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73 thoughts on “Iren the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Stone top aren't just for kitchen counter ahah. Some people don't like being on the giving end some on the receiving end, and we have to respect that. I think it's Hotmessbian on instagram that was talking about how nude it was for her to start bottoming, she was super uncomfortable with that, maybe you could check out her account. The memes are hilarious too.

  2. I would not believe a word he says. He is a liar and a cheat. Leave him and sue him for support for the baby.

    Good luck, OP. I am sending you hugs.

  3. I know it’s a me problem. I know I need to work on it, ik I need help. I’m more than willing to get the help, I spent most of the day today looking into getting myself help.

  4. Alcohol is one of the worst drugs. And you chose alcohol over your partner. I’m sorry this happened but you have a problem. You broke the trust of your relationship over somebody that you were getting close to when you were in a relationship? You have no choice if your partner doesn’t wanna be with you except to let them go and move on and try to learn from your experience. It is why people don’t put themselves in dangerous positions when they drink.

  5. You can sometimes recover deleted pictures. Leave, don't use your device until you can send it to a computer/phone shop, then lawyer up. Find friends or family who can take you in ASAP and will prevent him coming near you.

    Cancel the marriage when it's safe, and get a restraining order.

  6. Move on dude, you’re not 45 and saddled with kids or anything. You’re a young dude with a future, that can most definitely do better than a 30 year old alcoholic cheater.

  7. That's the definition of lazy and unmotivated.

    Ditch him. He's literally crippling your finances.

    Either 2 things happens when you leave. 1) he gets his shit back together and works. Or 2) you're free and don't have an adult-sized baby hanging off your coattails.

  8. u/throwaway247885358, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. Yes that would be the healthy choice of course, but based on the dialog here you clearly do not value yourself.

  10. Because I don’t want to break up with my long term boyfriend for not paying me my money back. Idk why your opinion has to be fact but mine is complete insanity.

  11. he came to give back a box of our memories out of nowhere. Don’t want validation just want to know what the best course of action is.

  12. Based on their replies to me, this person didn’t read beyond the title, and then they just jumped in and started stirring shit.

  13. Hello /u/Accomplished_Emu8415,

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  14. your friends are allowed to “leave you on read” and this is a very immature mindset. they're busy. learn to understand people have lives and things going on, maybe they didnt feel like responding, it doesnt really matter because they dont owe you an explanation for it

  15. Cut him off. This is the oldest trick in the book. You’re only going to fall more for him and end up more hurt. Have respect for yourself and go no contact immediately so you can spend your time and energy dating a man who is open, respectful, and is genuinely and wholly into you. Current dude is none of these things.

  16. Maybe actually go to a couple of games (because while she said she doesn’t care if you show up, I bet if you showed some support she’d appreciate it) and ask if you can hang in the locker room while she gets changed (if you’re allowed) to see the dynamic. Maybe you’d feel less insecure and in the dark if you made some effort to learn more about the people she hangs out with and that part of her life.

  17. Your boyfriend loves you deeply But he’s likely deeply insecure about himself and he perhaps feels he’s not worthy enough to be with you Or maybe something else is bothering him

    In any case, clear communication is important Complaining about someones behaviors will not fix it

    Men are not mind readers

  18. Please respect yourself more than she respects you. If you take her back, she will own you and think she can get away with anything. And she'll be right.

  19. I blocked his number and now he’s messaging me on Instagram telling me he did something stupid but he just had a lot of emotions running through him. He doesn’t understand why I think it’s a big deal

  20. She'll have nothing to look forward to in February? Does this mean she expects to go away for a weekend every month? that sounds like entitlement to me.

  21. You can love him and still be a hater. Haters are just people who have jealousy and envy issues. It's really a reflection on you and not others. Usually haters don't believe they deserve to be happy therefore they don't want anyone else to be happy either. Therapy.

