Honey-Dolly live webcams for YOU!

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104 thoughts on “Honey-Dolly live webcams for YOU!

  1. Why are you playing games? All this 'we're broken up but we're not, send me money but don't'. Just stop. Grow up. Dump the bigot and work on yourself.

  2. You never got the chance because you and a random stranger were getting loud enough in a “heated” argument that your roommates heard and felt the need to ensure you and their home were safe. You are not a victim. You put yourself and your roommates by proxy in a vulnerable position and are lucky that your roommates were there to protect you. If you were capable of deescalating the situation, it never would have gotten loud enough that your roommates would hear.

  3. Are there things in this relationship you enjoy? Are there parts worth saving?

    If there are, I would say go to couples therapy.

    Don’t take her back without it. She sounds manipulative, but if she ACTUALLY wants to change, therapy can really help!

  4. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

    Trust is earned and not taken as a given and so far he has shown that no, he can't be trusted. And why would you trust him given his track record?

    This situation is of his making and if he is uncomfortable about it, then ask him what HE is doing to make himself a trustworthy person? This is the bed he made so screw him if he complains that he is now uncomfortable.

  5. I would write down boundaries for yourself and start with these two situations and think about how you would feel if your bf did the same thing and put themselves in the same situations. That will help you recognize them before they start.

  6. Her ex boyfriend controlled what she could wear, who she could talk to, and beat her up. You on the other hand, let your girlfriend's friend move in, no questions asked, to your extra bedroom to help and support her and make sure she was safe. You'd think that, combined with your SIX YEAR LONG HISTORY, would be sufficient evidence that you and this guy are nothing alike and I don't blame you for feeling insulted.

    I think you did the right thing leaving because your girlfriend isn't being rational. I get being upset on her friend's behalf but for fuck's sake you do not deserve this at all. She is the one that needs therapy, not you.

  7. OP, after reading your post history, I truly pity you. You let this child (aka your “boyfriend”) take complete control of YOUR life. Out of all the posts you have posted, you have not said a singular positive thing about him. So let me ask you this: what does this kid even bring to the table? He's cheated on you, constantly nagging and accusing you, barring you from enjoying time with friends and co workers. What are you getting out of this relationship? Is the dick that good? Is having someone to watch TV with occasionally worth all of this hassle?

    I get that you're young, but I wish you understood the amount of time, money, and mental resources that you are wasting on this idiot that you will never ever get back. I wish someone around you would shake some sense into you. You do not have to be stuck with this idiot. 2 years out of your life should have been long enough for you to realize this is NOT healthy, this is NOT normal, and this is NOT acceptable.

    Please don't waste another 2 years of your time with this idiot and start prioritizing yourself. It's so clear he has worn you down so much in this short amount of time that you made yourself a second thought to your own wants and needs (“I want to go to this event, but fuck my happiness, it's better to accommodate this shit bag's “happiness” instead.”) Do you really think he would even entertain the thought of listening to you and staying home if the situation was flipped? Get a grip.

    As someone much wiser than myself once said: “If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”

  8. Leave. Tell her you don’t feel appreciated and that you’ve tried the best you could. Stand firm regardless of what she says, because at this point it’s just talk. Ultimately you’re trying to convince someone to give you sex. That’s always a bad position to be in. Nothing you can do about it. She looks at it as a chore. And hangs it over your head with this checklist of things for you to do. Seems manipulative. The reason for her not having sex with you is not important anymore. You two aren’t compatible. You’ve jumped through the hoops already. You’re past this stage. You aren’t happy and you don’t trust her and it’s eating at your mental health. The screaming matches followed by radio silence with no resolution- Sounds toxic as hell. Again leave.

    You’re 30 years old. Still young and in your prime. Be single. Download some dating apps. Start lifting weights/working out/eating healthy. Right now is a critical time to focus on your health. It won’t be easy to walk away from 4 years, painful in fact. A year from now you’ll be much happier and healthier. Think of it as an investment for your future. Investment in your sanity and happiness.

