India online sex chats for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “India online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You seem very quick to leave this relationship. It sounds like at every misstep you threaten to leave.

    That is not a good way of handling issues at all. You both need marriage counseling to gain some perspective and proper communication techniques.

    This marriage seems like it could be a very strong successful union of you both learn to communicate a lot better.

  2. You know he’s going to be a nightmare to move in with and he cheated recently?

    Why are you doing this exactly? Just move by yourself and see where this goes and if he grows tf up

  3. It sounds like you both want different things out of the relationship. Firstly, there's nothing wrong with that. Your desires for marriage and family are valid, but so are his desires to not do those things. It's 2023, millions of people have decades long relationships without getting married; likewise millions of people cohabit without having children. Neither of those are wrong; they're just not what you want out of the relationship any more.

    Ultimately, that does make things rather difficult for the two of you. You can't force him to have a family with you, or to marry you, and it would be incredibly unfair for you to try and force either of those issues. It may simply be the relationship has run its course, and the best thing you can do, for both of you, is to go your separate ways as amicably as possible.

    You should only have a child if you both are 100% certain you want to have a child. Anything less than that is unfair on the kid. Don't have a child just to keep the relationship going.

    If you force him to have a child under duress, he is going to resent that child, and probably you as well. Children are not stupid; they will pick up very quickly that they aren't really wanted by their farther, no matter how hard you/he try and hide it.

    It's going to be very hot, but it sounds like you have reached the point in your relationship where you're fundamentally incompatible. Sit down together and try and have a respectful discussion about what you want from the relationship and whether that is the same as what he wants from the relationship.

  4. Nah take you're time. Dont over think it. Try to face your traumas in a healthy way that doesnt knowingly hurt those around you. Then you can choose what to do next. Good luck you got this.

  5. You said he needs therapy

    I say you damn need therapy asap. You started dating a completely broken person, you are a complete doormat, tolerate abuse, depends on him, try to change him.

    Wake up a show a ounce of respect for yourself

  6. So, there are like 4000 different opposing factors going on in this thread.

    Divorced woman making near 500K/year with kid had amazeballs sex life with ex that cheated on her now tells dates they will be sexless until marriage and finally finds guy she's not attracted to be with her for 3 years before goes borderline SA after some relatively unknown “other stuff” that he finds to be teasing and she comes to Reddit asking for how to get this guy to understand she won't have sex with him until marriage but she won't even tell us the reason she won't have sex with him….gasping for air…. did I miss anything?

    Fuck, maybe this guy is just marrying her for the money and didn't care about the sex until now he's wondering if its worth it?

  7. Op if Sarah comes to your wedding be prepared for her to cause a scene and ruin the day for your wife. And your wife will always remember that she asked YOU not to let her come. Your wife will remember that YOU didn’t care to ensure her happy day. How much more do you want Sarah to affect your wife because it sounds like you don’t mind it. The answer here is to not invite Sarah. It’s not to find a way to work around it. Sarah has had opportunities to be better and she hasn’t. Your just asking for Sarah to find a way to upset your wife on the one day that should not be an option.

  8. OP my boyfriend is part of Mensa too and is just an awesome person in general which definitely felt intimidating at first because I struggled at first in university when we met. But I saw it like this, a really insanely smart and great person thinks I’m awesome too.

    We all have our own strengths OP! My bf is amazing with maths and coding and I’m really good at my work in mental health . We both learn from each other and lift each other up. I don’t think we could ever do each other’s jobs ? but we’re excited to learn about it (even if I genuinely have no clue what the maths is about in his work)

    Comparison is the thief of joy!

  9. We’ll just having the app on her phone isn’t that big of a deal, I don’t delete apps I just don’t use them. Moving in together before hitting “about a year” of dating is a red flag to me. I’d be more concerned on that front tbh

  10. What on earth are you even doing there?

    Trying to buy someone the moon who wouldn't even get you a croissant from the backery shop?!

    She has luxury tastes that aren't yours to fulfill!

    I would postpone any other spending before your med bills aren't paid!

    Same goes with going even deeper into debt for a house for princess!

    And even more so for that delusional wedding you can't afford right now!

    Stop being sorry she doesn't chip in. Rather stop chipping in yourself!


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