Elegance live sex cams for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Elegance live sex cams for YOU!

  1. How tho, especially if I dont want to but I overthink and it forces me to yet in an intorvert and dont wnat To? Yet I'm hs with that? And basic needs.

  2. It's unfair and controlling. He can have those boundaries and that's fine but you should reflect on whether a dynamic where only his word matters is something you want to be in.

  3. Well it depends how often they text. I would not feel comfortable with the idea of my partner texting someone he was involved with before on a regular basis

  4. Your update is absolutely terrific. Your neurodiversity has given you a leg up here in terms of being able to pull this apart in a way that is constructive. Obviously your own therapeutic experience is of great value here.

    Talking with him about what CBT can do for him is great. Not only diverting intrusive thoughts but giving him reframes for impulsive and half-analyzed thoughts.

    Thank you for the update.

  5. We have been separated for 3 months now. Yes the big fight was on me. Led bydrinking too much that evening and blowing up at her and calling her some horrible names. The fight is over finances as I was paying half her mortgage and bills along and the house is in her name as she bought it right as we started dating. Since that time I have voiced my concern and felt unheard about me paying half and having nothing to show for it.

  6. Something is wrong either in her past or her family's. Personally I would wait for her to go to the bathroom and snoop in her wallet to see her ID and then google her, which is funny because she could have just told you her surname and there is a huge chance you would have done zero snooping into her past.

  7. I’ve had men ABSOLUTELY respond with ‘he don’t let you have friends?’ when I tell them I have a bf. Some of them even pretend to want to be friends with you until it’s 1am and they’re horny and the dick pics start. Men don’t give a damn

    I don’t tell men im ‘taken’ anymore, I tell them No, im not interested. If they respond appropriately we may do this cordially but other times I may have to curse them out. They get the same energy they put in.

    As for you believing your gf need to use you as her barrier, get out of here. This is not happening to you. Some men can be dangerous and how she respond is up to her. This is about HER, not you. Get over yourself

  8. No no no no. Most of this stuff isn’t 100% proven. You are overblowing what genetic analysis is capable of doing. Either you are new to the field or you are working for a quack company that is pushing pseudoscience. Just stop.

  9. Don't move in together until there is respect in the relationship. Respect, honesty, and communication are essental in good relationships, and you don't have any of these.

  10. While dating and living together, I would suggest you either split joint expenses evenly or directly in proportion to your incomes.

    If you can't reach an agreement about this in a respectful manner you aren't cut out to live! together

  11. Yeah she won't suddenly be kicked out, she will have time to find a place, and can potentially continue living there depending on how amicable the break up is.

  12. My guy, you came here for advice. From what it sounds like you were being inappropriate with a friend while dating someone else. You made these “jokes” over text, no? She probably considered it sexting. And if i was your girlfriend getting those screenshots, I’d think the same thing. You were leading her on. Plain and simple. You can try to twist it to make yourself look like you did nothing wrong but the truth is you crossed a line while you were in a relationship.

  13. You probably didn’t handle that as well as you could have, but I can’t say I would have done any better. For me, personally…..don’t surprise me with unexpected guests. If we have unexpected guests, although I won’t be thrilled about it, it’s fine. But if you’re my wife, have the courtesy and the most basic respect for me to at least shoot me a quick text before I get there saying something like “btw, _______dropped by and might still be here when you get home, just wanted to let you know so you weren’t surprised”. At least give me a chance to put on a mask for them.

    Better communication would have probably prevented this. You should both take this as a learning experience.

  14. I feel like she knows she did something wrong. I’m not trying to make excuses for her but I think her refusal to admit fault is more due to guilt than due to narcissism or one of the other reasons people refuse to admit guilt.

    I just wish that her refusal to admit wrongdoing didn’t leak out to the rest of our family and friends.

  15. My partner knows the hierarchy, the dogs were here first. They're top of the love chain, but it's a good thing because he loves them just as much.

    Everyone is different, but OP's husband sounds insecure and they need to communicate a bit better imo.

  16. I would ask, just the way you said it here…See how he responds. If it is normal, I definitely would at least be concerned. Even if he has a good explanation.

  17. I know everyone's giving you crap in the comments but it would be annoying to have a partner who can't participate in your hobbies at all. I get that. My husband and I used to hike all the time. The thing is though, when I started gaining weight and couldn't hike as far my husband was willing to go on shorter hikes with me and went on longer ones with his friends. Turned out my weight gain was from my thyroid like one of the other posters mentioned. If you're going to be in a serious relationship you're going to have a lot of ups and downs and you have to be willing to stick by that person. She could be going through depression or have some condition she doesn't know about. You keep mentioning how much she eats and I'm totally not judging you on that. When my thyroid was really off I ate a TON. Way, way more than my husband because I was constantly hungry from my hormones being so off. It also caused depression that led to aches and pains that I complained about all the time. Take the time to have an honest conversation and tell her you need her to be willing to get help. You're young and deserve to have fun with your partner but she also deserves a chance to deal with whatever's going on. That's a lot of weight in one year. If she refuses then that's your answer.

    Also the snoring… I feel like if a woman came to reddit and posted about how she hasn't slept well in a year because of her husband's snoring everyone would tell her to demand he get testing or they sleep separately. That's a serious issue; you not sleeping long term will physically f you up. Personally refusing to see a doctor for the snoring would be a deal breaker if I was only a year into a relationship.

  18. Bro I had the same problem first time it was hard to get up and it was DEFINITELY performance anxiety, drop porn and masturbation it'll make it so much better and easier to get up. Porn messes with the way that you look at sec in a bad way, you don't need that in your life. Once it's dropped for a while you'll notice changes for the better 🙂

  19. Thank you for your reply.

    I'm very bad about thinking about things in black and white but have been trying to work on that. I think me saying “it really was me” was probably from me being negative towards myself, which is something that's gotten much worse recently. I've been trying to rationalise it by thinking of it as him not being able to articulate it or him not knowing why he didnt comfort me (since he started therapy recently) but I do need to get better about not seeing it as such a black and white situation.

    You're right that it would probably be beneficial for me to talk to him about my own period of isolation. I will note, I've been open about everything else (depression, traumatic events, my own diagnoses, etc.) just not that particular time period. I would like to talk to him about it but there's a couple of reasons why I've hesitated. The three biggest ones would be:

    1) I was severely suicidal during this time period and he lost one of his best friends a little more than 3 years ago to suicide. I'm worried that I'll bring up memories of his friend or hurt him by telling him I thought it was better to be by myself rather than reach out to anyone.

    2) It's honestly still hard for me to take my own mental struggles seriously and talking about that period and how i felt/ what i went through always feels silly.

    3) I feel bad telling him cause I know he's going through a lot right now and I don't want to stress him out any more than he already is.

    I agree that a lot of this is just communication issues between the two of us. I've been trying to encourage communication by thanking him whenever he opens up and telling him that I'm grateful that whenever he feels comfortable to share stuff with me. Sometimes it seems like progress is being made and then other times not so much but, I guess that's normal? Two steps forwards, one step back kinda?


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