I (24f) lied to my partner (28m) about what my parents do and their “wealth”, how do I tell him?

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My family is not typically wealthy, but really down to earth people. They have a good running family business and multiple houses. We have a "normal" lifestyle but me and my siblings are definitely set for the future, as some of the houses are already paid off and with our jobs, we will likely pay off everything else in 10 years. When I moved out, my parents told me that if I would meet someone, I should not tell them about the business or houses but that my parents have a "normal" job. While that sounded like an unnecessary advice, I still took it after a bit of reflecting. My ex partner cheated on me, he made little money and my father also employed him in our company. When it became clear that he cheated most of the relationship, my parents thought he likely was just about the money and how well my family always treated him (vacations, extra money and jobs etc..). For me, I thought more of him as a narcissistic person and I should have seen the red flags earlier but well. Now, I started dating this guy I really like. I am a student now again and he is already working, but we have been seeing each other for quiet some time. In one conversations where we talked about my home, he asked about what my parents do and I "lied" to him. Now my parents want to visit me and I want them to get to know him, as well as he get to know them. Regardless of what my parents say/do, it was me lying to him. Now that I really like him, I sort of regretted it but back then we were just dating and to be honest I never imagined myself getting in a relationship with him. I am just scared that he thinks I did not trust him or thought he was after my money, although I just wanted to respect my parents wishes and again I never thought we would hit it off. How would you feel?

submitted by /u/Hungry-Minute-8865
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