  22. You will never convince him. His behavior is a big red flag. Run, don’t walk, away from him. It will only get worse!!!!! I married a man like that. He became violent very quickly.

  23. This is honestly a form of sexual assault because she has a professional obligation to you she’s not there to be flirting and trying to get your dick up. If you don’t know how to nicely say to her hey I’m not sure if I gave you the wrong impression but I noticed that you’ve been doing this and you never did it before or whatever but I just hope that you know that I value this relationship strictly as a friendship. If you feel like you can’t say that then I would just try to find another tutor because there’s not much else you can do you either tell her straight up that’s not the vibe or you go find someone else but you should not have to feel uncomfortable when you are trying to do some thing for your education with a professional that’s totally wrong.

  24. It's way more complicated than that. Everyone in his family was divorced, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, he had I think some unprocessed trauma from that. They also were one of those couples that grew apart. when she was 20 and he was 22, being a chill dude that played bass in a band and smoked weed was a plus. when he was 30 and she was 28 and he was still the weed-smoking bass player (who also had an IT job), it was less impressive. They fought a lot at the end, then he moved out, but he moved across the hall in the same apartment building – there was some co-dependency. She moved on quick and I think her wedding was when he decided to move to the big city near where he grew up. He got set up with a girl (a friend's cousin) there and the rest is history.

  25. Thanks for your advice, I really appreciated it. Part of my rational mind tells me to do that, but being in a relationship that long with her make it bit difficult to do so. But right now, if she were to continue in persisting that proposal, I think I would need to do that sooner or later.

    Any advice in making that leap easier?

  26. There seems to be a lot of manufactured drama here.

    HPV is incredibly common. Something like 80% of sexually active adults will get it at some point in their lives and most will clear it on their own. Condoms also provide marginal protection from it at best. I guess your ex’s behavior wasn’t great but this seems like a lot of fuss over nothing.

  27. That’s awesome, you sound like a great match. All those things however are utterly irrelevant when it comes to exclusively visual stimulation, such as porn.

    I’m sure you can admit that if your bf finds someone like you (who routinely passes off as a 19 year old) attractive, then surely it’s not the creepiest thing in the world if a guy finds a 19 year old porn star attractive?

  28. I mean if your partners it kinda goes to both of you anyway right? I don't think making it a financial transaction is good for your relationship.

  29. I mean he's dating another 40 year old. If he preferred younger women he'd be one of those guys who o ly dates women half his age. What you watch in porn doesn't always reflect your dating life. Porn is fantasy.

  30. Its those that we trust that betray

    Nonetheless, because I have literal zero rights regarding children, yes, I will have a paternity test no matter what. Luckily, my girlfriend isnt a sexist, delusional woman. She understands that we as men has a severe and crippling lack of rights and protection on the topic, and has mentioned she would happily go with it. That in of itself makes me feel as though it's unneeded to get one know, because unlike most of these women in this thread, she can view away from herself, and understands that it'll be equal to taking a life to do a deceipt like that.

  31. We will be going to couples therapy (on top of individual) in April. We are together, but we are doing minimum contact and are still in limbo. Thank you for advice.

  32. Thanks but I don't want to do that either. He isn't the type to suddenly want me back if I don't contact him. He will be hurt and angry if I cut him off. My best chance is staying close with him, no matter how much it hurts me. I'd rather be in this situation for now, than dead. I guess, anyways.

    I don't like other people, no one my age is mature or introspective enough for me, I don't go anywhere, I'm afraid of men, and I have a small friend group. I'm not a part of a community or anything. Frankly I don't want to do any of those things either, it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

    The friends and boyfriend I have now are the only people I know and love. Random people that I have nothing in common with are sickeningly undesirable. I'm going to bed…

  33. Start the process of finding a therapist you feel comfortable with. I am not sure rekindling with your ex is the best path, but you need a professional to help you figure that out and plot your best course forward.

  34. Assault is such a harsh word. I don’t think he meant any harm with it. He just wants me to enjoy it, but I just..don’t. FOMO and all that.

