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32 thoughts on “Hailey the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I think you need to give it time and just tell her she was beautiful before and after. Tell her you don't think it was a huge improvement on her already lovely face but don't tell her it's any worse or anything either.

    My wife had one hair color for years and one day she got a drastic hair cut and a completely recolor of her hair. I hated it for like six months. But she loved it and kept getting it recut and colored exactly the same. Eventually I fell in love with it too.

    I know surgery isn't the same thing as hair, but you might find after some time you come to love the change.

  2. A break IS a breakup. They were single and acted as such. You can either be OK with it or not, but that's par for the course with taking breaks

  3. Hello /u/FarleeBail,

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  6. Straight up ask him and then let him know how this makes you feel. You two should be able to come to a solution.

  7. This is a red flag to me. There is no reason a person with a decent job, who is a high earner and is able to save money should be asking or expecting an “allowance” from their partner. Why would you, in effect, pay her to be your girlfriend. You deserve better and I’m sure you can find someone better.

  8. She watched Child Pornography for a long time and you just want to rug-sweep it? What the hell is wrong with both of you? I would be beyond disgusted and immediately end the relationship and block her. That is unforgivable and beyond any possibility of forgiveness.

    You need to seriously get away from this horrific person. If you don't you are condoning her crime.

  9. If he hasn’t cheated, he’s trying to Ray wouldn’t be doing this. You already know what to do. I want you to store copies of this on your phone. You may need them later. Keep track of his behavior over the next while and deep dive for more information. If that’s what showing there’s more. I know from experience and from reading 50,000 Reddit’s

    I always suggest people did what my friend did, or do what my friend did, she went through a divorce attorney drew up papers, and then she printed out all the evidence she had from your phone that she’s been saving put them on the table she packed her husband a bag put it by the door and she made sure she had a friend with her when he came home that night and she said I need to talk to you and she said I want you to pick up these papers and to take that bag by the door and leave this house for 30 days you need to decide what you’re gonna do about your marriage because I’m not gonna online like this

    They reconciled and are still together and pretty happy. I don’t know if this will work for you, but I’m going to tell you what won’t work for you is ignoring it because he will keep going and he’ll either fall in love with somebody and drift off from you, or you will stand up and say enough is enough, but either way this is not a thing that’s going to go away . Good luck to you.

  10. What are these illegal thoughts that you gave no examples of for some reason? I think that's a large context clue about how to best approach this.

  11. Yeah exactly it's one fecking day, one day and all that money ?? I'm a woman too lol no don't get it either ?

  12. Her vagina and mouth have regularly and repeatedly been stabbed by that guy's rock very hot schlong and filled with his jizz while she screamed and creamed, all the while she was telling you sweet nothings and it was just texting and nothing happened.

    If that though disturbs you, good, that's what happened before and it's happening again now. She's lying to you and you're lapping it up.

    Move the fuck on this time and make it permanent. She doesn't deserve another chance to fuck you over yet again.

  13. So then why continue with the facade of talking? And why for so long?

    As an old lady now (32), I can only tell you that if you really want to be with someone, you’ll be with them. You’ll commit. It doesn’t take 7 months of talking to figure it out. Most people know pretty quickly. If you sit “on the fence” for as long as you two have, then it’s not something one or both of you truly want. In this case, I’d say it’s clear he wasn’t invested—because he fucked around at the first opportunity (and possibly at other times too that you’re not even aware of).

    Girl, location or timing isn’t generally a thing. People will attempt it, fail, and break up if it isn’t meant to be. They don’t hang around in the grey zone “just to see.” Pick someone who also picks you! Don’t sell out for less.

  14. You’re not ridiculous. She’s flirty and your husband should have declined giving her his number.

  15. You think you’re so much better than her, don’t you? She works, goes to school, deals with chronic health issues, and you think she should do most of the chores too? You don’t love her, you love what she does for you. Or did. I wouldn’t count on her being around much longer

  16. Sounds like the kind of asshole that would drop peanuts in somebody's food just to see anaphylaxis shock.

  17. I have “crazy” parents. Regardless of whether he takes you back, you need to apologize. “I was mortified and froze. I’m sorry that happened and that I didn’t do anything. Moving forward, I’m distancing myself from them.”

  18. I mean, you didn’t really lie, he put you on the spot and you felt obligated to agree which I think is a bigger issue and something he needs to apologize for. Like, this didn’t need to be a discussion. “My friend invited me to a party.” “Cool, have fun.”

    There’s a difference between what you described and straight up saying, “I will not be smoking any weed.” Though even then, it’s such a trivial thing.

  19. I wouldn’t die on this hill and undermine the trust you rebuilt.

    Your fiancé felt romantically betrayed and deceived. She considers that being cheated on. Apologize. Tell her you see it differently but you’re glad to know her definition of cheating and you’ll never do that again.

    Then try to move on.

  20. Agree! Fuck this guy ? Sounds like he expects it to smell and taste like cotton candy and peach down there but any educated and experienced man would know this is not what a vagina is supposed to smell like…

  21. why dont you go see a doctor about your symptoms and your ptsd. Get some therapy. While you are there talk to them about the problems you have finding dates. When you are feeling better feel free to reach out to her again and ask her on a date.

  22. Personally, since she's apparently a therapist (????), I'd tell her point blank that she gets one more chance before she never gets the opportunity to do that again. She withheld affection from GD because her son

  23. It’s immature to get mad that your partner doesn’t have the exact same hobbies and tastes as you, but no shit she’s immature, she’s 18. I wouldn’t be the dumbest thing that a teenage relationship has ever blown up over. Honestly, my best advice is to just change the subject to something you agree on and hope she forgets about it.

  24. People have different needs and you unfortunately can’t change them. I dated someone who was in a very intense program and likely to continue to be in for the next 5 years – he prioritised me above his friends etc but work / school always came first. I don’t blame him – he needed to do the right thing by himself, but it wasn’t for me. I felt lonely and sad that he couldn’t give me what I needed so we ended the relationship after a year.

  25. For starters, stop discussing how much money you make with your parents. Also learn to say no. “Mom, I will help with what I can which isn't going to be the same as what you want. I'm not funding your shopping habit or your travel plans. You don't have children expecting them to pay you back for raising them.”


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