GoddessD293live sex stripping with hd cam

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46 thoughts on “GoddessD293live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you. He’s in the anger phase right now calling me names and sending rude texts. His mum called to confirm he’s at their house now.

  2. Thanks, the hardest part is knowing this is a problem of my own making. I just wish she would give me a second chance – is there anything else I can do beyond moving on? I feel like I’ve exhausted all options

  3. It's fulfilling to feel accomplished though. For us (career oriented), being successful would complete us. And having a family is a bonus, something that would give us a purpose in life.

  4. I've been where you are, and I'm going to give it to you in the bluntest way I can: your future husband wouldn't make you feel like this. Do you want to sign up for a lifetime of feeling neglected, anxious, abandoned, like they don't want you and could leave you at any second?

    You're young (whether you see it that way or not) and I guarantee there's someone our there who is going to NEVER make you feel anything less than amazing, supported, seen, heard, and safe.

    This is not your soulmate; this is some dude you're going to think about in 20 years and say, “wow, I can't believe how hung up I was on a guy who clearly didn't want me the way I wanted him.”

    Delete his number, his pictures, and the idea of getting back together and get on with your life. Your insecurities and all the negative feelings you had aren't going to go away if you get back into the same god damned situation and I wish someone had told me this at your age.

  5. So he knew you were a bigger person when he dated you and asked you to marry him….but he’s still acted like you’ve somehow disappointed him or let him down by continuing to be overweight? Sorry but even if you leave aside all the things I would normally say about fatphobia and all that awfulness, I just don’t see how that’s not incredibly fucked up. Why would you marry someone and then berate them for being exactly the person you knew them to be when you married them?

  6. You are being abused and gaslit by a narcissist. He is using your insecurities concerning abandonment against you to control you. He will continue to push each boundary every inch he can until you finally leave. The only question is whether it is now or months/years from now after he has further degraded your self-confidence.

  7. You are just as bad a person as he is!! Both of you are despicable nasty, disgusting people! I hope you BOTH ruin each other!!

  8. Hello /u/UpstairsEgg8883,

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  9. Not a big deal in my opinion. You both didn’t cheat on anyone. It’s been 6 months not 6 weeks. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

  10. I'd also imagine you flirting with guys for drinks when you are married to her father didn't go down well either.

  11. Let this poor guy go. I can't imagine loving a partner, and marrying them when they felt this way about me. He deserves so much better….

  12. I don’t think it has much to do with her husband, honestly. I think it has more to do with her wanting to go on a lavish trip, one that’s planned, paid for, and managed by her sister.

  13. Right? I want a co-pilot not a passenger. And I agree CNAs do work hot, and in Oklahoma where I am they are paid peanuts most places unfortunately. sees it as a stepping stone but frankly I don't know that she'll finish the program much less get a job as one. She tossed around working phlebotomy at a certain hospital but she didn't like the hours so she stayed working her other job at the time, which was Wal-Mart, which she has since quit due to an hours dispute and now makes even less money in another retail job. Not that there is a magic number I want her to make, but it's the principle really.

  14. Fwiw, feminism means letting women do whatever the fuck they want with their lives, and not trying to dictate what other people do with theirs if it’s not hurting anyone else. If OP wants to choose to be a sugar baby, more power to her. Doesn’t mean she’s incapable of supporting other women, voting for feminist causes, etc.

  15. I don't see the dog as being the problem…he was there first. It sounds like your boyfriend is “high maintenance”.

  16. Actually, this all sounds very normal. You are already having some very healthy conversations around sex, which is awesome. This will help increase both of your comfort with being intimate. Sex and pleasure do not come naturally to people; this is a learned skill! This is something that is discovered through experimentation, practice, and experience. Rarely are peoples' first times awesome. Everyone's first time is awkward, perhaps uncomfortable, and likely not super pleasurable because you are way too distracted by wondering if you are doing it right, what your partner thinks, if this angle works, fretting about switching positions, what your face looks like, etc… Haha. All normal!

    A bit of tightness and pain is not uncommon for a woman, but should subside with time (ask a doctor if it is extreme or continues). For women, intimacy is as much of a mental event as a physical one. If she has anxiety about it, it will definitely prevent her from becoming aroused. Your job is just to support her and start slow, lots of foreplay, lots of other sexual activity. Helpful tip, she should be the one to do the inserting and guide you. She can feel what works. That will help ease pain a lot.

  17. Sounds like you would be further ahead, by collecting child support from your EX husband. You could absolutely have less stress and more time to take care of yourself and your baby. Your STBX will likely not want to have much to do with the baby in the future either, but at least he can contribute financially.

    And YES, go hire that cleaner, and get a nanny too if you want! No one should feel guilty for wanting help around the house!

  18. Yeah this really really bothered me and I don’t think I was firm enough about this when I had the opportunity to discuss it with him. I just can’t get over it?

