Elle_ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Elle_, 99 y.o.


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30 thoughts on “Elle_ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. There is such a thing as “over communicating”. Sometimes things really aren't that serious. You can both acknowledge that for example the gym thing was a small misunderstanding and just move on from it. I see how it can feel shocking for you but I also get where he's coming from. When you called he might not have been acting so warm and inviting, it could have been just a misunderstanding or maybe ha was in a rush.

    Knowing you, he knew the second he hung up on you that you're gonna bring it up the next day talk about it for hours when it was this silly little thing that needed “my bad, baby I just was in a rush/busy/not feeling great but there's nothing to worry about” but instead it ends up being a paragraph after paragraph and the dreadful feeling of that waiting for him sank down in his stomach which is how “it ruined” gym for him.

    Now, that comes off as selfish when from his perspective it wasn't a big deal. From yours, you just wanted to make sure you didn't do anything wrong but how he sees it is that you want to do it in the way that makes you sleep better at night rather than how he'd rather go about it. It feels as if you're doing that for your peace of mind instead of caring about his feelings.

    The things you do are great, it seems like you genuinely do care about him but it might just not be the way he wants to be loved maybe he has a different love language.

    He also seems like he hasn't been communicating his love in a way you understand. It feels like you're giving him what you want him to do for you and maybe he's doing the same because both of you seem to not get what you want when it comes to showing love and affection.

  2. I think you’re right to feel like this. To be honest, I would also suspect that more has happened here 🙁

  3. Hmm in that case, bring it up again. But if they want to play pity party and keep making you feel guilty, try to be a little stern with them by giving them a warning that you will think about breaking up if they don’t trust you. Trust is something very powerful in a relationship, and if they aren’t going to respect you, then yeah

  4. Wait 3 seconds or wait 3 weeks – it's completely up to you. There is no right or wrong amount of time and if someone broke up with you, you don't owe them shit.

  5. Because they didn't specifiy in the original post. They didn't say anything about a lease, apartment, house, any of that.

    Therefore I was trying to get a feel for what that dynamic was in order to give a proper answer and not just assume by filling in the blanks randomly.

  6. Why do you feel bad?

    You have nothing wrong. You never made any promises he has the choice and ability to talk to other women. Omg lady have some self respect. Your not a candy that a little boy wants. Your a human being a person with your own rights.

    You don't owe him anything.

  7. I think you might need some couples counseling to help you guys out. This seems like you guys are in a rough patch, but one you can get through. Maybe also you guys do a session or two with a sexual therapist to give you guys new ideas/mindsets on your sexual lives too?

    I mean, I’d also maybe give him a list of things you want from him in terms of affection on a regular basis so he knows what you feel like you need? Maybe he just needs to have a small reminder or something so he’s doing it far more regularly.

    I hope you guys can get through this, it seems like you can easily rebuild this relationship to being stronger than ever, you just got to get on the same page.

  8. I'm less concerned about why your BF divides shared costs this way than I am about the fact that you're considering marriage but are afraid to discuss this fairly simple financial/emotional issue with him. There are LOTS of reasons why your BF might act this way: he might be cheap; he might be super detail-oriented; he might be doing what he would want done if he owed someone money; he might be doing what he thinks you would prefer; he might be worried that you'd think he wasn't dividing things fairly unless you saw documentation. I don't know, which makes sense because I'm not dating him — but YOU don't know because you're not asking him, nor are you sharing with him how it makes you feel, and that is not a good foundation of communication for a serious relationship. Finances, as you have noticed, often have a lot of emotions, beliefs, and personal values associated with them. It's big stuff that can literally doom a relationship if it's not managed well.

    Why are you afraid to talk to him about this?

  9. So does your husband realize he’s entering an age where most women will have had kids and won’t be perfect?

  10. Then that's your answer. You wouldn't consider it in a committed relationship, no matter who it was.

    If she's not forcing it or planning to act on it without you, then I guess it's naked to understand why you're holding it against her this much.

  11. Her behavior is inappropriate. She obviously needs therapy because you’re the only parent that can produce milk. Literally.

  12. I've been to gyms full of men for more than 10 years, as i like martial arts. Nothing inappropriate happens if you don't want it to happen. Spending multiple hours together doesn't mean a lot.

    People who build inappropriate relationships or cheat at the gym would have cheated everywhere else. People who don't want to cheat, don't cheat at the gym or in a bar or anywhere else. Plain and simple.

  13. They are not sharing theirs based on % of total income tho. He only makes $500 more than her, but takes care of 90% of expenses. That doesn’t make sense.

  14. He said that he must not know boundaries well and doesn’t know how to act around women. So I asked him why should I trust him and he insisted he wants to learn for me….

  15. I’d say it’s enough of a gap that they have a huge difference in maturity. 19 is someone who just started college like a year ago, and 24 is someone who has probably been in the work force for a couple years at that point if they did the standard 4 years of college..

  16. From the sounds of it, she had a child at 17-18 and got married at 19. Her brain, most likely, is still developing. She’s not done growing, and she seems to want space to do that. Or maybe there’s something else going on that’s not referenced in this post. But given the details herein, my advice would be to decide what your priority is for now. Is it stability? Or is it saving your marriage? If you want stability, then treat this separation like the beginning of divorce proceedings and start that process. This has happened three times in the past year, it’s untenable.

    If your main goal is saving your marriage, then give her space and maintain confidence through it. If there’s any chance of this surviving, she needs to know that you’ll be there for her even if she can’t explain what she needs.

    Given your age, and her age, I’d probably suggest you divorce. You’re both still young…no need to suffer through “what could have been”.

  17. Shit like this minimizes the true violence and trauma of actual rape.

    Yeah, you did something shitty but calling it rape is way out of line.

  18. She just told you that she WILL cheat on you whenever it feels convenient for her. Do as you will but my suggestion is get out of that relationship and don't look back.

  19. It's not a shocker that some people have more common sense than others, just saying that claim someone young is immature is a bit of an expected thing is all.

    Still think that depending on things it can always be worth to grow up and mature together because you'll eventually learn and adapt to each other better than if you start with someone older who's already set in their ways.

    Not excusing her for the stupidity she committed btw.

  20. If that's his “boundry” then he should leave you. That's how boundries work…not as a tool to get someone to act how you want them too.

  21. Whose name is on the account at the vet clinic? Is the dog chipped and if so whose name is on that? These two things help determine legal ownership in the US.

    If everything is in your name, you own the dog. Go get dog. That’s not stealing.

    If it’s not all in your name, then you’ll have to negotiate and I’d think that the 10hrs with no potty break would be the angle to take. That’s neglect.

  22. Sit him down. Tell him: I am deeply hurt when you ignore me when I ask you to stop something and it escalates to the point of anger. This is a dealbreaker and it will not be tolerated.

    If it happens again. Do not give 15 minutes. As soon as he ignores you. Get up and walk out. Do not say anything. Do not react.

  23. If he wants to last longer, he should try going down on you when he’s getting close. Gives him a chance to cool down and helps to ensure you’re finishing as often as he is

  24. Because besides that, I don't wanna say we're perfect for each other but we're pretty damn close. We get along, both mostly want the same things from life, talk about issues we have with each other and fix them before they turn into a problem. It's just that one thing, and admittedly it is a huge thing, but I just feel like that one thing can't and shouldn't outweigh all the good things


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