Dinkyemily live sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Dinkyemily live sex cams for YOU!

  1. This is harassment, tell your parents and download the video as well. If you’re in the USA it’s illegal to film and post a video of a minor without their consent/parents consent.

  2. She wasn’t doing this before though, that’s the issue. If she had a group of friends she would go out with before kids, stopped while the kids were young, and is now going out again when they get a little older, I would completely agree with you. I wouldn’t find it weird at all

    But she’s 39 going out drinking until 2am with new girl friends in their 20s (and it’s not once, OP makes it clear it’s now happening regularly, probably once a week like he used to). That’s weird in my book and I would be very suspicious.

    Combine all of this with the fact that she can’t admit that she was wrong for how she treated OP all those years and she tells him to just get over it? Come on now. Something’s up

    You know if the genders were reversed, the top comment would say he’s cheating.

    But we agree on the hypocrisy aspect.

  3. I think you should be more phased by it. I don't think this is a healthy living situation. She shouldn't, for any reason, be seeking out opportunities to listen to her sibling have sex.

  4. Just about any romantic relationship worth having is going to blow your mind. She’s going to hate something you thought everybody loved or she eats fried bologna at breakfast as if everyone does that (true story). Even the most compatible people are going to have separate interests and differing opinions on something.

    Also, and I have said this a bunch of times to a bunch of people, that little thing she does in bed that drives you wild? She didn’t learn it from a website.

    My advice? Relax.

  5. thank you, i'm actually considering just ghosting him but that would make him suspicious. i guess the best decision that i can make is phase him out slowly and leave him wondering where it all went wrong.

  6. It sounds very sketchy.

    Why can't she get her own room? Something is up. It has to be her choice to share the room. Certainly there was an option where she had her own room and she chose not to take it?

  7. She has no morals…what she did she say is a mistake but she made that decision herself and for a year up to juat before she met you!..do you want this type of woman to be your better half?, the mother of your children?

  8. I would recommend finding a hobby together or even just reading the same book/ listening to podcast ect. There are also a number of things you can by that are topical questions that are amazing for starting conversation and you will both definitely learn something new about each other.

  9. He oversteps in his own relationship and to make it better, he over steps in the one you have with his.

    Cancel the trip. This can only get worse.

  10. For starters My man has a history of being unfaithful and dishonest. Lies when the truth is right in front of him. He gaslights.

    So why are you still dating him if you know all this?

    i feel humiliated about this because i fear of what I know and think it means!

    Yeah, it means exactly what you think it means. He was repeatedly pressuring your friend for sex despite her turning him down repeatedly. None of which should be surprising to you because you already said he has a history of lying and cheating and manipulating you. So I guess the question is are you going to signal to him that this is all fine and stay with him after yet another incident, or are you going to stand up for yourself and leave?

  11. I'm sorry to say it, but it sounds like this relationship may be over. If you are still living separately, and he can not remember any time in the last 4 years that you told him that fingers hurt? That is an issue. That is a long stretch of time to not understand the point and to not understand your sexual desires.

    Many women don't like getting fingered. And/or many men don't understand that area needs time to warm up before someone just tries to start finger-banging it. You are not the only female with these concerns or who experiences pain.

    The sudden change is also a red flag. For many guys if they suddenly change their way or habits, it is often because they are already cheating or over indulging in porn. Something has strayed his focus and he obviously does not care if this hurts you physically or emotionally if he just ignores your explanations, attempts at reconciliation, and just stands there stonefaced.

  12. Tie it to sex. Having sex with a dirt ball is going to severely enhance the chances of getting BV or yeast infections etc. he needs to be washing and brushing his teeth for your health, not just for your sanity.

    No clean, no play.

  13. This time has already been wasted. Look how he treats you. Why would you want to spend another day with that loser?

  14. First of all: do you want to forgive her? I don't really care what your pastor says you should do, he is an obviously biased party in this. So fuck him. If you do want to forgive your wife I would make her one non negotiable offer: you move, preferably out of state, and everyone except immediate family is cut off. You are the kids legal father and if Jim wants a relationship with them make him sue you for it.

    How you and your wife move toward reconciling this absurd betrayal is something else entirely. She is going to have to earn your trust back and you should not make it easy for her.


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