  9. First:

    Yes! Often after these emotional incidents, she would worry that I would leave her and that I was emotionally checkout. Despite my attempts to reassure her that I was frustrated with her behaviour and did not know how to help her, she would lash out again and then fear me leaving. One so incident was when she was constantly having doubts in fights and verbally stating them, so I mentioned that it would be best if we split. She asked what that meant, and I told her the connection would be severed. It causes massive fear of me leaving and writing off the entire relationship and not caring about them. Manipulated me in to staying. This also included a small reaction to me going on a hike without them, not telling them about it until the end of the day and that I didn't share pictures they concluded in their mind that I wasn't a part of their life. This also included getting a remote job in lieu of shift rotation work and a whole reaction of how I did not consider them in this decision for a 'remote position'. Despite my attempts to clarify I wasn't leaving and that the flexibility in my work schedule will allow me to see them often, they were upset because I did not check in with their work schedule and that they would be upset if they took a job in Texas. Note the word remote.. not moving.


    Yes, minor infractions such as using words like “it's okay” and “everything good,” a missed phone, and not sharing pictures from my IG in lieu of sending them directly to her. Constant splitting on friends from they're horrible, to their the best friends ever. Questionable friend circle


    Yes I saw her angry tantrums especially over text directed at her siblings and me. To her co-workers and others, she was angel


    Often this happen.. including over a text conversation that I camly exited because she was being aggressive and rude. Despite my attempts to calm and ask for clarity so we could talk, she continued so I left. She then pleaded with me not to leave and kept calling me. Often lashing out as if I am the most uncaring partner and I do not care to her telling me that she misses me to not wanting to see me to her crying that I did not come and see her when she was struggling. Lots of push/pull dynamics

  10. I don't think this is about the Pillow….I think your wife is trying to communicate with you, in a confused way, that she feels she isn't getting enough physical touch and that she wants more intimacy and closeness with you. The fact she said she'd not mind if she was at your beck and call if and when you wanted to lay down (which is obviously absurd) means she clearly is desperate for more affection. You might wanna have a think about this one and if you are maybe given little affection and attention to her, because that sort of flip out over a pillow is loopy unless you look at the underlying potential logical reasons.

  11. I'm thinking of deleting my posts anyways because some twat posted my posts to tiktok so now if she finds this account idk what I'll do

  12. Nope, you're not wrong and he's rather inconsiderate if you ask me. How about a little self respect on his part and a lot or respect for you? That doesn't seem too much to ask between a husband and a wife. He doesn't shower, tell him to use a dirty sock. Seems fair.

  13. Tell her you are not forcing her to never meet him again. It's just you can't stay with her if she does. All decisions have consequences. If she wants to move forward with you, she needs to leave him behind. If she wants to hold on to him, she needs to let you go.

  14. It's probably because she isn't 16 anymore. I heard a lot of women get a lot less attention into their 20s. Which by itself is pretty gross but unsurprising with the world today

  15. I dunno what you mean by called out? I do delete posts though and try to change details because I never want family to know any of my thoughts. I realize they're shameful and I should be embrassed. Family would make it worse I think too.

    but I'll delete this too if it bothers people.

  16. I'm also just reading some of your other comments about wanting to keep the fact that you're a virgin a secret. I would absolutely hate to get into a relationship with someone and find out that they'd purposefully kept something like that a secret from me. I find the idea of being someone's 'first' quite hot and would definitely be understanding of a partners boundaries if they told me what those boundaries are, but you're not going to get that understanding if you don't communicate.

    There's nothing to be ashamed of in not having had sex at your age (in the grand scheme of things.. you're young!) but being deceptive about it is red flag behaviour.

  17. Can't he find look for jobs in photography? There must be jobs where he can at least earn something. And the experience is never a bad thing. If he can't or won't do that, you might be fed up with his dedication to his art. Could be he becomes famous one day. But even Annie Leibovitz worked for money. So did most photographers.

  18. Agreed. Family, friends. Anyone. It's still early for the OP. Hopefully she will get out.

    I was too embarrassed and hid it. It wasn't until it happened in front of my kids that I had the strength to go.

  19. I don't particularly love the idea myself. I am pregnant. But I have an amazing partner who is incredibly loving and supportive. This man will use the child to keep her trapped. He's already doing it!

  20. Go nuclear. I think he is enjoying this, he is enjoying knowing you don’t like the smell, he enjoys the humiliation of your guests judging you for his poop, he enjoys you being the poop fairy. Otherwise, why would anyone keep doing something that upsets and inconveniences their partner?

  21. Girl what? He’s a grown ass adult, what is his dad going to do about it? Ground him???

    Talk to him about this yourself, like the grown ups you both are.

