J E S S I E on-line sex chats for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “J E S S I E on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. RUN! Seriously. GTFO now. Don't waste another day wondering how, if at all poosible, you can 'change' her. Trust me, at that young age, at that weigh, and continued trajectory, this is nothing but bad news. Don't settle for someone who obviously doesn't care about herself, let alone you. RUN!

  2. I’ve never done that.. the only reason imo to take the time to take those kind of pics would be to send them to my spicy lover. Huge red flag in my book especially if it’s all of a sudden a new behavior. What does your gut tell you?

  3. Out of the thousands of answers – maybe you had bad breath. Maybe he saw his coworkers and thought they were better company then you. Maybe since you didn't tell him you wanted to sleep with him that night, he decided you weren't worth dancing with.

    Maybe, just maybe, he thought meeting someone at the disco to dance, chat with, and kiss, was a fun outing and he doesn't think anything further than that is owed to you because it is not.

  4. From a guy, he's being a complete ass, put your foot down and tell him to stop the childish bs. He is being a mentally abusive dick. Is this going to be how he reacts to you everytime you make a mistake.

  5. most people have types but it is possible to be attracted towards a person who doesn't fit into their type what is wrong tho- is to bodyshame that person and try to make them fit into their general type you do not have to change ur body for him there are people who are comfortable with making and recieving such jokes (ur flat lol,etc) think about the possibility that ur bf is one of those guys who's just harmlessly joking about it but regardless of them joking or not, if ur uncomfortable with it then tell him that if he's just joking and if he respects u he will stop but if he's serious and wants u to change how u look…..u gotta leave him.

  6. Yup! Happened to me. Girl started crying after she finished because apparently her ex never was able to and she just cried a lot she dosen't know why. It was casual so we broke a week later and she's back with him xD

  7. Well first of all, you need to back off about the condom issue. Immediately. It’s his body his choice, that applies for men as much as for women. And he’s being responsible! He says no, it means no.

    However, he shouldn’t be leaving you torn (personally I find a little sore good just not a lot). What you should do is use a good lube. That’ll help with the dryness which should help with the other issues

  8. This. Everyone is entitled to a happy life and responsible for the decisions that get them that. Respectful honesty is always the way to go.

  9. Hello /u/tworowfight,

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  10. When I was young and still almost attractive, I was a creep magnet – I wasn’t what that type considered ‘out of their league’ but still ‘attractive enough to bother’. And yes, I was told that many times.

    I gave out a number a few digits off from mine.

    If I were still young, with a cell phone, I’d totally go the google voice route, because the kind of creep that targeted me, with cell phones a big thing, would absolutely have called the number immediately.

    God, I’m glad to be old enough and plain enough that guy don’t bother me anymore. And I’m glad I’m married. The dating world is more brutal now.

  11. Sounds like your minds made up on going with the ex.

    Personally, I do not think there's any way in hell your BF will be okay with this. If he sheepishly says he is, understand that you're just blowing up any trust he'll have for you moving forward.

    Literally no guy that's interested in a real relationship with you would be totally cool with this. If he says he is, it's because he figures he has no say in it and will just think less of your commitment to the relationship.

    Personally, I'd let you go on the trip and while you were gone I'd do some hard thinking about what I was looking for in my next GF.

    Best of luck – if it were me (And you cared about your relationship) I wouldn't go on a vacation with my ex and shove it down my BFs throat.

  12. I’ve just re read and should’ve explained more. I know I’m doing wrong and we’ve spoke on this. I’ve reassured her many times that she is many levels above my ex but she doesn’t seem to think that. She thinks I still have feelings for her and that she doesn’t want that

  13. Just because you have money doesn't mean that you have money to spare. With more more comes more expenses. AND he's already paying for transportation and letting her come to the event.

    OP should offer to pay for her own room. She deserves to be able to sleep comfortably and not have sex when she doesn't want to. I will never argue against that.

    If he then revokes then he'd be pushy but if all he's having her pay for is a room, that's reasonable. Her career is dependent upon connections. He's doing her a big favor.

  14. He is engaged to a different woman than the coworker he cheated with. OP definitely blew up his whole life and needs to just be single for some time. Literally just racing through women’s hearts and playing games cause you want to bang. Ugh. Just stop. Sit down.

  15. “If in doubt don't” is one the things I say to my kids, and it applies to you now. For a marriage to work you have to be in it 1000% if you go in unsure it's only going to unravel from there.

  16. All this sounds very childish 🙂

    However, it's you and I don't see why you should change concerning outfit or behaviour in public.

