most people here. He seems like he only is thinking about what he wants. He should know what kind of person he wants to be with and not expect someone to change for him. There are plenty of people who don't care if you weigh 100lbs or 200lbs. I would think by that age most people would be looking for a stable partner. I would leave him if I were you. If he is going to say those kind of things then you deserve better.

  13. Hey. You're still making it together.

    It might be different now. But you still carry him with you. Goodbye isn't forever. It's till I see you again. So, you might feel like you're walking this path alone now. But, you're carrying him to the next part of the journey. You're gathering memories, collecting stories, learning new things so that eventually, when you meet him again, you get to tell him about all the adventures that happened along the way.

    It isn't easy. But it doesn't always hurt so much. We all find our ways of coping, and I want you to know it's going to be okay.

    I don't know if you're into tattoos or not. For me personally, I get memorials tattooed for the people and pets I loved once they move on to the next journey. It's my way of giving them a physical representation again. It keeps them close, so that they still walk with me, in a way.

    You'll find a way to cope that speaks to you. Whatever way that may be. You're a good person, with a kind heart and it shows. He loved you, and death can't erase that. The words of others can't erase that.

    May you heal, grow and find joy. May the memories you have together stay forever vibrant. May the ache grow dull and be replaced with love and warmth once again.

  14. You don’t convince him, you just say no. And follow it up by not lending him any money for the down payment, not co-signing for it and not helping with the monthly payments if he somehow manages to go ahead.

    And for Gods sake don’t share accounts with this man. Keep your money separate because there will be no way of keeping him under control if he gets access to your accounts.

    Some people are thrifty and some people are spendthrifts. Money issues are in the top 3 causes of divorce so proceed with caution.

  15. Lego Flower sets. Lego has simple small ones like roses and tulips, or the larger sets are full bouquets. You can build them together, they look good, and never die!

  16. If you knew him fairly well but you two are at odds, I wouldn't go beyond a nice card and maybe an orchid delivered by not you. Offer your condolences but don't use the “If you need anything” platitude. She'll reach out if she wants a shoulder to cry on.


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