  22. It's not good for either of you. And prior to getting into your next relationship, I'd reccomend going to therapy for one year. You accepted an abusive relationship with an unstable person, and then went back for more.

    Learn healthy boundaries, learn what you want and need out of a partner, how to identify someone who is good vs bad for you, and you'll be much better off in your next relationship, as well as on your own.

  23. There is nothing you can do to change him, period. He is the only one who can change himself. Has he been checked medically to make sure you’re not dealing with early signs of dementia or ADD? If not, he should. If he has and still won’t stop with the lies, the only thing you can control is your reaction to his lies. You say you won’t divorce or go to counseling. Then that leaves staying with him and just accepting that this is one of his flaws and let it go.

  24. Yep. I have tears in my eyes reading this as I'm currently bedridden. I feel so inhuman all the time. My boyfriend is amazing, but I feel like I'm alone in the middle of the ocean, and I see that shark fin circling in the water, and I wait for it to kill me. I hold my breath every day to become that statistic.

  25. I think part of the reason I feel “baited and switched” on is that when we met, she would always say my ambition and goals is what attracted me to her. We would spend so many nights talking about all the things we would do when “we made it”. I expected it wouldn’t be easy, and I think she may have been shocked with the whirlwind that the last few years ended up being to get to this point.

    I felt I was upfront about my goals before we started dating, made a plan, and jumped in.

    I hear what you’re saying here, and thank you for sharing this comment. I am saving it to read it again once I get another chance.

  26. OP, your ex is 23 years old. You are 24.

    This kind of thing is exactly what people are talking g about when they say that getting married so early is dangerous.

    Not because she's the wrong person for you, but because this is a perfect example of how people mature. These are the mistakes we make, the stupid decisions, and then we learn regret.

    People make mistakes like this. And even if you figure how to navigate relationships… One day you might have kids and you'll do stupid shit with them.

    So my advice is to go back to your gf, and give her a second chance. Don't propose anytime soon. Put that away. Spend a few more years growing and maturing and figuring out what you really want.

    Because yeah, being influenced by these fools is pretty shitty, but making that mistake and maturing because of it is human nature. You're never gonna meet a person who doesn't have a skeleton like this on their closet, so why not give her a second chance?

  27. except by saying that, you're implying that he would have been seen as weak if he would have done nothing.

    seemed weak by whom?

  28. Same! Our “stepdad” molested my older “sister” (they’re in quotes because it’s a long story). She was the golden child, but I wasn’t mistreated, per se just never as important-she also had chronic and serious illness so she got most of the attention from the illness and also from being molested (I know that sounds fucked up, but it created a “bond” between them, I didn’t know what it was or why so I was jealous). He was also a narcissistic sociopath and literally one of the very few truly evil people I’ve ever encountered.

    So, yeah. It really fucks you up even when you aren’t the one being molested. My sister also died a few years ago. She got hooked on pain meds then graduated to street drugs. She never got proper mental health treatment from the trauma. Then she was jealous of me too because I wasn’t molested and from the outside it looks like escaped unscathed which I did not. I just learned that whatever I had going on wasn’t important and to essentially block out feelings while throwing myself into school and cosplaying as a Huxtable.

    All that to say, hugs to you. You are not alone.

  29. thank you,I might have a chance of getting transferred to another location in few months, I hope it happens soon.

  30. Fair enough question, I honestly was too much of a coward to say it because of how stupid I think it is I really don’t care at this point because it’s something that matters to me. He knew I was insecure about my body and I made it clear before we even started getting serious that I was against how often he consumed corn and that his social medias were nothing but women he chose to friend and follow solely for their looks. I never asked him to stop, I just said that it would be a deal breaker for me and he agreed to change his habits instead of us going our separate ways. This was clearly an addiction because of how often he was consuming this kind of media (like every bit of his free time, literally hours a day) and I honestly didn’t expect it to go away overnight. I was even willing to emotionally support him through it.

