Emma <3 the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Emma <3, 18 y.o.


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11 thoughts on “Emma <3 the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. There are so many women's shelters and other organizations that would love food donations. There's one in Uptown/Edgewater called Sarah's Circle that organized lunches for the women at the shelter every week that gladly took home-cooked meals. IDK if they still do that (I moved away for school temporarily) but I'm sure other chicagoans can chime in too. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a rich high-rise dweller is so far removed from the income disparity in the city that they didn't even consider something like this…

  2. You can’t fix someone with an addiction issue. They need to work on fixing themself. All the love in the world will not replace their own desire to finally stop. If you leave you are not doing anything wrong. You said yourself you don’t feel safe, and it’s ruining your life to see her do this long slow decline. You have two choices here, and they are not stay or go. They are: 1. let her go with the knowledge that you will support her WHEN she decides to help herself, or 2. Let her drag you down into the abyss with her, because she absolutely will.

  3. Thank you! She definitely had to think about it to ignore it, so I’m hoping you’re right 🙂

  4. You make 5x more than him and if he moves into your apartment, he’ll be living way above his means, which is not really a good idea. I understand that you dont want to move, but he’s considering moving into an apartment he can’t even HALF-WAY afford, he couldn’t even afford a 3rd. The only way he’d be able to online there is if you cover most of his share of expenses, and you’ve only been together a year. Don’t invite someone to come on-line with you who doesn’t even qualify on the lease. Is there potential in the near future (you’re both already in your 30s) for his income to increase? Do you really want to be in a relationship with such a large income gap long term? There’s a LOT of potential for problems here, moving someone into your home that can’t afford to contribute even 50%. What if he decides to quit the job he dislikes? Are you content to pay 5x as much as him for everything you want to do together, forever?

    Financial incompatibility is a big source of relationship issues. If I were you, I’d date within my tax bracket. You’re going to be able to do a lot of things he can’t afford, and unless you’re 100% willing and happy to pay his way so he can keep up with your lifestyle, resentment will build.

    The smartest decision for him right now is to live within his means and probably move to a cheaper city. Don’t volunteer to be his meal ticket so he can live! in a nice fancy apartment that he cannot afford.

  5. Fine as long as both people are consenting adults, the is nothing illegal going on and the two people are compatible & happy together.

    I'm only attracted to guys that are older than me and started datingwith a minimum 15 year age gap.

  6. It doesn’t seem like he’s addicted to porn? Just that he uses it when he masturbates instead of videos of her which is totally reasonable. I send my boyfriend videos and he uses them about half the time. OP is being a little unreasonable asking someone to give up porn forever and only masturbate to videos of her. I’m bisexual and I would never give up occasionally looking at lesbian porn for my boyfriend and I’m not a porn addict.

  7. Bringing a third person into a relationship is the beginning of the end of that relationship. So if you're hellbent on undermining your situation at least do it with a stranger. Because when it ends, and it will, you'll still want to have some friends to console you (and f*cking friends ruins friendships).

  8. Hold on… is she a minor? ? if so you know what you need to do. Either way it’s gross but if she’s underage I would turn his ass in.

  9. I do not think that pretending that she is her mother is a good idea. The daughter is feeling uneasy because her father is stepping over boundaries with his daughter. If the father is confusing his daughter with his wife, he could get a lot of things twisted in his mind. He might start treating his daughter as if she is not his daughter. When he asked which type of woman was she, that was perverted. My first thought was that he wants to do something inappropriate with his daughter.

  10. Why on earth would you invite the two people that betrayed you? Family or not, they shouldn't get that privilege to attend your wedding.


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