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33 thoughts on “follow me here you find me! the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. My current girlfriend is asexual.

    If that's a deal breaker for you then date someone else instead of stringing her along.

    Asexual means she's not interested in sex, it doesn't mean try to convince her and harass her about it.

    We have gone backwards on progress, and now when I bring up the conversation it usually quickly ends with no resolution and me comforting her.

    The problem is your expectations of an asexual person are just not fair. If you need sex then dating an asexual person is a waste of their time and yours.

    I honestly feel like I am sexually assaulting her when I initiate.

    Because you essentially are. Hopefully, from all the responses, you're learning what asexual actually means.

    STOP HARASSING HER FOR ANY KIND OF SEX, and figure out your plans to go your separate ways already.

  2. Get a record of the kid saying that, she clearly alienated the child from you and that is in fact these days child abuse.

    I highly suggest you check out erasing families and see where she was trying to take it.

  3. One of the primary signs of an inappropriate relationship at work is that your spouse complains about the AP coworker constantly….. It's a defense mechanism that's designed to thwart any suspicion…. think (“She would never with that guy because she hates him so much”)… Of course that's not saying that's what's going on….Maybe she really hate the guy and he's not a nice person…. But Your subconscious thought went straight to ..”(Are they having an inappropriate relationship?”) for a reason….

  4. This is mostly a game between them. You're just there to get kicked up and down the field. It's probably been going on for years, and isn't likely to stop. Just try to stay on your girlfriend's side of it.

  5. u/Typical-Bad-9547, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  6. The Scorpion and the Frog are referenced in Brooklyn 99, if you're familiar with that show. In one of the Pontiac Bandit episodes, Doug Judy promises to help Jake with a case, while Rosa warns Jake of the Scorpion and the Frog. At the end of the episode it seems that Judy has, as the scorpion, betrayed his trusting friend. But he makes it right in the end and Jake isn't left completely high and dry.

  7. Oh my god, come back to reality. He loves your “youthful genes”…that’s not genetics, you’re just literally still a teenager.

  8. Never let a man determine your value. They don’t have that power. I’m sure you’re great, seems like your boyfriend sucks. I’d suggest a conversation with him letting him know this needs to change ASAP and you’re tired of it. If he doesn’t change ? you’re still young

  9. Well depends on his reasons. Living home with parents until 30, saving all the money I make sounds like reasonable prospect. On ther other most people can't really take it. You can have good relationship with your parents but usually at some point in your 20s you are ready and wanting to have you own space.

  10. As a dom this is our literal nightmare. You’re not wrong for being scared to disappoint him, but you’re very wrong to not tell him what you’re feeling! In your defense, pretty weird he hasn’t asked you if you’re into it, and never is gentle with you anymore.

    He will feel awful when you tell him. But he will feel SO relieved. This is going to be a learning moment for him, because he needs to realize he can always do more to make you feel safe to communicate your needs (both sexual and intimate).

    Also, you can have rough sex without actually traumatizing your partner via proper prep and foreplay and lube. Different people’s bodies can tolerate different levels of pain and intensity. Part of his job is learning your boundaries in those departments, but you gotta communicate them!

  11. As a dom this is our literal nightmare. You’re not wrong for being scared to disappoint him, but you’re very wrong to not tell him what you’re feeling! In your defense, pretty weird he hasn’t asked you if you’re into it, and never is gentle with you anymore.

    He will feel awful when you tell him. But he will feel SO relieved. This is going to be a learning moment for him, because he needs to realize he can always do more to make you feel safe to communicate your needs (both sexual and intimate).

    Also, you can have rough sex without actually traumatizing your partner via proper prep and foreplay and lube. Different people’s bodies can tolerate different levels of pain and intensity. Part of his job is learning your boundaries in those departments, but you gotta communicate them!

  12. I experienced something like this, from the ex’s side. Not long after my divorce my ex husband’s gf called me crying. Literally barely able to breathe bawling. She said she NEEDED to know the reason why we split up. I told her it wasn’t for me to tell and if she thought he wasn’t being honest, or being seriously mistreated, then she had to decide if it was worth it.

    Of course I was the bad guy, he hated me, still does over 20 years later, and she stayed. I’m guessing for the money bc by all accounts they’re both miserable. Not my circus not my monkeys.

  13. You don't own part of his car, unless you have proof the money you gave him would be considered a gift.

    Going forward, even if you get it notarized/legal contract with a payment plan, you do understand that he still won't pay you back? Do you have time to waste in small claim courts?

    Listen, he isn't entitled to your money. You could do so much better (from your previous comments and post history).

  14. Darling you need to pack up take your dog and leave. You or the dog or both are gonna end up dead. Leave!!!!

  15. Omg 100% it’s so unattractive to date someone who has a history of dating psychos or anyone trashy hhah

  16. Why? Because you think it tastes bad? Then why are you ok with him going down on you? Genuinely don’t understand this logic.

  17. I appreciate your comment and I agree for the most part. I will try to bring up seeking help but as of now, I don’t think I can accept letting them go.

  18. It’s an order. It’s the type of feedback I would give one of my employees. I certainly would not say that to a romantic partner or someone who was on my level or above in a business context.

  19. No extent at all, he's lashing out at you because of his own hurt and insecurity, if he's unable to reflect and realise that then you've got a lot more of this ahead.

  20. Why do you want to keep this one sided friendship?

    He mooching off of you, using you financially, not appreciative or willing to admit all you're doing for him, bulldozing ovet you valid concerns, verbally abusive and again dismissive of you, makes you feel bad about yourself and guilts you and this isn't even the first time he's used you financially? Why do you let him treat you like a doormat?

  21. If it was a break, where they had expectations that you remain loyal and respectful of the relationship, then yes it’s cheating.

    So end the relationship.

    Tell your ex that she is a hypocritical cheater and not worth the effort to piss on if she was on fire.

  22. Ultimately he either has been abusing codine your entire relationship or has relapsed. Rikodeine is still codine.

    I would sit him down, tell him you found the empty bottles and go from there. For me I feel I couldn't make the choice over what to do next until I know how he reacted to me confronting him. I think you need brutal honesty from him to even consider staying


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