    What finally broke me was I found out he blew an insane amount of money on OF subs over a span of three years. Not to mention I found a fake Instagram account of his, but there wasn’t anything on it like messages or even liked posts/comments. That’s not even what upsets me the most. It was his constant anxiety of our finances that would cause him to emotionally lash out at me when I never spent money on anything but necessities. I didn’t even buy myself maternity clothes because I thought I shouldn’t spend the money on something that I’d wear for such a short amount of time and I could just wear his. I stopped buying makeup because he told me he preferred when I didn’t wear any, I only bought takeout when he wanted takeout because he’d tell me I’m spending too much money when I said I was too tired to cook. I wasn’t allowed to follow/be friends with men I personally knew on my social medias, none of which were ever remotely inappropriate. He once berated me and blamed me for a scammer taking my photos from Instagram and making a fake account claiming to have an OF. He screamed at me over the phone and told me it was my fault because my account was public and I “looked the kinda girl that would have one” when I would just be thankful to have a shred of confidence all of those hot women have. Half of the time I’m too scared to post a picture of my face on social media half the time, I probably will never have the confidence to make a living from pictures/videos in my lifetime. He told me it’s unreasonable of me to ask him to watch our child for ten minutes while I go for a jog when he just wanted to relax that day.

    There’s more I could elaborate on. So to be honest it wasn’t just the OF subs that made me shut down, it was the hypocritical treatment I endured while it was going on.

  31. If this cost him nothing but his time (if he has some sort of pass that lets unlimited travel) then I find it odd but it’s his time, knock himself out.

    If he has to pay to get there and back – that’s just wasteful. Cost more in travel then a quarter tub of cream, that’s where I’d be asking him to explain his logic. Does he have money to waste? Why not buy a new one for less money than the travel cost? That’s what I would find frustrating, but that’s it, frustrating. His money… If he wants to waste it but still has money for bills etc… his money.

  32. Well your character didn't help him to feel better. You never considered the reason behind the family being so close and you never told us that you were so sick in the first place or else we would have said it to you because we could have thought it!!! Now it explains everything but also explains something's about your character too. You didn't consider that what you were doing would isolate them in the future. You were looking only about yourself and you didn't have a plan in case the worst happened. If you died and they were still away your husband would not only be mourning but he would have to take care a child that is also mourning and they will need every support there is available and you were selfish enough to try to take that away from them. Open up your mind and try to be considerate towards the family too. You have to take care of yourself, of course, but you always have to have a back up plan just in case. Your husband doesn't hate you, if he hated you he would file for a divorce and he wouldn't care if you died alone. Does he have someone that he actually hates??? If yes then his behaviour toward them will answer your fears!!! He is just hurt from your lack of consideration towards them. They are afraid of loosing you and they are hurt too. Your husband loves you and he is right to not want to take a divorce. You both need therapy and you have to spend more time with him and his family! You have to be appreciative of the small moments like that in life!!! Don't take divorce, work on your marriage, try to make his family yours too, they are trying to do so!!! Don't run to the easy way out you will regret it!!!!

  33. Him telling you his family is staying for 2.5 months, is totally unfair on you. It sounds like you are a SATW and he is being controlling financially.

    I think you need to work out an escape plan, where you will online, earn money, the important stuff you need to take and what you can leave behind, because he is going to divorce you.

    I'm sorry but he sounds horrible. Good luck and I hope you work out your next steps away from him.

  34. Your fiancé is an overgrown, spoiled brat. She is also a horrible person. I’m not saying break up with her, I’m saying that you’re also a horrible person for staying with someone who abuses victims, impersonates their trauma, never apologizes, and then receives money from their abuser and maintains contact.

  35. Will he at least tell you how far away he lives? Are you in the same city? 10 texts over a week for co-parents seems low to me. Did he call you in the last month?

  36. Only advice is to leave him. Irrational phobia aside, him getting nasty with you is inexcusable. The fact that he’s doing this within the first 3 months is even worse. If he’s like this now, what will he be like a year from now?

  37. If this is a hookup relationship, you could just enjoy the ride until you're ready to look for “the one”.

    If you're not into hookup relationships, drop this one like a hot rock. Sounds like you both have different relationship values.

  38. Think about how many couples you see where one is clearly “inferior” to the other. It can be height, weight, salary, fashion, etc

    He's willing to meet you, so try not to be negative. Maybe you both have really strong chemistry, and he can look past slightly worse looks(if what you're saying really is true).

    It is better to be with an average looking person but great chemistry than a good-looking person with low chemistry.

