Emma the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Emma, 28 y.o.


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10 thoughts on “Emma the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You still had an EA with your ex.

    You admit you couldnt let him go so you “friended” him, so your emotions were still attached to your ex. An EA is indeed cheating, just as bad a PA is.

    The fact that you didnt want to spend the first night with your bf? Seems he's taken a back seat to everyone around you since he met you.

    No wonder he feels as he does. Nothing worse than being the 3rd wheel in a supposedly 2 person relationship.

  2. I mean, first of all – he sounds totally disgusting and I’d red flag him to social workers and leave. But if trying to find logic to the insanity, could it be he would prefer she dated women rather than men because with men comes the higher risks associated with rape and unplanned pregnancy? But to say rug munching, like wtf is wrong with this guy. Gotta hope this is a troll post karma farming.

  3. I also wanted to add on that for me, going to a spa is something where I would want to have advance notice so I could make sure I had my body ready. Like do I need to give myself a pedicure, am I wearing the right type of underwear, do I need to shave etc. If my body is going to be exposed or touched by other people, I want to make sure I'm being as considerate and comfortable as possible.

  4. I think your girlfriend’s sister’s intentions are good and probably just views this as a kind gesture to make you feel included in the family, but admittedly I would also be taken aback a bit by this offer because I’m used to people doing things like this for their own best friends or close family members rather than a boyfriend their sister has been going out with for under two years. Still, the concept of “god parenthood” is one that doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone and although it is a meaningful title, it may not be entirely as weighty as you think.

    What does her family believe are the responsibilities of a god father? Is it just that you’ll be involved in the child’s life on a regular basis, as you probably would be anyway since he’s your girlfriend’s nephew? Does she just want her child to have a positive male figure in his life (not sure if a husband/boyfriend is in the picture)? Those things don’t sound quite so burdensome, although I still understand why you feel like her request has a lot of magnitude on a symbolic level. It’s also possible that your girlfriend has been named the legal guardian of her children in the unlikely event of her sister’s passing and you’re being offered the role of god parent as a way to be like “well, my sister is legally the one who would become charged with their care but I trust you enough to be okay with you raising them as well since you’re together.”

  5. My wife is a complete slob. We have also been married for a long long time.

    Your girlfriend is not perfect and neither are you. These are not hills to die in, they are issues to work out over the long haul.

    Now my wife will do dishes and laundry on occasion, but here's the deal…

    It took a long time and I have to accept it as a part of who she is. She puts up with my stupid shit too.

    Don't be like Seinfeld where women are discarded for having a freaky toe. My wife is an amazing woman under the slob so I can on-line with a little dirty for all the rest that she is.

    Remember, she's not perfect, but neither are you.

  6. Or he gets one bc it’s his body and it’s your decision if ending a marriage over a tattoo is logical.

  7. You feel like you are being manipulated because you are being manipulated. She’s basically doing to you what her boyfriend is doing to her – i.e., using emotionally exploitative manoeuvres to keep you tied in. There’s not much difference between him crying and her saying stuff like “you don’t deserve me”, because both of them are prompting the same response of “I’ll stay” at the expense of the person staying but with little to no cost to the person doing the manipulation.

    You will never be able to have a satisfactory relationship with her while she is still with her boyfriend.


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