Foxy the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Foxy, 23 y.o.


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29 thoughts on “Foxy the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Yeah he probably came off as flirty with other people so she immediately didn’t want to pursue anything with him. Good for her for sticking to that and being honest instead of ghosting

  2. No I’m not doing that. I’m responsible for the cheating part but I just wanted to make it clear that I’m not the only “controlling” person here.

  3. Does she have a therapist, OP? It may be helpful to recommend that she begins seeing a professional if she has a lot to unload. This will take the stress off of you, and ensure that she has someone to chat with about concerns / stressors. You can both regularly communicate about things (both positive and challenging), but while you're working or recovering from work, she can lean on a therapist as a helpful resource.

  4. Don't date anymore coworkers. It usually ends in drama. Don't discuss anymore of your personal business unless you want them to gossip about you more.

  5. I used to be quite insecure like this. Probably even worse because it became outward jealousy and accusations. I tried everything to shut it off and convince myself that i had nothing to worry about, all to no avail. You know what worked? Addressing the root of my insecurities. It had nothing to do with romantic relationships, but rather attachment issues i had as a result of my neglectful/abusive childhood, where i was ignored, rejected and dismissed (abandonment) pretty regularly. When i grieved the pain of being treated like i was unworthy, i started to feel worthy. And i no longer feel jealous or insecure. I know it seems like this is directly related to him and his ex, but i promise that it isnt. If you address the root cause, you will also discover the truth of this.

  6. But even though you now believe sex is special and reserved for your committed relationship, you have a history of casual sex because you tried that out. You didn't end up liking it, but you did it, nonetheless.

    And your wife accepted that and married you because your sexual history didn't determine your worthiness as a partner in her eyes. She understood that a person's past does not necessarily define their present views or behaviors.

    I hope OP doesn't skip over that part of your comment.

  7. I'm not a spontaneous flowers-dude myself, but actually sending money for flowers is such a facepalm move, love language or not.

  8. Ya this is a bad situation. Your jailer has you right where he wants you. Ten to one he doesn’t let you guys move home next year. Why would he do that when he gets to keep you under lock and key?

  9. Ya this is a bad situation. Your jailer has you right where he wants you. Ten to one he doesn’t let you guys move home next year. Why would he do that when he gets to keep you under lock and key?

  10. Ya this is a bad situation. Your jailer has you right where he wants you. Ten to one he doesn’t let you guys move home next year. Why would he do that when he gets to keep you under lock and key?

  11. It took me a while to decide how to write to you about this. The first thing I want to say is that I am sorry this happens to you. I know how fucked up it can make you feel when your SO try to convince you that you did something terrible to them when you didn’t. I know it because I was you. We are now in the process of getting a divorce, because of his wild accusations, controlling behavior and others things. You now see from the comments that your situation, as crazy as it sound, is not so unique, and that many people use the same gaslighting techniques. And that this are not good people. I have been accused of cheating many times. It started early in the relationship, but it was more like « are you sure nothing happened? Because I would rather know », and after we were married it was more « I know what you did. Yeah sure: a work thing. And this colleague, you sure talk about him a lot », to a point where I could not talk about work anymore because I was scared of how he could interpret it. He even accused me of faking a car accident I was in (but could not explain to me WHY I would do this…) There are 2 things that I want to tell you about what I learn in those years on how to deal with this behavior. The first one is that what worked best is to take a step back, wait a bit and sit them down and ask for explanations. Why do you think that? Why would I fake a car accident? It is important not to get defensive but ask follow up questions. « I know I didn’t cheat, so why would you pretend the opposite? – I have proof, you know what you did! – I never cheated. You talk about proof, what is it then? – i dont’t want to show you, but I forgive you and it should be enough – Why don’t you? If I had proof of you cheating, I would at least want to talk about it. » The second thing I want to tell you about learning how to deal with this is… I wish I didn’t. I wish I told him to fuck off the first time he started to manipulate me and attacked my character that way. It only gets worse. I could not see it at the time, and maybe you can’t either yet, but here you are looking for answers of strangers on internet, so maybe it is time for you. For me, it took a very compassionate « you know this is not normal, right? » from a concerned colleague (not the one I’m he accused me of cheating with…)