  39. You are not good for each other. Break up and find someone who respects your boundaries. Also consider finding a therapist to work through what you were feeling that caused you to slap him, because you shouldn’t date anyone until you know that you won’t abuse them. (The fact that you brought up your size difference as a reason that it was okay to hit him is very troubling.)

  40. If you're in recovery, I'm hoping this means you're in therapy. If not, I would recommend getting a therapist so you can discuss the issue with them.

  41. I’m really sorry you feel like you need to ask permission to leave this situation, but yes, this is absolutely ground to run away and never speak to him again. Drunk, frustrated, feeling entitled, title of boyfriend: NONE of it makes what he’s doing to you ok.

  42. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My bf and I see each other only on weekends because he lives far. On weekends we have sex, or I pleasure him orally (which is more common than sex).

    Saturday morning we were lying in bed at around 2am or so, I was ready to sleep and not in a sexual mood at all. He had came over from a friend's place a while ago and was drunk and horny, and then asked me for sex. I said “no” that I'm tired and not in the mood, but he kept pressuring me, saying that I should do it just for him even if I'm not horny. When he saw I wouldn't let him, he got very angry – and called me stubborn, boring, and a bitch. Said I never want to have sex anymore and he hates having to beg me for it every time. Then he got on top of me, physically restrained me and tried to pull my pants down, but, instead of giving it at this point like usual (he has forced himself on me physically before while drunk) I fought back. I got so angry I punched his face (not hot but very hot enough to show him I'm serious) and told him that I don't feel safe.

    I know he's sexually frustrated, but I think it's not excuse for his selfish behavior. Not sure how I feel about potentially marrying this person who prioritizes his pleasure over mine. What should I do?

    TLDR: I (35F) said no to sex and my boyfriend (30M) of 4 years got angry and tried to physically force himself on me. He argued that I don't give him enough sex and that I should do it for him even if I'm not in the mood. However I feel he's selfish and only cares about his own pleasure. Should I cut off the relationship?

  43. I would at least scream back once, so he has to put up with it from the other side for once in his life.

    But yeah, you don't want to be tethered to him for the rest of his life.

  44. He expected you to fall into the same line as his ex and please him and his need. He didn't respect or think about you at all.

    It is sexual coercion and in fact mental/emotional abuse. The threat was to dump you, make sure you were in need of him, in order to get what he wants.

    Don't stay in this relationship, even if he “feels guilty”. What's done is done and he is not a good person. On my eyes, this is abuse, and you gonna need help moving forward from this. And make sure there is no contact at all with this excuse of a man

  45. Uuuh.. wow kind reaction.

    You do realise that it is not everywhere in the world exactly the same as where you online? I live in a place where it is safe to catch a ride with a stranger as woman, and we do it all the time. We even have an app for it…I have also lived in places where it is absolutely not safe.

    Apparently OP was in a safe enough place that she could accept the free ride. I think she is the one that could judge that best; since noone else besides her was there.. And it is weird to blaime her like that; just because where you live it isn't safe.

  46. Yeah. I have a very big, very not close-knit extended family, that does not have any kind of group texts that I know about.

    My wife has a very big, very close-knit, extended family who are constantly going on about this, or that, or nothing at all. I just mute the groups, and never check them unless my wife tells me someone asked me something.

  47. I my opinion, a threesome where you have a deep attachment to one participant is a huge risk. I can't even imagine all the ways it can go wrong. If someone wants a threesome, better to do it while single.

    What if your gf decides that you like the other girl more than her (you can't convince her otherwise because you came in her!)? What if you decide the other girl is better at sex than your gf?

    What if your gf decides she likes the other girl more than you and a couple months later you find they are hooking up without you?

    What if in the middle of it, or just after, your gf starts crying uncontrollably and locks herself in the bathroom? What if after weeks, she still can't or won't tell you what's wrong?

    What if after trying the first one, your gf likes her, you want to try option 2. You both try the 2nd girl, and you like her, but your gf prefers girl 1?

    What if after trying your way through all 4, your gf is frustrated that you've not been energetic enough and recommends MMF?

    What if after doing this a few times, you realize the other woman has herpes?

    What if the husband/boy friend of one of the partners shows up angry? (Wait. You said you were single!)

    What if a condom breaks and surprise surprise, you are the father of the fun times baby?

    What if it ALL goes great, and your gf and you decide sex with just the two of you is too boring? Or just you decide that? What if after doing this for 6 months, you realize it was the beginning of the end?

