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Elizabeth, 20 y.o.


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30 thoughts on “Elizabeth the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Infection in that area is pretty common, which is another reason I think vasectomy is a wiser choice. I find guys who refuse and want thier wife to get surgery instead to be super insecure.

  2. Your friend really has no reason to lie about the holding hands part.

    Your boyfriend lied Your friend told the truth about him being there I would trust your friend over your boyfriend

  3. Sounds like you're freaking out about it because it's not something you're familiar with. I had similar reactions when talking to my partner about my attraction to women. Most guys I dated viewed me being bi as a promise for a threesome at some point whereas my current partner knows it's just me expressing myself. It still weirds me out but I'm getting used to it.

    It's worth it to talk about it with each other when you're feeling more chill and seeing where the boundaries are.

  4. i agree. some of these comments are weird. “so what if you were masturbating? it’s your body.” you can defend her without defending masturbating next to someone without their consent, since she didn’t even do that, so why defend it? we always laminate the fact that simply being in a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you have consent to do whatever sexual thing you want around them or to them. if a boyfriend started masturbating in the bed while i was sleeping i would be uncomfortable, i’m sorry. in fact that has happened to me, it made me very uncomfortable, and we talked about it the next morning and he didn’t do it again. if that makes me a piece of shit so be it lol

    (obviously none of this applies to OP since like i said she didn’t do that. this comment is purely at the people who are insisting there is nothing wrong with masturbating next to someone who doesn’t consent to that.)

  5. And that’s fine. I’m not shaming her for having a threesome with two guys she trusted. I’m also not blaming her for getting high in order to find the strength. Further, if she regrets it, that’s fine too.

    What I don’t like is she characterizes this as rape.

  6. I agree that latching onto the age difference gets SUPER old in this sub, but there's a happy medium.

    All of his answers have been 'she wants a house so…'. It's not 'we want a house'. This kid is 2 years old and well old enough to go into a childcare situation outside of the house so mom can get employment too, so dad can be at home more.

    This situation is going to play out very typically: he's going to be gone because he's working. The kid is going to grow up not knowing his dad because dad was working his ass off for the money that mom wanted him to make. It's very cliché and very sad, and having her pick up a job to help is a good way out of it.

  7. Then he can leave her. Again, you don’t know the situation either. Maybe she wasn’t depressed when they got married. When you get married you vow “in sickness and in health”. It seems like OP’s husband didn’t try to resolve it in any other way and just went behind his partners back.

  8. Gonna need more info. You know like what std, as some are fairly common and can be acquired in ways other that sex…so fill in the detail

  9. You got assaulted and he’s making your trauma about himself.

    That’s fucked.

    There are people who will help you without causing you to feel they’re focusing on anyone but you.

  10. I'm pretty sure I would die without my CPAP lol. Can't recommend it enough to other people who suffer from apnea

  11. You're getting too old and mouthy for him. He wants that sweet, lil' submissive girl he could control, not a tired, mother of his child who doesn't obey and is starting to wise up to why women his own age wouldn't have anything to do with him.

  12. No his surname is not Tate ;( he doesn’t say we have to be equal but i agree that we should be equal in some sense… but it’s just I can’t stop comparing with other couples…

  13. Yeah none of that is remotely in the realm of boudoir. That just crosses into porn. No self-respecting boudoir photographer would suggest that. Your friend just wanted to take porn pics of your wife.

  14. How do I respond without insulting you. Clearly your wife does not value you at all as a person. I am assuming here that she has no issues with intelligence. It is no longer a loving relationship and I would stop attempting to justify any of this in your mind. Move on with your life and forget about this experience, it will only drag you down to a level you will not easily come back from.

  15. What are you talking about? He didn’t say that? There are other birth control methods that don’t include hormones?

  16. Jfc do you not hear yourself??? ITS NOT HER RESPONSIBILITY TO ACCOMMODATE YOUR SISTER AND HER KIDS. SHES NOT THEIR MOTHER OF CAREGIVER. it’s her car and space, point blank period. That is her stuff, that she seemingly paid for. Get over yourself. You’re completely in the wrong and it’s your fault for ruining the relationship. I hope she finds a better living situation bc she deserves lightyears better than this treatment.


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