Ethel on-line webcams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Ethel on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Nope. Unless specifically agreed upon, that doesn’t happen. And it clearly hasn’t been. It’s partially on him for poor communication.

  2. Yes it's true every generalization has it's exemptions, yet one can't deny without curiosity there's no basic motivation to learn, without intelligence there's no realization of the possibilities knowledge opens and the successful testing that accredits the certification in an specific branch of human activity, with those elements it's more probable the individual may obtain his financial independency and may be open and exposed to a circle of intellectual dexterity granting him along with his social personal experience a wide range of topics to arrive to an interesting flow in the communication exchange. I agree also he can be an autodidact and reach almost the same results.

  3. Just here about the networking aspect of this situation. Knowing some extra contacts in the company is always helpful. In the world we live! in, it’s not what you know it’s who you know.

    I would encourage you two to mix your work groups sometimes. Networking is a huge aspect in large corporations.

  4. Nah he's doing it because he doesn't trust you. You are allowed to set the healthy boundary of no phone calls at work. He has to learn that you have to do your job without him.

  5. I don't go into personal details. And, I don't have the interest to go through your comments because I really don't care too much about you or what you do.

  6. No, he’s not “an amazing boyfriend.”

    He is physically abusive and, like all abusers, tricks you into staying with him by showering you in love and affection in between violent assaults.

    Your situation isn’t unique; it’s how abusive relationships work. They’re always “great” when they’re not throwing you around and scaring the shit out of you.

    There’s nothing to be confused about here. You leave. Staying means choosing abuse.

  7. It's not altered unless you make it that way. Just keep being you like always. I'll give you this, she's toying with the idea and you can fuck it up right here. It's important to carry on and you can still joke about it but you've made your move imo, now it's on her to come to you. She knows now and if you go back to normal it'll eat at her, too. If not, then you stay as is. If she starts getting more flirty but then starts to back off, ask her again because she's probably shy and pissed/ hurt (not rationally but happens) you ain't hit on her again. If not, it's because she is fighting feelings or starting to have an interest in another. Not going to guarantee any of this, everybody is different but similar and these are your average actions. Good luck and all my best.

  8. I've never heard of rape by deception, but having unprotected sex with others and then sleeping with him is wrong. All you can do is apologize.

    If you have so much drama why are you in this relationship? Why don't you make a clean break and start getting therapy and learn to act like a mature adult in a relationship?


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