    The possibility of it being a fun, one time thing is there. The much greater possibility that it adds a poison into your relationship is much, much higher.

    I can't recommend against it more strongly.

  48. Betting he only wants another chance because 21-yr-old realized she didn't want a relationship with a 30-yr-old.

    Dump him. Or rather, keep him dumped. Your self-respect demands it. You'd never trust him again, and living in a relationship like that is a special kind of hell. Ask me how I know.

  49. He definitely did not take the “in sickness and health” part of vows seriously.

    I wouldn't marry someone who dumps you at the first notion of me being in bad health and what if you had kids who were sick or needed extra care incase they had special needs?

    Doesn't sound like the dude is in it for long run OP just the good times. Not great marriage material imo

  50. Girl how did you not know that you apparently had no fucking roof?

    No i dont believe a single character of your bullshit story. A simply roof leak wouldnt cause 6 inches of water to flood your home in a mere minutes.

  51. This would be true if we weren’t exclusively sleeping with just each other ? y’all be thinking y’all know everything when you only have a piece of the story. Like I said in another comment y’all are just pathetic. Either go have sex or touch grass.

  52. I didn't say she was lying about it happening or not entirely, I'm pointing out that she's not being completely truthful based on what I know has happened.

  53. With the two of you splitting the cost of everything in the house you can afford to use more utilities?

  54. It's always curious when people with emotional/mental problems don't recognize that in a lot of cases they inherited these things from equally unwell parents. The only difference is that people like your father were discouraged from seeking help and encouraged to throw themselves into work (and of course drinking a lot was very fashionable at a time). So you're young and you've got some time to work this out. But never view your parents as so unfallable that they aren't suffering with the exact same feelings you are. Good luck

  55. Honestly my dude, I'm gonna suggest that you wait on marriage. Sounds like you've got some shit you need to work through in therapy before you're going to be able to be a good partner. Realistically, there's a few reasons people cheat. You could be feeling insecure, and then you go seeking validation. You could have communication issues, and, failing to communicate effectively, you go looking for a way to end it without having to have the difficult conversation. It could be a variety of things. But I guarantee that the thing driving this behavior lives within you.

    If you've already been through infidelity and broken trust, and done counseling for it, and you're still trying to get needs met outside your relationship? Maaaaaaybe you're with the wrong girl. Frankly, even if she were the right girl, you're in no position to be committing to a relationship right now.

    Imo, you should let the upcoming “big life changes” do their thing and give both of you the space to move on. Whatever this is, it's for sure not stable enough to start trying to build a future on.

  56. Stew. She cheated on you. Not a lot, and probably not seriously, but she absolutely broke the boundaries and rules of your marriage. Let her know you’re upset and need an apology, and need her to know if she does it again you will likely separate.

  57. No. Go home, and call a therapist.

    At this point, your obsessing is much worse than any infidelity.

    GO HOME.

  58. Is physically harming a loved one in the slightest of way a non negotiable in a healthy relationship? Should I not be even engaging in dialogue with my GF about what happened and leave any room for this happening in the future?

    YES, it's a non-negotiable. NO need for any future dialogue with ex-GF about this. As this is not the first time she's chosen to lash out in anger, make sure it's the last.

    What will she do if you have children and they aggravate her? What will she do if you have pets and they aggravate her? You don't really know, & you can't really predict given her instability! Your responsibility would be to protect those children/pets & you can't do that with her around!

    Break up with her and tell her she should get into therapy, but you're not hanging around to find out whether she ever fixes her problem!

  59. Dude.. do not pass go.. do not collect $200!!! If you do this.. this eventually will ruin your marriage!!!

  60. Put the brakes on it. Have a serious talk with your wife, about why she wants this, because honestly you don’t seem to, and are only doing it for your wife.

  61. It sucks when a breakup feels like of coming out of nowhere! The only thing to make of it is that she’s moving on and you should, too.

    It’s super frustrating, and in time you might learn more details from acquaintances and social media, but you may never learn more.

    Ultimately it doesn’t matter if she moved on because she met someone else or just realized this relationship is no longer working for her. It only matters that is over, and she’s been kind enough to tell you that, so mourn the loss and take time to heal and move on as well.

