I (33M) left a stack of condoms under the nightstand while I was away from my GF’s (31F) for a month. Came back and found way less.

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We always keep a neat little stack of condoms under the nightstand for when we need them. I was getting ready to leave for a trip to visit family for a month, and a voice in the back of my head for some reason told me to count how many there were before leaving. There were 7. One month later, I came back and there were only 3.

What the hell do I do? How can I ask her about this without ringing any alarms? There's literally no history of cheating in our relationship. Granted we've only been dating and living together for 6 months, but still… I'm irking to know what the hell happened to those 4 other condoms while I was gone. Should I pry? Or should I assume she grabbed some to give to a friend of hers that needed them urgently one night?

Plz help, friends.

submitted by /u/klaschr
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