CohiFox on-line webcams for YOU!

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hey im Anny , lets get naughty together and do some strip at goal 🙂 [163 tokens remaining]

26 thoughts on “CohiFox on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Just because something is common doesn't make it healthy or “normal”.

    I've been with my boyfriend for a long time and we started dating at 19 and 20 – we've never given each other rules. We've mentioned things that made us uncomfortable and talked them through and either got over or adjusted things but they've never been demanded.

    Also, it's telling that he trusts his (I'm assuming, male) friends to be left alone with you but doesn't trust you around other men…

  2. “I would be pretty frustrated if my partner was giving me a list of non emergent shit to do on a Wednesday when I’ve just worked all day and need to unwind.“

    Totally agree. It almost seems like, maybe subconsciously, she knows he isn’t going to do these things so that she can be more resentful towards him

  3. There’s no cure for an angry drunk. Unless he’s planning to stop drinking (he’s not), you need to get out.

  4. When you called him an overgrown man-child and accused him of using you only for his own sexual pleasure, you nailed it. That has been his playbook all along. Why do you think older guys like him go after younger women? Because women their own age don't buy into their bullshit. They go after vulnerable ones who don't know any better yet. You've just grown up and figured him out. Now, for your sake, leave the bastard for good and go find yourself a real grown up man. I hear the ones in the later 20s to early 30s do pretty well for themselves.

  5. The solution is to live! your life how you want to, including continuing your mentor/ee friendship, and declining to participate in any drama your other friend might try to create. They've already met. She can reach out to him directly if she wants. If she bugs you to do it on her behalf, simply tell her she is welcome to contact him herself.

  6. , most (or maybe even all) EU countries recognize cohabitating partners as having the same legal status as married partners, for purposes of immigration.

    This is usually only the case for EU couples….for non-EU couples, things are VERY different.

  7. As someone who married literally a touring musician in the alt scene, your lifestyle will never align with theirs. It’s not so much how you dress but your flexibility in life. Their lifestyle will always be more fluid and flexible. Your profession and need to conform to fit the ideals of your profession will eventually stifle their sense of freedom.

    Most who live! the alt lifestyle work in fields that are flexible and/or creative. Income will vary depending on their career. Your view on recreational drugs might also not align with many. There is always the possibility of finding a completely sober alt but then you have to be prepared for dating someone who will be fighting an addiction the rest of their lives in most cases.

    Basically, you likely won’t be the chick that can just call out of work last minute and travel cross country for a show. You’re not going to be partaking in the party atmosphere and join in on their vices.

  8. Your husband has a porn addiction. He either needs therapy or you need to leave.

    I don’t want a divorce or separation.

    This is why teens shouldn't get married. You're 20. Barely an adult. As newly weds, these should be the happiest days of your life. You really want to deal with this for the next 50 years??

  9. So does your DNA test match you to cousins on either of your mother's or father's side where it says maternal or paternal?

  10. I hope he reads your comment because you're right. Though in his mind:

    I wouldn't call it fat by any means

  11. Proceed with caution, and treat this as a red flag. He wasn’t ready to talk about this, so he didn’t propose. Now this is all coming to a head and he is unable to communicate.

  12. That’s super immature and I would question her AND her friends’ character. Also what kind of sick friendship is this ? Getting in a competition to see who gets more male attention? That’s bound to create unnecessary drama.

  13. Comments are a garbage dump like usual so I’ll just say this

    It’s got nothing to do with the age gap, you’re just dating an asshole

  14. Man, these kinds of friend circles sound exhausting. Why is everyone so dependent on each other. Get away and grow up

  15. Just hold on! Your life isn't over it just took an unexpected detour because you accidentally picked a 3 turds in a trenchcoat as a passenger to navigate lol

    To continue with this metaphor, you never know what's coming down the road. My single mother got remarried when I was in highschool and has a great relationship with my stepdad. It happened so randomly and unpredictably, too. A friend at her work just introduced them because he just thought they were both good people. I was old enough to not need her constant supervision but clearly counted as baggage to any potential suitors. Didn't matter. It all somehow worked out and they live! a comfy life with their dogs and a swimming pool.

    Meanwhile in bachelor dad land, things never really came to fruition how I think he thought they would. He has been essentially single for my entire life. He moved a lady in with him for a while who he said was a romantic interest but honestly was an absolute nightmare/garbage person and ended up just using him to buy her stuff. Now he's old and honestly kinda old man gross, and has no one to take care of him. He has decent relationship at best with me and my sisters (i have two half sisters from his side who are older than me) which he tries to improve by guilting time out of us. He's going to end up “retiring” to a room in my sisters house because he won't be able to take care of himself. It's actually kind of sad.

    So yeah, the deadbeat dad look isn't really that great, and using your kids as weekend display trophies is quite transparent to anyone with half a brain/isn't looking to just use you for their own gain.

    Just things to think about. I hope my ramblings helped in someway

  16. “Hey, you’re great, but think isn’t working out. I thought I was ready for this kind of relationship, but I’m not. I need to do some work on me. I wish you all the best, and well for your future.”

    Then block her. You can fucking lie. It’s okay. She’s cray-cray.

  17. I can’t comprehend how you thought this would ever be a good idea or turn out well. Idk if he will ever have the same trust in you again

  18. “It’s about time to start getting ready for marriage, having kids and her becoming a stay at home mom with the baby.” You said nothing about her wanting this. Is it 1940?

  19. Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that reading your girlfriend's DMs without her consent was not the right thing to do, and it's important to recognize that this behavior is a violation of her privacy and trust.

    There is nothing wrong in reading her messages when he has real doubts based on her behavior. Why have secrets between partners? If he hadn't looked he never would have known.


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