  19. Mostly the badgering about more babies and that he is a jerk.

    She's 4months postpartum, after a traumatic birth where she almost died, which was after 9 months of vomiting and bedrest, and all OP is concerned about is the possibility of not having more kids. No one with their head screwed on straight would see their wife in this state and be bringing up more kids, 4 months after she almost died. Seriously, the grilling he's getting in some comments is necessary – he's in desperate need of a reality check. Because if he thinks his priorities are in the right place here, he must be pretty darn checked-out when it comes to their family life.

    As a mum whose had postpartum depression, I can tell you she's probably still dealing with the trauma of the birth (took me 6 months to properly acknowledge that mine was traumatic and grieve that), she'll be touched out, exhausted from sleep deprivation from doing night feeds, her body is constantly giving to their baby after a whole YEAR of being incredibly run-down, dealing with the normal overwhelm that comes with having a newborn, and on top of all that, SHE'S WORKING A COMPARATIVE AMOUNT TO OP.

    If you think OP's concerns are valid, you really have NO idea what his wife is dealing with right now. OP should be utterly ashamed of himself that all he can worry about right now is the potential loss of future kids. His wife is drowning right now, while OP's throwing himself a pity party instead of problem solving.

  20. Honestly. There's something you aren't understanding. The trauma your wife has been through, the absolute incredible irritation if having yoir mil around (and big boy told her to stop harassing his wife and he was “serious”, you weren't there when she have birth…

    Do you have enpathy? So if she's 26,been married 4 years, assuming you dated for one year.. she was 21 when she met you. 21!

    And you're amazed she didn't understand the brutality of childbirth?

    Did you read any books or go to any classes to learn seeing as how you “didn't know much”

    Honestly you are lazy, you pat yourself on the back for the minimum, you lack empathy, and you are a mammas boy… at your age?

    She's going to leave.

  21. I know this is really tough, but having OCD myself I can tell you that you are seeking reassurance which will not help the underlying problem at hand. I get the same kind of cycles where I’m convinced I did something wrong, confess / seek reassurance, think of the next thing. The only thing that will help is addressing your OCD is to recognize that this is OCD and dealing with that. Trust yourself. Have you heard of the 4 steps of OCD?

  22. Is your wife saying ‘no honey, you do plenty around the house. There is nothing you could do to relive my exhaustion?’

  23. A long distance relationship I'd just another name for a penpal that comes with real world restrictions. Having one in this circumstance makes absolutely no sense to me.

    Go out and online.

  24. How are you 34 and don’t know that interrupting someone is rude??? Your gf does all that for you and you can’t even let her finish a sentence. This person has got to be a troll.

  25. Of course they do. You’re literally comparing two extremes. A shitty person you’re attracted to and a nice person you’re not attracted to. Do you really think those are always the only options? That would be insane.

    Anecdotally, I’m a guy and I’m happily married. I think my wife is gorgeous. She’s also an amazing human being. But it’s not like I just put myself out there and she fell into my lap immediately.

    I used dating for what it is; the process of getting to know someone to see if you’re a fit and you’re compatible. I met a lot of nice women that I found attractive but I ultimately wasn’t compatible with. I met attractive women who were assholes. I met women I wasn’t attracted to who were assholes. I met women I wasn’t attracted to who were absolute sweethearts. But I walked away from all of them because they weren’t right for me.

    Then I met my wife. Get out there, meet people, and don’t settle until you’re completely happy.

  26. Hon, all the people saying call the police are right. You found what he isnt afraid to hide. Imagine what he does.

  27. I can empathize with that. It’s completely soul crushing when we find that that a person we thought we knew is a monster. I actually have experience with this. Not nearly on the same level, mind you. But on a smaller scale, I do understand. I’d be happy to discuss this privately with you if you’d like to message me.

    I guess now, however, you an extreme moral and ethical obligation to help make sure that he is never able to harm a child. Because make no mistake – even if he hasn’t currently acted on this, he will. A young girl’s life (or even many!) will be ruined because of him. Make that not happen.

    I wish you all the best!

  28. You’re the only one trying even though you’ve communicated several times that you need him to try. Try to evaluate that.

  29. Just ask yourself, why is he with someone 20 years younger? Usually after the honeymoon phase passes, you will see the answer.

  30. It sounds like you are either being trickle truthed or misdirected. That was a pretty serious overreaction to what amounts to an attempt to catch up. Either they got inappropriate while texting or there was something else on the phone you were not supposed to see and it was not this guy's text messages.

  31. I would try again at a different time. It would be useful to know who it is, that way you are more sure who they are talking about.

    If you have the money, and only if you have the money. Get a private investigator.

  32. Right? I thought the responses so extreme there had to be more going on. I did not expect this to be the explanation and it is indeed like a punchline.


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