    Oh and the cheating ex that made him that way? I sometimes wants to talk to her. I would not be surprised if her « cheating » was as real as mine. There is a comic in French « tant pis pour l’amour » which is autobiographic and in which the author speaks with the « evil, cheating ex » and discovers he just used the same manipulation techniques on her. BUT even if the cheating ex part is true… OP, do you really want to on-line like this?

  12. Time to tell fatass to get the fuck out of the house and move on. You don’t deserve this treatment. He’s a scumbag.

  13. I am sorry to say that once this sort of overbearing micromanaging control starts to happen IT Will NOT GET BETTER. It only gets worse from here on out. Please make a safe plan and get out asap. It is absolutely not normal or healthy.

  14. Is there any way he could see a counselor or therapist for a few sessions to get tools to help ease his stress and nervousness over what to him is an extended stay? Perhaps talking to a professional could ease his anxiety? You said the visit is a few months away-that could give him time to speak with someone and come up with a game plan for handling this.

  15. You're perfectly entitled to feeling hurt, and wishing things had gone differently. However, so no lose sight of you own choices here. Whilst he didn't say stop as I can't give you what you need, nor did you say stop, you're not giving me what I need.

    So, feeling hurt is legitimate, but take it as a lesson. Don't give up your own desires and needs for hope unless you are willing for the hope not to be fulfilled (and sometimes, going with hope is the right thing to do, so don't let this kill that flame).

  16. Frankly shocked how many people are defending this. While the performers are most likely legal adults, unless you follow the performers' careers, you can't be fully confident the young person in the video is of legal age. And even if they are, the fact that they're playing with the fantasy of the person being 13-19 year old, it turns my stomach.

    I would not trust a man who fantasizes and lusts after teenagers.

    Also, free porn streaming websites have a huge problem of downright illegal content slipping through the cracks so I just feel extremely iffy about people streaming some morally questionable porn when it's not uploaded by a verified account. Just think of revenge porn.

  17. Youre 20 bro its time to grow up. It doesn't sound like theres a relationship there but what was supposed to maybe be the start of one. You don't have owe her a relationship.

    You can just say you realized you're better as friends and have no interest in dating her. Make some boundaries and stop flirting. She may drop you as a friend but sounds like nothing would be lost.

  18. Omg this is ridiculous. He sounds super pretentious and obnoxious. My dad is a lawyer, my mom was a policy wonk and I have an Ivy League education. We read and watch sci fi and fantasy and all kinds of silly things in my family, right along with Plato and opera. This guy sounds like an ass.

  19. He left you. You really have no choice but to move on. You also have an obligation to your daughter to protect her from your soon to be exes crazy theories. What future medical emergency could turn out to be a disaster because of his anti medicine beliefs?

  20. That was private information confided to your gf. Gossip and hearsay is not your business. It sounds like you either don’t trust your gf or view her as a possession that you need to guard and “protect” from other guys.

  21. DITCH. Dont wait, do it now. You will thank yourself later. This is a horrible person. And super manipulative.

  22. I get called hon or sweetie fairly regularly in healthcare settings. I'm a 37 year old petite, very young looking person, but I don't get told I'm a big girl, haha. I don't ever do it to patients, regardless of age.

  23. Get. A. Secret. Camera.

    Film every time you're there with the kid for at least 2 months to have a decent collection to show dad proving you arent provoking anything so he can justifiably get the little maniac therapy.

  24. This has nothing to do with “challenge”, and everything to do with his own deep well of toxic insecurity. He's intentionally undermining you and belittling your accomplishments to make him feel better about himself.

    You can absolutely do better and find a new partner who actually acts like a partner.


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