    The taint is what concerns me. How can I enjoy our late night activities if in the back of mind, I’m paranoid? I’m lost in the sea of my own doubt

  35. When you get pregnant to the manager, don't forget to tell your husband “It was just sex, it didn't mean anything!” and blow up at him for requesting a DNA test.

  36. Therapy would be of a benefit. But talking it through with yourself can help. “Why do I feel this way?” “Am I being used?” “Maybe he is but I feel its worth praying its not.”

  37. Or he’s just acknowledging that she’ll be moving 4 hours away from all of her current childcare solutions. I think moving is the right choice, but it’s going to be nude, and childcare is a big part of that struggle. I don’t see why you’re leaping to the boyfriend being worried about her liking living alone.

  38. they are a 30 year old freeloader ordering stuff to the house that worries the mom

    The BF ordered the package. You can just admit you didn't read any of this post now. If you're really brave, you can admit that you have poor reading comprehension. Either way, I'm not entirely sure you're seeing straight, buddy.

  39. You've said that he's like this with everyone, including his own family. Why would it magically be different if you were a family?

  40. If there is a chance that an ex hid a child from you, I'd frame it as you wanting to know something like that. Otherwise, if she won't tell you who told her, then she's probably full of shit.

  41. Yesterday was my first time on it, thank you for clarifying how it works… I guess what it comes down he already his behaviour before I found him in the group.. I had already suspect he had a gf which I’ve spoken to him about and he denied it…

  42. You tell him to cut her out of his life. Like an adult.

    He can not control his feeling around her than he should have done the right thing out of respect for you if not himself.

    If he can not do this for you than does he value your relationship

  43. So, this new friend basically said that he’d be willing to poop and pee his pants as to not leave your girlfriend by herself at a bar…

  44. Tell her to send you screenshots, particularly the virginity comment.

    Go to HR if that was from one of your coworkers. That one is definite sexual harassment.

    Then ignore the haters at work.

    You're there to get shit out the door, create satisfied customers, help ypir team leader out, then get paid. You're not there for people to like you and you're definitely not there to help jealous little shits feel better about their miserable boring lives.

    Then tell NG haters are gonna hate and it's up to her to shut down the haters in any way she feel appropriate, personally you're not too concerned.

  45. So if she’s in your name at the vet, that’s all you need.

    Like seriously, if he took her to the vet today, they’d not do anything without your permission if they’re following the law.

    I’m not an attorney and I don’t play one on TV, but I’ve worked in vet clinics in multiple states and dealt with these “custody” battles and have dealt with it myself personally where I literally had to go to court.

    The only issue I see is that even with a key, if you enter his residence without permission, that’s considered breaking and entering I believe.

    So if it were me, I’d go over there when you know he’s home and get the dog vs let yourself in and take her. He wouldn’t have a leg to stand on that you have the dog but entering without permission could get you in trouble.

  46. This is only going to get worse OP. Take it from someone who has been there. I put my then husband through school and totally supported us.

    When I had our child he wanted me to be a SAHM. He had graduated and had a good job. Funny how when I was the one working it was our money but when he was the one it was his money. I had to ask for every dime so I got a PT job.

    You are right, your relationship should be a partnership and that isn't what you have OP. Get out now.

  47. Say you end up marrying him and he finds out that would devastate him. I would divorce over that. So if you do it make sure he never finds out.

  48. It feels like settling because it is. You’re not 15. You’re a grown woman whose boyfriend plays video games all day long. I don’t know anything about you, but I’m fairly certain this relationship is dragging you down rather than lifting you up.

    What is there to be afraid of? Being alone? You’re alone now, because the person you call your boyfriend can’t be bothered to look up from the screen for a minute to actually, you know, be your boyfriend.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from walking away.

  49. If you don’t like it, find someone else that will buy you a ring that you want or respect his wishes on the ring he wanted to get you..


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