Drea-miles on-line sex cams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “Drea-miles on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sorry.

    Youve captured the sentiments of Millions of people who've come before and millions after if that makes you feel any better.

  2. Your husband is fucking men in the woods lmao it's called cruising and you're more in denial then he is in the closet. Get tested.

  3. They have not even discuss this and have been together for six months and he has moved in with her. Slightly different expectations, intimately, than a second date.

  4. You shouldn't spend your youth on a guy who doesn't act his age. Not to say he's a bad person, but he needs to grow more on his own time. You need a partner who can grow with you and match your maturity level. From your post, you seem to be a very level-headed person and you will eventually find that special person.

  5. You are thinking abotu throwing it all away now though? For a man that obviously doesn;t care about cheating on his spouse either? It would probably be should crushing for your husband to even hear that you are entertaining these feelings. The one that has worked so hard to provide such a wonderful life for you. All that it takes is running into an ex from over 20 years ago and you think more of that relationship than the one with your husband and father of your children?

  6. You call for a wellness check. You then block her on all platforms. If she continues to contact you you get a restraining order.

  7. It would be fine to just not know, but the part of me that likes it makes me keep asking about it… it's a vicious cycle

  8. I was thinking the same. They're also just 4 years apart i mean that's not as huge as he makes it look like. Plus shes an adult legally and not “a teenager”.

    The only thing i can agree upon is when he said she's mentally immature. That would be a red flag for me too in his situation.


  10. I had a friend like this, she became my best friend, and eventually I had feelings for her that I just couldn't shake… So I told her… In January we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary.

  11. Charge them $5000 a month? I really hope that that is a typo. You better mean 5000 for the whole school year.

    I make 100k a year and can't afford 5000 a month for rent.

    What is wrong with you.

  12. Does she have OCD/Anxiety? Cause her paranoia seems out of the realm of what I would consider reasonable or normal. Does she need a doctor?

  13. Trust but verify. You are the person who is at risk – financially for shared cost or wedding, emotionally due to lack of trust/betrayal/self esteeem, physically via STD's and depression So sure, you should be certain and have every right. Not popular here, but you must watchout for you. Seems likes she is looking our for her.

    Evaluating options. She was pretty clear that she sees her value is higher than it was (regardless of the meds) and is exploring options.

    Run, dont walk., Trickle truth about her emotions with bi-polar concern, while staying overnight somewhere else. This is a character issue as much as behavioral concern. Do you really need this?

  14. He always keeps my phone with him so that i dont text any other guy because he is too possessive.

    No need to even read further than this but you'd be better off being single, figuring out what it means to be in a healthy relationship and go from there.

  15. she still has repeatedly call me a liar and has not been able to forgive me for not being completely honest.

    My (32M) gf (30F) and I have been together for about 18 months

    This doesn't bode well for the health of your relationship. What else is she holding grudges about?

    Yes, you should have been honest – at the appropriate time in the relationship – about finances. She is free to express her dismay and disappointment that you weren't 100% forthcoming however, that does not give her free license to remain angry forever. The minute she was informed of your debt, she had a decision to make: break up with you or express her frustration and then move on from beating the dead horse.

  16. OP you are her sidechick to say it honestly.

    There's no reason why you should basically gift her apartment by putting only her name on contract. If she broke with you over this then good because she just shown that she was using you.

    Also there is no reason why people going through divorce and are separate should spend night together when she's already with you.

  17. My first thought is that there is something else eating at her. Maybe she’s having academic trouble, maybe she has some serious doubts about the relationship (not necessarily related to the whole previous partner sex discussion), maybe her family is pressuring her for something this Easter, or something else is causing her anxiety that she’s not consciously aware of. My wife and I have a word for oddly annoying behavior, we call it “you’re being zzzzt-zzzzt”, and we just call each other out on it (in a kind and not confrontational way). It helps the zzzzt-zzzzt person recognize their odd behavior and reflect a bit and be better able to hopefully discover and communicate what is going on instead of being on edge or however it was manifesting.

    It could also be a mental health thing she could help with. Universities and colleges generally have free talk therapy services for students (who knew putting barely adults through the academic wringer could harm mental health?).

    I wouldn’t press her on the whole “what just happened?” thing right now, she’s spending time with her family to cope, but I would send her a reassuring message that you love her and will miss her this weekend and let her have the space she requested and let her re-engage with you when she’s ready.

  18. Ask him “Where do you see us in the next 5 years?” If marriage isn't one of his answers at this point, marriage isn't on the table for him. You need to find out if he ever wants it and figure out if he is worth being with without marriage. I know some couples who have been together for decades and aren't married/don't want to be. I however wanted to be married so I found a partner with similar values for marriage. It sounds like your bf doesn't want the same things as you.

  19. Tell him to take the money he saved to go get somd therapy so he doesn't act like a controlling asshat to the next girl dumb enough to date his insecure, pathetic ass. Enjoy your trip and make better choices in romantic partners.

  20. It's not about controlling her, she's free to do what she wants. However this is what I don't like about some women is they act oblivious and start drama. If you didn't want drama you don't bang your ex boyfriends best friend. Simple. Yet seems hard to understand for some. Then again I can say the same for his best friend he shouldn't have gone after you either.

    The fact OP is even considering telling her ex that she's sleeping with his best friend just tells me she likes drama. Yeah OP go ahead, text your ex and say' BTW I FUCKED YOUR BEST FRIEND.' See how it goes!

  21. it's been 3 months, you're 21, I'd get that 3 months seems like a lot at that age, but don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

    Make a decision based on if you're ok with arguing all day for the rest of your on-line or not. Not based on how long you've been together.

  22. You don't have to marry him. At 20 you have a shit ton of things you can experience and see. You want to travel and see the world. You won't be able to do thst if you're married, end up having a kid or something. Your whole post is about how you don't want to marry him. Don't then.

  23. I just saw on another post that a girl was “triggered” by her boyfriend referring to himself as insecure.

    These words, which have real and useful meaning, are just being tossed around on-line to try and legitimize people being triggered ridiculous.

  24. Have I established he cheated though? And I feel like I do owe him. We on-line together and love each other and I essentially cheated in the past. Is it dumb to feel like there’s a lot at stake? And if I were to break up with him I’m so terrified. I wouldn’t know where to go or what to do. I have my family but they’re in a different town. Idk. I feel so guilty about what I did in the past and for Being a hypocrite by going through his stuff. And idk where these photos came from or what they mean but it never occurred to me I would find nudes. I essentially fucked around and found out I guess. And I’m not handling it well.

    I need a therapist, clearly lol


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