Ginaakemi live sex cams for YOU!

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27 thoughts on “Ginaakemi live sex cams for YOU!

  1. It really isn’t that much. You can buy a nice house and a few cars and start saving for your retirement. You would still need to work but you can live! comfortably without taking in debt. You could pay for your education or your children’s education. I would save it for big things and still have your job fund your basic expenses.

    When I fantasize about winning the lottery this is the amount I want to win. Not so much it messes up my life and everyone wants some but just enough to make me comfortable.

  2. Congratulations OP, now you know what a hoe is and you can learn to develop some self respect and set standards for yourself on what a good partner is. Don’t waste your time, just drop her.

  3. I’ll be totally honest with you, OP. I’m in the same boat, different paddle. Been with my HS sweetheart for ~25 years. One kid in double digits. We were done having kids, staring at 40, and ready for international travel, saving $$$, enjoying each other and thinking about career changes and life over 40 plans. Annnnnd then the pandemic hit and boom. We got accidentally pregnant. Our 2022 Baby #2 is so much harder. Everything hurts more. Your spine is just not the same. The overnight wake-up’s are NAKED. Finding formula in a shortage was nerve wracking. Tried to find daycare and it was 2x our mortgage. Thankfully our jobs have been flexible but if they weren’t I would have had to quit a good, stable career to stay home. That had never been my ideal. Holy shit, the teething. Thinking about doing parent-teacher conferences at 50? Sounds like a blast. /s

    The emotional blackmail your wife is pulling is FAR more concerning than her desire to have a baby. That I get. Treating you like a pariah for not wanting a baby is way off-base. She needs mega-therapy.

  4. Sometimes I’m articulate sometimes I’m not ? she’s got a whole host of issues so I just keep my distance these days.

  5. You leave. If they decide to an hero. They fulfill a stereotype and statistic in one go.

    They saying goes. “Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” Take care of you firstly. cos if you falter. You can't do anything for anyone.

  6. Whenever a guy asks a questions about a girls behavior on here it always has to leads to the guy is just insecure. I’ve seen plenty of posts where guys would ask about a girls particular behavior and the girls just like this comment would call the guy insecure. They would later update and guess what the girl was talking to some other guy or cheated on him. Next time really think about the scenario and situation before just going and calling someone insecure.

    What if when a girl asks a question about a guys doughy behavior all the guys just answered sounds like your not being a good gf.

  7. You asked. He confessed his fantasies–fantasies similar to ones that both of you have already discussed. Now you want to hold that against him, like he's the bad guy?

  8. And I’d tell your GF asap, like today, if I were you.

    I just think if I was in your GF’s position and I learnt you had hidden all this from me I probably would consider the relationship over.

    Do the right then, but best of luck. It is a really shitty situation to end up in.

  9. Wow. You know how when you were a kid talking to your friends about who you thought was gonna grow up to be a psychopath? Wasn’t one of the most common things an indifference to animal suffering? And this guy goes to see animals slaughtered several times a month for funsies?

    If you’ve ever seen those videos of women in cults that cut them off from the rest of the world, you can tell that their partners value their religion over them. And they will go to any length to convert you. Realistically speaking, this man is a danger to you. Women die from domestic violence. He has no problem killing innocent animals. Maybe the behavior doesn’t escalate. I would hope that this behavior doesn’t escalate.

    Even if you know he has your best interests in mind, he believes that it is your best interest to become ONE OF US. You might think, oh maybe someday he’ll grow out of it. And it’ll be replaced with something else that he can convince you to do. Or maybe he’ll never grow out of it. And the rest of your lives together in your happy relationship(50-60 years) will be spent in you dodging him trying to initiate you, not sacrificing animals at the dinner table on holidays, or trying to convince your kids who are part of this religion that you are fine and don’t need to be converted.

  10. I don't think I'm angry, maybe just a little frustrated. I don't know what would have happened if she'd told me this when we were younger. But if it meant that much I probably would have stepped aside, painful as it would be to lose her.

  11. Sis, you won't be happy in this relationship long term. This means he is not going to be willing to give you oral either. Ever.

    He has deep seeded hangups that need to be worked through with a therapist and this is just going to be the tip of the iceberg.

  12. You're both awful to each other. Him for fetishizing your virginity. That's gross on a while other level.

    And you for lying to him about it for a while year! What the hell girl? I've seen your replys and your just letting him talk to you like that and you're not standing up for yourself or correcting him.

    None of you are being “good Christians” tbh. The hypocrisy emating of the too of you is… Something. SMH

  13. Reddit is a dangerous social media I'll admit. However if someone absolutely requires/demands that their spouse or anyone for that matter makes posts on social media for their own benefit, chances are they have a problem. If they weren't addicted and they didn't have a problem, there would be no issue.

    And I'm on mobile and I'm stuck at a hotel with nothing to do in a snowstorm so I will not be logging off.

  14. Which I guess that’s what I’m frustrated about. I have been patient with him and giving his affection as much as I can that isn’t sexual specifically so he knows that I love him and I support him. As we’ve been living with each other for a year now it’s been we have sex only once a week or once every other week and I guess I’m at the point where beggars can’t be choosers and just be happy with what I get when it happens

  15. I normally don't ask this, but is English your first language? I ask because, based on what you said, you shouldn't be apologizing. “I wanted to see you and didn't want you to be alone right now”, is a perfectly okay thing to say. There's absolutely nothing offensive about this, especially since you said she lost somebody recently. So, I'm wondering if it translates to something else in your language, if you speak a different language.

    If it doesn't mean something else, then I think there's something else going on here. She's getting mad at you about something else and using this as an excuse. I have no idea what, but it seems completely unreasonable to be mad at you about this.

    Does she maybe have a history of doing things like this? Of blowing things out of proportion or telling you that what you said is not what you said?

  16. Is this the same guy who was texting women while you were miscarrying?

    Girl. What the fuck are you doing? Honestly.

  17. When i say we skipped most of the dares, i mean i did two for the whole game. I did jumping jacks, and i got to kiss someone in the circle so I chose my friend. My friend also skipped most dares, she kissed him and sat on my lap for a minute. The guy’s dares was do a shot off someones chest, and then grope me, and then give the other girl a massage. We skipped all the stuff with stripping, getting naked, pictures, below the belt, and lot of other stuff.

  18. Ok to clarify for some people thinking I'm a groomer or something. We met in 2020 which she was 19 so plz stop assuming that I preyed upon her

  19. Tell her your relationship is over. If you live! together, give her a date to be out by. You are going to hurt her no matter what. The kindest thing is to rip it off like a bandaid. Be direct and decisive. Don't put blame on anyone. Life will be rough until she is out, but then you can both heal and move on.


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