  62. She does but she says he’s her husbands even though she’s been having unprotected sex with me do a long time now and saying she’s on the pill. Turns out she wasn’t. She’s fucked me around and I don’t find out she was even pregnant until 14 weeks. She’s 20 weeks now and has done a gender reveal and it’s messing with my head a bit.

  63. I guess I just don’t agree with the argument. I’m definitely overthinking it so I appreciate the comment.

  64. It depends, but as I understood it, in a community property state all separate property stays separate until ANY monies including $1.00 from community goes into (is commingled with ) the separate property, then it can become community.

  65. Did you just man splain women’s safety? Cuz ….

    Women don’t need to be taught to be cautious around men. We learn it naturally. By 8 or so, we are already learning it.

  66. Pay for whatever martial training program she picks. Keep paying until she can kick your ass. With that as a reward she just might take you up on it.

    I engaged in a similar contest with a friend. Pinned her freakishly strong (her words) legs under one arm and she couldn’t get loose. Not to prove men are stronger, rather that leverage trumps sinew.

  67. It's not the act itself. If she couldn't for, let's say, medical reasons, I'd have no problem at all. Maybe I'd feel bad about it but I'd online happily without. What bothers me is that I couldn't imagine being in her place and deciding that I simply don't want to. There's nothing reasonable (ie, legal) that I wouldn't do if it could make her so happy.

  68. There is no abusive. I have never touched him or threatened to take his children away. If our argument is about him not picking up the house or helping me clean he starts recording.

  69. He should also respect my Muslim faith

    So…he shouldn't love who he loves because of your faith then?

  70. Actually despite the gory details you gave us, I could relate to her. I have the perfect set up and I’ve always wondered why both my FWB and I were losing interest in one another. It really run its own course and this being my first casual relationship, I learned that it is really that way

  71. Love this. Honestly people act like it's so hot not to cheat. It isnt. Its just easier being a fucking coward. If you are unhappy in a relationship break up!

    If you are unhappy in a marriage fucking leave!

    Why go behind someone's back and sleep around and then act like they shldnt be surprised because “you are only human”

    You can stop yourself from being a cheater. If u want to be single and sleep with other people just do that!!

    U dont need to hurt someone else by breaking their trust or blowing up your whole family with infidelity.

    There aren't any excuses for this shit when you are an adult. Cheating just makes you a coward and shameless.

  72. huge red flag. Especially if its a new behavior.

    I probably wouldn't bring it up, because going through her bag is a bigger red flag. but definitely keep an eye on it.

  73. Maybe when you fly home to renew your visa, you just don’t renew it and stay home. You deserve a partner that communicates with you and doesn’t abuse and manipulate you emotionally.

  74. Read all of my comments there and the ones in different subs and compare it to this post. I talk about my promiscuity there. I wrote those comments from the perspective of where i was prior to my current relationship. So yeah i fudged the timeline in a comment on a post about being single. I was single for 11 years and was out being wild.

    Actually read my comment history. In different subs i say the same thing. The only thing that does not line up is the time period of that one post. I answered that post in present tense instead of past tense because it asked “why are you still single” and i wrote it from the perspective of where i was prior to this. But actually read the comments I've made and they line up to this post with the exception of me writing that comment in a present tense

  75. Don’t you think that her refusal to discuss it could be a strong indication that she is not okay with it?

    And a hypothetical question: say she discussed it with you and said that she is not okay with it, what then? What would be your reaction to her and also you future action?

  76. I'm sorry to hear that. I think best is to let it go over night/day. And take her someplace relaxing (park, for example) and talk about your relationship. Like asking her. Yesterday, you said this, and it made me think that if you do not want to be with me anymore are why did you say this? (Ask her gently, not angry. You just want to make a conversation to try to figure out why she said this and decide if you better not be together, for both sake..

  77. I wouldn’t believe him, when it comes to coc people rarely turn it down, especially when it in their face

  78. Can anyone link the free digital copy of a”Why does he do that?” by Lundy Bancroft? I have it saved somewhere, but can’t find it. A wise redditor recommended this book and it’s changed my understanding of interpersonal relationships. Highly recommend it for this situation OP!

  79. I don't understand why you had to go. I don't understand why his father has some “right” to go to strip clubs or why he had to be the one taking him.

    Do you have to go everywhere with him? Did you just accept that you were with someone who cares so little for your feelings or did this side of him only come out after marriage?


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