    There are a few things on which you could probably work on:

    – occasionally being unable to communicate without my emotions getting the better of me and starting to spiral: communication is key. If you can't express clearly your feelings, he for sure, won't be able to help you.

    – Asking for repeated reassurance on things he has already reassured me on. You should show confidence if possible, and accept who you are.

    – Not pushing myself as hard as I previously said I would in a day. don't say things you won't do!

  17. Yeah, we are set up to do round two of couples counseling. We tried it once before, but I found it to be pretty worthless as she had her own baggage to work on before she could even be available to work on things together. It is the reasoning behind the trying every two weeks as the therapist was pretty certain that my wife would be able to get in the mood if she was being “chased” but not all the time.

    She might have been assaulted before I met her (she really doesn’t like it if I touch her neck in intimate encounters, but it could just be a preference thing, we’ve never talked about past relationships), but the only thing I’m aware of is a creepy guy following her in the hospital (but nothing happened). I am a bit bigger than average, and typically last longer than average so that can be an issue if there’s not enough warm up, but to the best of my knowledge that was only an issue once when we first started dating (although I was holding out hope that maybe the ky was a couples thing and maybe we’d bring it in as a possible tool incase we did get intimate and she felt tense, however she made it pretty clear that it was for solo time).

    She definitely has zero libido, but she says she’s being honest when things do go further and they are enjoyable.

    It’s all a mess.

  18. If I were you I'd make him read what you wrote, and tell him you need him to reflect on it for a few days or even a few weeks. Tell him in very direct terms exactly how you feel. He may shut down and become defensive, but you absolutely need to put everything out there for him to consider. You're probably right and he's probably going through something emotionally that he hasn't discussed with you yet. Either way try and figure out what's going on.

    I don't blame you for your feelings, and I would feel the same way in your situation. You need someone who will work just as hard as you in all aspects of life. I would try and let him know that if you're both working full-time and he's at home all day then the majority of house work ACTUALLY falls to him. If he isn't capable of doing more work than you what's the point of keeping him around? Relationships are much more than just love, they are lots of naked work!

  19. Yeah he prob shouldve communicated that his plabs changed. I hate it when people make me wait up. Its not like it takes much effort.

    Even my best friends do that and i give them an earful about it.

    Also what is sneaky link? Is that like hide the sausage?

  20. It's hard to say how or what he's thinking, he could be just trying to start a convo with you and doesn't know how, either way as the other person said, stick to your policy, nothing good ever comes from dating co-workers, it just turns into one giant shit show when the break up happens.

  21. I’m so sorry for the treatment you received, it’s so not fair that you were completely fooled and lied to and everyone got mad at you..

  22. Same. I feel like people are acting like you can only have same sex friends once you're in a relationship.

  23. So many things wrong here:

    You discipline your children with a belt & wonder why they’re violent? Please create a logic train in your mind to discern why this is stupid.

    I’ll tell you this: if my children were being abused by my spouse’s children & my spouse did almost nothing to ensure it wouldn’t happen again, I would take my kids and go. The damage her sons can do to your kids in all the unsupervised hours is immeasurable. Given the way the 16yo has his mom wrapped around his finger, he’s a problem that’s never going away & never getting better.

    You have to protect your kids, and they’re obviously not safe where they are.

  24. Are you attempting to resolve problems or do you just expect her to sleep with you no matter how tense things are? If you are trying, and she’s slamming doors in your face, you have a problem.

    But if you are just demanding that she sleep with you when you’ve done nothing to resolve the issue, think again.

  25. About a week before our date, I told her I wanted to take her to the country club with me for brunch and golf. We were both very aware that it was a date.

  26. What the people who are saying she is materialistic don't understand is that the value of money is relative. Her parents are both millionaires, they intend to buy you a house. For a person from that background, $7k is not a lot of money. I actually think she's being very modest in her expectations, based upon her background.

    You come from a poor background, but that doesn't mean you need to maintain that same mindset as your financial situation changes. It's not unreasonable for her to want to live! a more luxurious lifestyle than youre used to, if you guys can afford it.

    If you want to marry her, get the $7k ring. If you're willing to leave her over $7k, you probably shouldn't get married anyway. That's the decision you need to make and the only one that matters.

    I know people who have spent $1.5k on a ring and are happy. I know people who have spent $50k on a ring and happy. The money you spend isn't what matters, it's that you're aligned on your financial goals. If I were you, I'd learn to get past your past and live based on your present and future earnings.

  27. First thing I was thinking! Red flag. I'd personally be thinking I needed to find someone with morals ans maturity closer to mine

  28. It's never good to mix business with pleasure. She absolutely should go to someone else, the same way a person should seek out a different therapist even though they are in a romantic relationship with a therapist.


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