Effie_and_Damon the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Effie_and_Damon, 20 y.o.


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22 thoughts on “Effie_and_Damon the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Your relationship with your mom is between you and her. Your ‘dad’ and sister don’t get a say in it, especially as your ‘dad’ doesn’t want to have anything to do with you.

    Your sister can do whatever she wants to with her relationship with her mom, but if she uses your relationship against you, then you cut her off completely.

    As for your ‘dad’ he’s punishing you for something that you had no part in, and while you could understand wanting a few weeks or months to get his head and heart sorted, that is over, so his reaction shows his true feelings for you.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that he always treated your sister better than you, I also wouldn’t be surprised if he had inclination’s that your mom had an affair all along.

    So cut him off completely as well. You deserve people who love, care and respect you in your life.

  2. u/isthisrealitygoo, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. The rule of thumb is 1/2 her age +4 years. So If she's 32…1/2 is 16 + 4 is 20….So yep a 20 year old is as young as she should date to not appear to be a cradle robber. That 32 year old is to old for your brother….. Hope it's just a hook up type relationship because any type of long term relationship would end in disaster.

  4. Don’t text a ton early on. If you text too much, you won’t have much to talk about in person and bond over, so things will feel awkward.

    That kind of natural flow and connection usually develops over time. Right now you’re still getting to know each other and are still shy/awkward a bit. You’ve only dated for 2 weeks. Give it time

  5. You have every right to have hobbies and friendship outside the relationship. Would she rather you go to a bar or strip club with your friends? She is the one that needs to accept your hobby. If she can't, I can't see this relationship working long term.

    There is nothing wrong with gaming. Play it when she watches her Dutch TV or whenever. Try to come to an agreement with her. If she doesn't try to compromise that pretty much says she doesn't care about your happiness.

    I'm a woman and my naked working and amazing partner games a lot. He needs his down time and I'm happy he enjoys himself. He doesn't play loud games and he chats more than he talks but if he talked a bit I would be happy for him.

    It would be pretty controlling if she didn't allow you to have hobbies. You should be able to play when you want as long as you are not neglecting your responsibilities or relationship. She can wear headphones or do anything else while you game.

  6. Unhealthy. I feel like you have some attachment to him, which is why you keep getting back with him and also why you’re making this post. I hope you find the peace you need but let me tell you it’s not gonna be with this guy.

  7. You owe it to your kids to remain the responsible bread earner because your husband won’t be. Don’t move, don’t leave the security of your job, your family and don’t upend the lives of your children because your husband is having a midlife crisis. Being happy is important but for a family with young kids it’s secondary, you’re husband is being massively irresponsible.

  8. Run!!!! As fast & as far as you can. Make a plan. Get out. Your life & your baby's is about to become a living hell. Do you have family you can call to come get you? DV shelters nearby?

  9. Randok hypothetical number: .1% of 400million people is 4 million people, so it's a lot of people! But what .1% of people do is weird AF. I've never met anyone in person in my entire life who keeps ashes from dead animals.

    Even given that, It's not one single behavior on it's own that's weird, it's the overall pattern of behavior combined.

  10. If the intent of dating is to eventually settle down with someone who has the same life goals, it should be discussed early on to assess compatibility. Before I met my husband, I wouldn’t continue seeing someone if I knew they were dead set on children because I was a “no”. Why get invested if this is going to a barrier down the road?

  11. What if she was previously married? What if she had a chronic illness? What if she had a child? What if she used to be a stripper? What if she was rude to a homeless person the previous day? How much does a person have to disclose to someone else before they can have sex?

  12. Dude, I’m surprised you didn’t notice but depending on race, age, some MFT/FMT can seem to look natural. If this is genuine, then like you said, he lied to you, he covered it up and he likely wore a pair of tucking underwear. Fuck your friends and family, this clearly needs to discussed pretty early on if you are trans and dating someone. You aren’t misgendering anyone, someone has betrayed your trust, fucked up your last six months, lied to you, screwed over your Valentine’s Day for a few years and also means you’ll likely need time to heal. All because someone’s lied to you. Now, this would be different if she told you at the start. Equally, trans people deserve to find love and if at the start you knew and were fine with this, you do you boo. It’s the lying and emotional manipulation to get you to have feelings before telling you that they were born X sex and go by Y sex now.

  13. As least you see it now. That’s all that matters that you NOW see it. Run girl. And thank god you haven’t wasted your life and are trapped. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for, he’s just sneaky.

  14. Jesus dude this is not okay. You have feelings for her but you are so damn selfish about them that you are wishing something bad upon her aka breaking up with her longterm boyfriend who she's likely very in love with so you could get your chance. If I was her and I became single and read this post I would be so put off by you for good. You're not really her friend either if you're just hanging around her with the hope she breaks up and you get a turn in her pants. It has been two years. Get into therapy, control your thoughts, sort those feelings out and move the hell on. The girl is happy and her man is I reckon a much better pick than you.

  15. Yeah homie if she wants to dip fine but it’s nothing to be proud of. Husband is taking in his niece – that’s something to be proud of.

    Someone who finds a bag of kittens left in the road can save them or not, there’s no obligation but if they abandon them there it’s definitely not something to be proud of.

  16. I don‘t go with her because she doesn‘t want me to go with her. It‘s a „girls night out“ apparently


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