Dianelllefoxter live! sex cams for YOU!

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2 thoughts on “Dianelllefoxter live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I’m saying to myself that having a man that is respectful, doesn’t cheat, takes care of himself etc is very rare nowadays and he can be very sweet sometimes but is it worth it?

    These are not actually rare precious qualities; they are kind of the bare minimum, no?

    He’s also, by the way, not respectful to you at all: he spent most of your relationship lying to you about his interests, beliefs, and passions, has been unwilling to invest in seeing you in person, continues to berate you for not living up to some imaginary ideal he has in his head, and hangs up on you when he’s bored or mildly annoyed by the conversation.

    But, you know, he can occasionally be “sweet,” so I guess none of that matters? (That’s sarcasm).

    No, it’s not worth it, in my opinion. This guy doesn’t seem to actually like you for who you are. He doesn’t make you feel good about yourself. He seems to take you for granted and feels entitled to try to change you into whatever he wants you to be. He doesn’t seem to care much about whether you are getting what you need from the relationship, or even whether you’re having a good time being his girlfriend.

    Are you? Are you enjoying this? What, aside from being able to say you have a boyfriend, does he bring to your life? In what ways does he make your life more vibrant and joyful?


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